This article was originally published on WackoJaco
1. When You Want To Audition For A Role In Frozen, The Cat Version
This cat was too curious for its own good and decided to check out a cardboard box filled with packing material. Unfortunately, the cat soon realized that the styrofoam packing peanuts easily stick to his fur.
His owner pulled the cat out of the box only to find he was covered in little bits of styrofoam. You can see the immense shame on his face and the incredible desire for someone to remove all of the foam from his body.
2. "Someone Help Me!!!"
This cat had seen how relaxed her owners felt when they floated in the pool, so she decided to try it out. Unfortunately, the second she got in the pool, she wanted to get out, but it was too late. She had floated into the middle and couldn't reach the edge.

You can see the look of sheer terror on her face as she floats further away from the safety of the solid ground. It looks like she will never be able to touch dry land again, and she is lost at sea. Hopefully, someone dragged her out before she actually fell into the water.
3. Grumpy Cat Does Not Like The Rain
Cats are not big fans of water, so we can only imagine the rage this one is experiencing as he is stuck outside in the rain. We have never seen a more angry-looking cat since the late and great Grumpy Cat. If these people don't let the cat in soon, they are going to be in big trouble.
It must have been sunny when he walked outside, but he forgot to listen to the weather forecast and ended up in the middle of a storm. It's too bad that there isn't a cat channel on TV so they can understand the weather report.
4. When You Try To Recreate The Stunts You See On The Internet
You walk into your bedroom, and your cat looks at you like, "you must be wondering how I got in this situation." Either he was climbing to see what was outside or auditioning for "Cat du Soleil." Whatever he was doing, he needed help getting out of the situation.

This cat was too curious for his own good, and he instantly regretted his actions. Unfortunately, he has been slacking at the gym, so his upper body strength could not help him out of this predicament.
5. "Have You Seen The Cat, It Was Just Here"
He was chasing the cat, and then it suddenly disappeared. Where could he be? The dog might find out in a few seconds. The cat must be a ninja sent to spy on the dog population, and his cover was almost blown.
Luckily the cat used his ninja skills to outsmart the dog and hide just in time. He was so close to being captured by the family dog, and at the last minute, he jumped to escape danger. If the cat jumps on the dog, he will never be chased again.
6. The Cat Took His Tail, So The Lizard Got Revenge
"I got your nose; I got your nose!" The lizard must be mocking the cat because the cat snatched its tail. The cat probably deserved a bite on the nose, considering how often it bothers the lizard. Luckily, the lizard's tail can grow back, unlike a cat's nose.
You can almost see a single tear coming from the cat's eye, which proves they have feelings and emotions. If the owners can't get the lizard off, they could just leave it, and call it a nose piercing.
7. "I Fit, I Sit, I... Regret"
There must have been something interesting in this empty jar for the cat to crawl inside, but we are assuming it wasn't worth it. This looks like something out of a cartoon when the character takes on the shape of the object they are stuffed into.
If we had found this cat, we would be terrified. The cat figured out how to get in there, but how will it get out? It seems like it is going to take some maneuvering to get this silly cat out of the jar.
8. Cat Tried To Drink From The Bathtub, But It Didn't Go As Planned
She wanted to know what came out of the faucet and why her human was always going in the tub. Curiosity got the best of her, and she fell straight into the rushing water. At least she is squeaky clean compared to her usual self-cleaning techniques.
It is quite impressive how long she held on before she slipped into the horrible stream of water that cats have nightmares about. Maybe her ultimate goal was to find a few fish to eat, but she didn't know they don't come out of the faucet.
9. "Can I Take Your Coat?"
This majestic cat decided to leave his position as the family cat to pursue a career in the art of coat checking. He got the idea when he was looking in the bookcase and found some light reading about etiquette. He read the chapter about how to treat houseguests and was instantly intrigued,

