This article was originally published on 24/7Mirror
1. The Sweetest Moments
This mother-and-daughter duo decided to take some cute selfies together in the car and. when they posted them, people were completely dumbfounded. It was impossible for most people to guess who was the younger one in the picture.
If you're still struggling, we'll tell ya! The mom is on the right, and she was 43 at the time this picture was taken.
2. Are They Clones?
Here goes another pair that makes it nearly impossible to say who is the mother and who is the daughter. The duo was out getting ready when they took this snap of them next to each other.
While they probably get it all the time that they look like sisters, this is probably one of their best "sister-looking" moments. If you guessed the mom was on the right you're... incorrect! That's mom standing on the left. Tricky, right?
3. No Make Up Photo
It's more and more common to see women embracing their natural looks and posting no-makeup photos online. This mom and her daughter decided to follow the trend and to post their own.
Obviously, beauty is definitely genetic in the family and, for all know, they could be twins. They have the same hair, the same smile, and just the same everything!
4. How Is This Even Possible?
Another selfie of a mom and daughter who clearly knew that they look exactly the same and decided to share it with the entire world.
For this pair in specific, it's even harder since they chose to wear the same color of clothing, the same makeup look, hair color, and texture... but ultimately mom is the one sitting on the right.
5. Are They Triplets?
You might have already seen this picture somewhere on the internet since the photo recently went viral and stayed viral until people finally managed to let it go.
For months, online users continued to attempt their luck in pointing out who the mother is and, and who the daughters are in this selfie. We'll give you one last second to guess... that's mom sitting all the way to the left!
6. Another Pair Of Triplets
This photo features a mother and her twin daughters, though it actually looks like we're looking at triplets. You might recognize Youtube and a social media celeb twins Brooklyn and Bailee, whose content mostly focuses on fashion, teen interests, pranks, and beauty.
In this picture, they pose next to their mom, who's standing on the left, and whose resemblance is simply something out of this world.
7. A Beautiful Family
Oh come on, there is no way that an entire family can look this good! The two sisters and their mother love posing together and completely shocking their followers whenever they post a photo of all of them together.
And trust us, we spent a good amount of time trying to figure out who is who, so we'll give you a little help. The mom may be wearing a bun...
8. Reese Witherspoon And Her Daughter
If there is one pair in Hollywood that is known for looking like the same person, that is Reese Witherspoon and her daughter.
The resemblance is simply uncanny and, because of it, they quickly received the twin status label from everyone in the world. Witherspoon, who is 20 years older than her daughter, could very well pass as her sister.
9. The Doppelgangers
It must be so much fun when you realize that you no longer have to look for your doppelganger out there, she is literally your mother!
If we think about it, it's almost a tiny bit disturbing how much they look alike, though we can identify that the mom is on the left in this one. She is probably incredibly proud to have given birth to such a wonderful daughter.
10. Best Friends
At first glance, it's extremely hard to tell these two apart. The copy-paste mother and daughter seem to be the best of friends, as they appear to not only share in looks but in the same interests too.
We can't say that having a mom as a best friend isn't one of the best things ever! So cheers to them, and may they always look this youthful and happy! In case you're still wondering by the way, mom is in the blue on the left.
11. The Tweensies
Everything about this mother and daughter seems to be in sync. From their beautiful curls to their stunning smile, we simply cannot differentiate between these twnsies.
According to the daughter, it almost never fails that someone asks them whether they are sisters or twins. And instead of being bothered by it, she is incredibly proud of looking exactly like her mother. Who is who you're asking yourself? That's mom over there on the left.
12. Demi Moore And Her Daughter
Demi Moore is another celebrity whose Instagram photo of her alongside her daughter went viral because of how much they look alike.
Moore has three daughters, Rumer, Scout, and Tallulah Willis, and while all of them look like her, Rumer is probably her real twin. Obviously, the fact that they’re wearing the same outfit definitely helps.
13. How Is It Possible?
Seriously, it kind of feels like someone is tricking us here and we're totally falling for it! While we have established that it's completely normal for a daughter to take after her mother's looks, it seems impossible for someone to resemble their mom this way.
