This article was originally published on Kueez
The Bride Left Her Best Friend Out Of The Wedding Party For Aesthetic Reasons
There have been plenty of bridezilla stories about people asking their bridesmaids to lose weight, so they look good in pictures. However, in this case, the bride was mad that her bridesmaid lost too much weight.
According to the bridesmaid, the bride was so upset that she wasn't the only skinny one that she threw her friend out of the bridal party. Can you imagine someone being so obsessed with their looks that they won't let their friend be part of their special day?
The Bride Lied To Everyone
Usually, when someone plans their wedding, they have everything figured out down to the smallest details. However, this bride not only lied to the venue about how many people were attending the wedding, but she also lied to her wedding party about all the "day-of" details.
Apparently, there was no staff hired to help set everything up on the wedding day like the bride said there would be, so the groomsmen spent the day hanging flowers, running to get kegs and water, poured champagne for the guests, and set up everything at the venue. They also ran out of food and alcohol because she lied about the number of guests, which only saved her around $1,500.
The Bride's Father Had A Heart Attack And This Was All She Had To Say
You would think that someone wouldn't be able to think about themselves when their father is being rushed to the hospital, but this bride is the exception. On the day of the wedding, the bride's father had a heart attack and had to be rushed to the hospital.
Instead of being concerned about her father's health, all she could say was, "How could you ruin my wedding like this?!" We hope her father made her pay him back for the wedding for treating him like that as he was being carried off on a stretcher.
Bridezilla Ambushed Her Fiancé At Work And Demanded They Get Married
Sometimes people have long engagements because they want a lot of time to plan the wedding, or they aren't in the place to have a wedding right away. After two years of being engaged, this woman was so fed up that she stormed into her fiance's workplace in a gown with bridesmaids and a priest and demanded they get married right away.
Her fiance was in the middle of stocking shelves at Target, and he could not have been more confused. Once she realized people were watching and filming her, she said she was making him commit, or their relationship was over. As she left the store, her fiance said, "Could someone have told me about this?" We don't know if they ended up getting married, but we would run for the hills if we were him.
When A Bridesmaid Couldn't Make It To The Wedding, The Bride Wasn't Having It
Sometimes life gets in the way, and you have to miss other events. One bridesmaid said she couldn't attend her friend's last-minute destination wedding because she had to visit her dying father and figure out his hospice arrangements.
Instead of having some compassion for her friend's situation, the bride was pissed and guilt-tripped her friend, who couldn't afford both plane tickets. It's safe to say these two are no longer friends, and who would want to be friends with a person who has no empathy anyway.
The Bride Asked Her Bridesmaid Not To Get Pregnant
After having an ectopic pregnancy and almost bleeding to death, a woman's friend got engaged and she was asked to be a bridesmaid. The bride had one specific requirement, and told her friend that she wasn't allowed to try for another baby until after the wedding.
The bride requested this no because she didn't want a baby at the wedding or for her friend to look fat. The real reason was that she didn't want the attention taken away from her wedding if her friend lost another baby. The woman was so shocked that she stopped speaking to the bride and declined the offer to be a bridesmaid.
Every Rose Has Its Thorns
When a florist gifted her services to decorate a friend's wedding, it was a huge savings cost for the bride and groom. This wedding went as planned, and everyone loved the flowers. However, after the wedding, the bride and her mom got annoyed at the florist because "she didn't give a gift."
The florist gave her friend $1,000 in floral products without charging, and the bride was extremely ungrateful. It caused a rift in their friendship that was never healed. Flowers are expensive, and no one should be made to feel like that.
The Bride Had One Simple Rule For Her Bridesmaids
When one of her closest friends from college asked her to be a bridesmaid, this person said yes. The bride required her bridesmaids to come to a mandatory bridesmaid meeting and told them not to show up to the wedding looking like a bunch of "coked-out wh***s." She meant that they need to wear natural makeup.

The bride also said the bridesmaids needed her approval for their hairstyles six months before the wedding and stapled the approved hairstyle picture to the itinerary they were given at the rehearsal dinner. We would have backed out when she said there was a mandatory meeting.
Rain On A Wedding Day Is Supposed To Be Good Luck
A woman was asked to be at her cousin's wedding party, and it was raining on the wedding day. There were kids at the wedding party, and everyone was still asked to pose for pictures in the rain. Conveniently, the bride and groom were the only ones with umbrellas.
The bride even made the groomsmen carry her to the reception tent, so she didn't ruin her dress in the mud. She didn't care about the other people in her wedding or if they were wet and cold; it was all about her.