Either their angle is just incredibly on the spot, or they just really look like twins in real life. Honestly, ever we're not sure who is who although all signs post to the mom being on the left.
14. Perfection Comes In Two
Can you really tell who is the mom here? No way. In the picture, Indian author Shweta Nanda Bachchan is posing next to her daughter, Navya Naveli, who clearly inherited her unique beauty.
We wouldn't be surprised if the author and her stunning daughter are constantly mistaken for each other whenever someone spots them. And while it may not look like it at all, Bachchan, on the right, is 45.
15. Two Generations
Okay fine, you might be able to spot the mom in this one, but it's still not as obvious as you might think. What's more, we bet that you can't actually guess how old she is.
While her daughters were 41 (on the right) and 36 (on the left), when they snapped this picture, their mom (middle) had just turned 63-years-old. What is her secret??
16. Completely Flawless
Can we just talk about their flawless complexion before addressing the uncanny resemblance? Everything about this mother and daughter duo seems calming and perfectly proportional between the two of them.
Their red lipsticks and outfits also add to their twinning situation and, unless you stare really hard, it's impossible to tell who is the mother.
17. It Just Can't Be!
Are you ready for this one? Because as crazy as it may sound to some of us, the mother in this picture could very well be her daughter's sister, though she is actually 61!
It's the woman in the middle, and she is 30 years older than her daughter, yet, barely anyone could tell them apart unless you try really hard to do so. Clearly, the good and youthful genes run in the family, and we're already curious about the next generation.
18. Now This Is A Tough One
Seriously, this list just keeps getting harder and harder. But how fun must it be to have a mom who goes to the gym with you, and poses for cute selfies?
From the looks of it, it seems like they both share interests in fitness and in having a healthy lifestyle, which we totally applaud. All we can say is keep up the good work ladies! P.S. mom is the one on the right.
19. Matching In Black
It's not too hard to see that the youth gene is really working on this one! And by the looks of it, we can bet that it doesn't bother them to look so similar.
The 15-year-old daughter and her mother could easily be mistaken for sisters. You might be able to notice a slight age gap, but there's no doubt that the facial expressions are basically the same.
20. Beauty Runs In The Family
What can you do when your mom is one of the most beautiful and renowned models in the world? Clearly, you can be as flawless as she is! Yasmin Le Bon and Amber Le Bon look incredibly great together, and it's pretty clear that Yasmin gave birth to her mini-me.
Here, both of them are posing for a magazine, showing the world the literal meaning of "like mother, like daughter". It's hard to tell but daughter Amber is the one with the pink hair.
21. A Young Mom And Her Daughter
How cool must it be to have a mom who is so young-looking that you can literally go clubbing together and it doesn't look out of place at all? Hallelujah to the good genes in this one!
The mother and daughter are a spitting image of each other, as the daughter (on the left), took after her mother from literally head to toe. And can we just say that their pose is simply flawless too?
22. A Stunning Family
We don't know about you, but no matter how much time we spend looking at this one, it's nearly impossible to believe that a mother is posing with her six children here - four of whom are already fully grown!
She looks incredibly young, though it seems like she has some pretty grown-up children. If you are wondering how old she is, she is freaking 47-years old, and she's the one in the middle!
23. In Fitness And In Health
There isn't anything better than spending time with our mothers doing what we love! This fitness duo loves doing sports together, and obviously, they're both in amazing shape, so they probably do it quite often.
That seems to have definitely paid off since the daughter looks like a slightly younger version of her mother in this one, and we're totally here for it!
24. Staying In Shape
Fitness trainer Maat Petrova and her three daughters love going on hikes and staying active together. And by the looks of this picture, one thing's absolutely for sure, they all look incredible.
Since their beauty and their resemblance is undeniable, it can be really hard to distinguish one from another. We'll spill the milk though, the mom is the one on the left.
25. A Guilty Kind Of Beauty
You may easily recognize the trio in this picture as Lori Loughlin and her two daughters. Loughlin is the famous actress from the ABC sitcom Full House, who has recently been embroiled in a huge scandal that ended up with her serving time.

Even so, the beauty in the family has passed through the generations, and the trio couldn't look more similar.
26. The Dress Totally Gave Her Away
There is absolutely no doubt in the world that this mother and daughter are basically the same person.
They both love posing, and for real, if it hadn't been for the "seriousness" of her dress, we would have a much harder time telling that the mother is in fact the one on the left. The stunning women sure have good genes in the family!
27. Who Is Who?
It's safe to say that we're nervous about making any guesses with this one, since we've been getting so many of them wrong.
We're literally just going to put the picture here, and leave it to you to decide who is the mother and who are the daughters? Though the longer we stare, the better the guess might be, we're just not going to take any risks. Okay fine, we'll tell you, that's mom in the middle.
28. Two Happy Girls
Everything from their hair, their smile, the size of their eyes, and their overall facial expression leads us to believe that we're looking at sisters here.
Yet, one of them is in fact the mother, and the other one is the daughter, but how to decide? It is very clear though that they are both proud to be so similar to each other. Okay we'll stop teasing you, that's mom on the left.
29. Posing Together
Believe it or not, but the young lady posing next to her two daughters is actually 63-years-old.
We're not sure what kind of magic she did to remain this young and gorgeous, but we completely applaud her. Her daughters are obviously not too far behind, as they too are uniquely beautiful, we just wonder if the youth gene will prevail.
30. Country-Style Mom And Daughter
Okay, so we'll admit that it may be a little bit clear who the mother is here, but still, they look like the same person just a couple of years apart.
They both look stunning in their country-style outfits, and we're not sure what we love the most - the cool boots, the belt buckles, or that unique hat!
31. They Look Like The Same Person
Here we go again, just when we thought we had seen everything we are faced with a duo that couldn't be more similar in their matching outfits.
Once again, it's nearly impossible to tell them apart, and they did a very good job at making it very hard for everyone. If you really want to know then we will say that the mom is on the right side.
32. A Family Moment
How great is it to capture such a beautiful family moment, and to find ourselves wondering, "Who on Earth is the mother here?"
Well, apparently, the mother had her four children at a fairly young age, since she is 38 in this picture and her oldest daughter is 17. If we do the math, she began building her stunning family when she was 21. That's her on the right by the way.
33. You Can Say That Again
Believe it or not folks, in this picture we are looking at a mother and a daughter. It seems impossible, we know, that someone in the photo barely aged and ended up looking this flawless.
One would have thought that they are either sisters, cousins, high school friends, literally anything but mother and daughter. And of course, it doesn't help that they are wearing such similar outfits. If you guessed that mom is in the yellow dress then you are... correct!
34. The Genes Were Really Strong Here
Genes have mysterious ways of working sometimes, and if you don't believe it, then just look at this picture! The mother-daughter combo literally looks exactly the same, leaving us with no idea around which one's which.
Their smile is the same, their haircut couldn't be more fitting, and we bet that their personalities aren't too far apart either. Ultimately though, mom is the one on the right.
35. A Lookalike Selfie
As far as what we see in this picture, we don't know anything anymore. It is almost impossible to point out if the mother is the one on the left or on the right of this selfie, and it feels like they know how confusing it is!
They are so identical that some would say that the way they're posing is purposely there to confuse us all.
36. Try To Spot The Mother
Can you try to spot the mother in this one? We bet that it would take a good few seconds to analyze the entire picture.
If we would really like to guess though, we'd say that the mother is probably on the left, as it looks like someone is dropping someone else off in the photo. Either way, they could have easily fooled anyone.
37. Another Hard One
If you thought it couldn't get better, we present you the mom-daughter duo that even manages to confuse the dad/husband!
According to the duo, the dad/husband often gets confused (especially when they're facing the other side), since their body shape and everything else looks exactly the same. The only difference is the color of the hair.