A Hairy Situation
Some people want their bridesmaids to have certain hairstyles for their wedding day, but we have never heard of someone making a friend dye their hair. In this situation, the bride was blonde, and she asked her blonde bridesmaids to dye their hair brunette because she wanted to be the only blonde.
Instead of dying her hair, one of her friends said she would give up her bridesmaid spot. She is so thankful she decided to give up her spot because she heard the dresses and bachelorette party cost the other bridesmaids more than she made in a month.
The Bride Wanted A Pure Wedding
Some people have specific rules for them and their spouse due to religious beliefs, but it usually doesn't extend to their friends. However, this bride had particular rules for her wedding party. She ended up kicking the groom's lifelong best friend out of the wedding because he lived with his girlfriend.
The bride wanted her wedding party to be "pure" even though it was her third marriage, and the first two ended because she cheated. Eventually, the groom and his friend worked past the issue, and they are still friends to this day. We wonder if the couple is still married, however.
Never Invite Ex's To Your Wedding
When a bride invited her ex-boyfriend to her wedding because they were "really good friends," someone should have been suspicious. During the reception, when the bride's new husband went to the bathroom, the bride took the opportunity to kiss her ex-boyfriend on the dance floor. The wedding planner saw, and the bride told her to be quiet.
Towards the end of the night, the wedding planner was informed that the couple hadn't settled the catering bill. She ran outside to catch the couple before they left, and a few days later, she got a call from the groom that the bride was upset about the planner's "unprofessionalism." The wedding planner decided to tell the groom that his wife kissed her ex at their wedding. She never heard from the couple again.
Mother Doesn't Always Know Best
When your best friend gets married, you are usually very excited because you get to be part of their special day. One woman shared the story of when her best friend got married, and she wasn't allowed to be in the bridal party because of the bride's mother.
The bride's mom said the bride's best friend was too overweight, and there wouldn't be a lot of bridesmaid dress choices. She also said it would throw off the wedding pictures. We wouldn't even want to attend the wedding knowing someone said that.
No Food For You
When you go to a wedding, you can expect a few things even if you are a bridesmaid or groomsman, and that includes a meal. At one wedding, the ceremony had ended, and the wedding party headed toward the reception. The bridesmaids and groomsmen were excited to eat until the bride told them something unbelievable.
The bride told the wedding party that they wouldn't get a meal like the rest of the guests because it was a privilege to just be at their wedding. The couple wanted to save some money, but their closest friends ended up starving.
You Might Not Be Able To See, But The Bride Doesn't Care
Being someone's bridesmaid can actually ruin your friendship, and it happens more often than you would think. One bride told her bridesmaids that they weren't allowed to wear their glasses to walk down the uneven outdoor aisle because it would "ruin the aesthetic."
She told the girls the morning of the wedding, so they didn't have time to get contacts. The bride's mom was able to calm her down by saying she looked skinnier and more beautiful than anyone so that no one would look at the bridesmaids in glasses. Now we know the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
Being A Bridesmaid Is A Full Time Investment
As a bridesmaid, you not only have to pay for a specific dress (usually), but you also have to put money towards a bridal shower, a bachelorette party, hair, and makeup for the day of, and then give the bride and groom a gift. It's a lot of money, but brides still expect a lot.
A bride once kicked a bridesmaid out of her wedding because she refused to pay $1,500 for the bachelorette party. The bride's solution was to tell her to open a credit card to pay for everything. This is probably why bridal parties aren't as popular in other countries.
No Coats, No Problem (For The Bride)
While pictures are an important part of a wedding, most couples only care that they get pictures of themselves. However, some brides want every detail to be perfect. When one couple got married in the middle of February, it was 10 degrees outside.
The bride insisted everyone take pictures outside without coats because it would hide the dresses. Even the photographer thought it was cruel. She had a fit on her wedding day, and years later she still complains that her bridesmaids ruined her wedding.
Momzillas Exist Too
While bridezillas are prevalent, momzillas can also ruin a wedding. A wedding planner had been working with a couple, and a few months into the planning, the groom's mom called to change the date of their wedding date. The planner thought it was strange, so she called the couple to confirm.
The couple said that was absolutely not the case, and if his mom tried to call again, ignore her. We wouldn't be surprised if she were one of those women who showed up to the wedding in a white dress.
Halloween Wedding With A Side Of Gore
While people put up with many things because they are at their friend's weddings, there are times to establish boundaries. One bridesmaid said her friend is goth, so she wanted to have her wedding as close to Halloween as possible. That wasn't the problem, but the bride was expecting many things.
The bride wanted her bridesmaids to learn calligraphy and handwrite all of the wedding invitations. The bridesmaids said they got hand cramps and burns on their fingers because they had to seal the envelopes with hot wax. She refused to help them because "she had other things to do."
The Bride Scheduled Compliments Into The Itinerary
Sometimes we can't even believe the stories we hear about bridezillas. One bridesmaid said she received an astonishingly detailed of how to behave on the wedding day. It said things like, "9:25 am: Compliment the bride on how she looks on the most important day of her life."
On the wedding day, the bride got upset because people weren't following the itinerary and complimenting her. This was after months of putting her "friends" through the wringer because she expected them to be available at a moment's notice. Her friends haven't spoken since the wedding.
You Better Work... Groomsmen
Just because groomsmen are there to support the groom, it doesn't mean the bride can't bother them as well. After the wedding ceremony, a group of groomsmen was forced to clean up at the reception and make sure the party ran smoothly.
Whenever they tried to hide and take a break, the bride would yell at them, and her mother would also tell them to keep working. Most of the groomsmen don't talk to the couple anymore.
Bridesmaid Duties Are The Only Thing That Matters
After already attending three dress fittings with the bride, this woman was asked to attend a last-minute fourth fitting on the same day her sister was coming into town. The woman told the bride she was having a family dinner and couldn't make it to the fitting.
Instead of being flexible, the bride said bridesmaid duties should be her top priority, and she should drop everything to be at the fitting. After the woman said no again, she was no longer required to be a bridesmaid and wasn't invited to the wedding.
The Bride Wanted Her Friends To Make All The Decorations
After the bride insisted that her bridesmaids make all the decorations, she got pissed off that they weren't up to her high standards. This was just a month before the wedding because she procrastinated the entire time she was planning her wedding.
The bride thought her bridal party was incompetent, so she wanted to plan her own bridal shower and kept complaining about every detail. To this day, she says she wants to re-do her wedding because of how horribly everything went.
The Maid Of Honor Had Some Surprise Duties
When this person was asked to be the maid of honor for her brother's wedding, she was so excited. The couple told her that they hired a professional photographer, so she made sure her makeup and hair looked perfect.
However, on the day of the wedding, her brother admitted that they hadn't hired a photographer and wanted her to take all the photos. She isn't a professional photographer, but the bride was insistent about her taking pictures.
Clear Out Your Savings
When this person's best friend was getting married, she thought she would be able to save some money because the bride was known for being frugal. She shared her monetary concerns with her friend because she was working and in school, so she also couldn't take much time off.
The bride insisted that they take a week-long trip for the bachelorette party, and the two bridesmaids had to foot the bill for that and their dresses. She ended up spending over $1,000 on the whole thing and had to do the bride's hair and makeup on her wedding day for free.
When The Entire Bridal Party Leaves
You know the person is hard to deal with when people witness an entire bridal party walking out on the bride. The only one who stayed behind was her maid of honor because she felt like she had to even though the bride's behavior was completely unacceptable.
The bride claimed that everyone left because they hated her and wanted to ruin her day. However, it was actually because she ripped one of the bridesmaid's dresses from the neck down because it was "too white." The bride was the one who specifically picked the dresses.
Destination Weddings Don't Always Work For Everyone
Destination weddings can be lovely, but it is a huge cost for those who have to make travel arrangements to attend them. One couple decided to get married in Cuba, and someone in the wedding party was flying from Canada.
The person had to pay for their suit, flight, and hotel, so they gave a small cash gift. After the wedding, the bride's family had the nerve to email the person and asked why they only gave $100. Everything else cost the person $1,300, but apparently, it was a privilege to be at the wedding.
She Created A Contract For Her Bridal Party
One bride went viral on TikTok because she shared that she made a contract for each of her bridesmaids. Some of the things in the contract said that they needed to pay $500 for the bachelorette party and $200 for a bridesmaid dress.
The internet was split on whether this was mature or a bridezilla move. While she is laying out all the details ahead of time so that the bridesmaids know what they are getting into, it seems kind of strange to make them sign a contract.
Makeup Your Mind
When a bride says they will pay for the hair and makeup of their bridal party, the bridesmaids usually rely on that to save some money because other costs are expensive. However, after this bride promised that, she rescinded the offer two weeks before the wedding.
The bride told her bridesmaid she needed to drive two hours to buy specific makeup that was quite costly. The person was then criticized for not giving a gift despite being told, "being a bridesmaid was a gift enough."
Bridesmaid Blues
After asking 16 different women to be her bridesmaids, six of them dropped out and three of those were her sisters. The bride had such high demands like finding 16 different shades of blue for the bridesmaid dresses, but the store didn't have those colors.
The bride also demanded that everyone pay for a week-long bachelorette party in Vegas and got mad when people didn't want to attend. She apparently even went $80,000 over her parents' budget, and they had to take a loan out to pay for it.