38. Are They Casual Friends?
Wouldn't you think that you're looking at just two casual friends having fun in this picture? We would have! But as we all know, we're looking at a mother and daughter here, no matter how unbelievable that may sound.
Even more inconceivable is the fact that the mother is actually 51-years-old, can you even believe it?
39. The Groupies
Another mom and daughter pair who not only seem to look alike but also get to share their passion for music by the look of this photo.
With one look at this picture, someone would most probably think that they are just two good friends at a concert. In reality, though, they are a mother and a daughter who inherited some very impressive genes.
40. A Chic Duo
This chic and fashionable mom and daughter duo would certainly be mistaken for sisters if someone didn't know them.
While we can guess that the mother is posing on the right, she has done an incredible job at, not only giving birth to a stunning daughter, but also by clearly taking care of herself! You go girls!
41. There Is No Way
It might be really hard to believe that we are looking at a young 18-year-old girl posing next to her mother here.
You may have to literally stare at least ten times until you attempt to decide who the mother is. After much examination, we're going to say that the mother is on the right, but she could have easily fooled us all!
42. Almost Twins
Thanks to their different hair colors and hairstyles, we're guessing that other people can see that they are not twins - but only for that reason!
If it wasn't for that though, the mother and daughter's resemblance is so prevalent that we would easily say that they're either sisters or even twinsies. There is no doubt that they are both absolutely stunning though!
43. Posing For A Special Occasion
We cannot deny that this mother and daughter are totally rocking their outfits for what seems to be a special occasion.
Though they may not look as similar as some of the other moms and daughters on this list, we can still easily point out that the daughter is on her way to looking exactly like her mom as she grows up. Good for her!
44. Miley Cyrus And Her Mom
Miley Cyrus and her mom's resemblance is uncanny! The singer and actress was born into a family of superstars and seriously good-looking people who all look alike.
Not only does she and her mom look eternally young, but her siblings and dad are not so bad themselves. As a bonus, they all seem to be really close both personally and career-wise.
45. The Ginger Mother-Daughter Duo
These two snapped a photo of a casual mom-daughter moment that shows us how they both look young enough to look like they are basically the same age here.
Since they were aware of how much they looked like each other, the daughter decided to post it to a thread on Reddit that lets people guess who is who.
46. What A Fabulous Family Looks Like
Oh, we see what you did there! The matching outfits almost confused and distracted us for a bit, but the more we share, the more we can point out who the mother is in this one.
While they are all really stunning, we can see that the young girls on the left and on the right are posing proudly with their lookalike mother.
47. Just Hold On For A Second
What if we told you that we are not looking at the mother and her two daughters here. Though that would totally fly, we are actually looking and three different generations in this picture.
That's right, folks! The woman on the left is the grandmother, the one in the middle is the mother, and the one on the right is the grandaughter.
48. Matching Bikini Styles
Now here's another typical example of mothers who could pass as sisters and no one would doubt it!
The duo seems to have the exact same body type, the same expression, the same taste in bikini choices, similar hats, literally everything between them matches. And to be honest, we won't try guessing who is the mother here either.
49. Matching Outfits
Nothing cooler than posing with matching outfits alongside our mom! This girl shared on her Instagram account how much she was grateful to have her mom show her the way.
She specifically alluded to the fact that her grandmother "showed her how to be a mom", and as her mother passed on those values to her, she would pass them on to her child.
50. Supermodel Pair
Okay, so we won't go so far as to say that we cannot point out who is the mother and who is the daughter on this one because well, they're famous so we know who is who.
And yet, Cindy Crawford and daughter Kaia Gerber, who is all grown up now, have both taken the modeling world by storm at their respective times, and of course, their beautiful similarity is astonishing.
51. Lisa Bonet And Zoe Kravitz
If you feel like these two faces are familiar to you, it's because you are looking at boho queens Lisa Bonet and Zoe Kravitz. The stunning and talented celeb mother and daughter simply look like a carbon copy of each other.
Everything including their dark hair, tan skin, sultry eyes, and high-cheekbones screams that they're related, and would easily pass as twins.