The Bride Didn't Let Her Friend Have A Birthday
When a bride planned her bachelorette party the same weekend as her friend's birthday, she refused to allow a birthday cake because she didn't want the attention taken away from her. She didn't even want people to mention the birthday on the trip.
However, the other bridesmaids thought that was unfair, so they secretly got some balloons and a cake and tried to keep it a secret from the bride. While they were having their mini celebration, the bride walked in, saw everything, and stomped out of the room.
The Bride Ghosted Her Maid Of Honor Until The Day Before The Wedding
When her best friend got engaged, this woman was so excited to go dress shopping and help with all the wedding details. However, it turned into a nightmare. The bride purchased everyone's dresses and shoes, and bought her maid of honor a small size that didn't fit, and claimed that she owed her $250 for it.
The maid of honor also tried to plan the bridal shower, but the bride never wanted to set a date. The bride ended up having a bridal shower without telling her friend and then got mad when she didn't show up. The woman didn't attend her friend's wedding, but the bride showed up after the reception and demanded her money.
Uncomfortable For Everyone
Being a bridesmaid might look fun from the outside, but it is an absolute nightmare when you are dealing with a bridezilla. One bride shared that she had to sign a contract with ridiculous demands, and she wished she had the courage to decline the offer altogether.

In the contract, the bride said the bridal party couldn't get fake tans because she didn't want them to be tanner than her. She didn't allow them to wear false lashes because she wanted to have the longest lashes, and they also couldn't have whiter teeth than her. Each bridesmaid also had to pay $400 for a dress, $100 for shoes, and $250 for jewelry. That's actually insane.
"He's Dead To Me"
When you work in the wedding industry, you see and hear a lot of crazy stories like this one. A person was working as a bridal fitting assistant in a wedding dress shop, and a bride came in claiming her fiance died, so she wanted a refund on the dress.
A few weeks later, the same bride came back because they made up and she wanted to get her dress. It seems that when she said he was dead, she meant he was dead to her.
Everyone Loses Except The Bride
Some brides want to have everything their way and don't let their fiances have a say like this woman. A couple came into a tuxedo store, and the bride said, "I need a penguin suit for my fiance." The salesman didn't think much about the statement because it's a common phrase until she pulled out a picture of an actual penguin.
The bride made him get a jacket with tails and a black vest and spent an hour deciding which shoes looked the most like flippers. The bride also special ordered an orange bowtie so it would most closely match a penguin's scruff.
The Show Must Go On
Weather is hard to predict, and something people can't control, but there should always be a backup plan with weddings. It was 45 degrees outside during an October wedding, and the bride refused to move the ceremony inside even though there was a beautiful room to hold the wedding in.
Everyone was freezing, and her bridesmaids were wearing strapless dresses without shawls. The wedding quartet said they wouldn't play outside if it were under 55 degrees because it can ruin the instruments, but they played anyway, and the bride didn't even thank them.
A Wedding Planner's Nightmare
Wedding planners probably have the toughest jobs in the wedding industry because of how much they have to put up with. One wedding planner was working solo with a massive bridezilla who hired her a couple of weeks before the wedding.
When the wedding planner showed up on the day of the wedding, she was met with an entire antique market because the bride wanted a rustic Pinterest wedding. She clearly thought a wedding planner's job was to decorate and plan the event. The wedding planner worked the whole day without eating until 11 at night because the bride was so demanding.
The Bride Wanted The Entire Year To Be About Her
We understand if a bride would be offended that her friend got engaged on her wedding day, but people should be happy for their friends. One bride had a massive meltdown because her friend got engaged and planned to get married in the same year.
The bride was upset that her friend tried to "steal her thunder" and thought that the entire year should be about her. She didn't care that her friend was planning to have it in a different season, months apart from the bride's wedding.
"Please Don't Wear Makeup"
While we understand if a bride wants her bridal party to have certain makeup looks, we would never expect a bride to say her friends can't wear makeup at all. Two weeks before a friend's wedding, the bride asked if her bridesmaids would mind not wearing makeup.
The bride and the maid of honor wanted to be the only ones wearing makeup in the bridal party, which is unheard of. Did she think other women attending the wedding would also forgo makeup because she wanted to be the only one wearing it?
The Marriage Probably Didn't Last Long
At one of the most expensive weddings this person had catered, they witnessed a bride lose her mind because she was given cut green beans instead of French-style cut green beans. She was rude to everyone and spent the entire party yelling at her new husband.
The groom looked miserable the entire time, and who could blame him. Three months after the wedding, they never made the final payment for the food or the venue. She couldn't afford it because she was paying for divorce lawyers. No one had to be a psychic to predict that.