Not only does this cat look like one of the fanciest felines we have ever seen, but he could also pass for a cat cosplaying as Napolean. He might be the only cosplaying cat, but he is also the best.
10. "Did You Really Buy Me Low Fat Food, Karen?"
When your owner puts you on a diet and tries to pass off the low-calorie food for your regular Fancy Feast. This cat clearly knows the difference between good and bad food, and he is not a fan of whatever he is eating.
The look of pure disgust on this cat's face is priceless. Everyone can relate to eating something that totally grosses them out from the second it touches their tongue like this kitty.
11. SpiderCat, SpiderCat, Does Whatever A SpiderCat Can
The amazing SpiderCat is back to fight crime in a neighborhood near you. This cat does all his own death-defying stunts, but he has trouble when it comes to getting down from high places. For example, SpiderCat can climb trees, but he can't get back down.
It is unclear how this cat managed to climb up the side of the house since there are no ledges, but it got stuck and needed rescuing. It seems that SpiderCat needs one of the other Avenger cats to save him.
12. "Help, Something's Chasing Me!"
"Let me in!" This cat looks like it ran straight into the door because something spooked it outside. The look of sheer terror on its face makes you wonder what could be so scary. Maybe it was a dog, or it could have been its own shadow that scared this feline.
Imagine you are enjoying a cup of coffee when you hear something crash into the glass door. It would be surprising to find your cat urgently clawing to get inside. We may never know what scared the cat, but we can imagine the cat provoked the attack.
13. Cat Vs Slinky, The Slinky Was Victorious
This owner got a rare sighting of the majestic rainbow cat. This unique cat only comes around every 1,000 years. This version of the rainbow cat is slightly derpy compared to its magical ancestors that came before him. The cat has special powers to bring you luck for the whole year.
This cat must have confused the slinky with a toy tunnel and got his head stuck when he realized it was too small to fit him. Now he is stuck like this until his owners rescue him. Unfortunately, they are too busy taking photos to help him out of the predicament.
14. "Surprise! Now Get Me Down From Here"
This cat must have thought there was a surprise party happening, so it hid in the blinds. When her owner walked in, she yelled, "surprise," and at the same moment realized she was stuck. Her owner was not only shocked but also concerned for the sanity of the cat.
It's possible the cat was playing with the blinds when someone opened them, so she held on and got pulled up to the ceiling. The cat is probably wondering why someone is taking a picture instead of helping it.
15. Went To Pick Up Face Wash And Came Home With A Cat
When you go to the store for milk and come back with a pet, it seems that CVS decided to dive into the animal market, apparently, and start selling cats. Now you can buy a cat, cat food, and your prescriptions all in one convenient place.

The cat must really love CVS, so he tried to make the bag a place to sleep. However, once he managed to get inside the bag, he quickly realized he was stuck and started meowing for help.
16. Be One With The Food
This cat still hasn't figured out how to eat from this unique bowl. What one person thinks is the wrong way; a cat thinks it is right. This kitten is an innovator and found a way to lie down while she eats.
Some will say it's lazy; others will say this is a smart kitten. She is living by the motto, "work smarter, not harder." It is all about finding the best and most comfortable way to enjoy your meal.
17. This Is A Cat-Astrophe
"I know what you are thinking, but I swear, the ball of yarn attacked me first, and then a fight broke out." This cat somehow got itself entangled in the ball of yarn. We didn't know that cats were actually obsessed with balls of yarn until we saw this photo.
Although the cat was keeping itself entertained, it didn't realize that the ball of yarn would attack. Now his human has to cut all of the yarn off and throw it away—what a waste of perfectly good thread.
18. When You Know You Are Not Fine
This cat knows he is stuck, but it is acting like that is a comfortable place to sit because he is embarrassed. Despite how calm the cat is acting, it is probably so uncomfortable and scared, so hopefully, someone rescued it.
The biggest question we all have is, how did this cat get itself in this position? It looks like it was desperate for fresh air, so it squished itself through the crack to get to the outside world.
19. When You Try To Reach Something That Is Just Slightly Too Far Away
This cat looks like he was trying to capture his mouse toy that was on the other side of the fence when he got stuck. It was just out of reach, and he cramped up in an odd position. Thankfully, someone was around to capture this hilarious moment.
Instead of attempting to climb over the fence, he thought he could go through. Sometimes cats do the silliest things, yet people still believe they are going to rule the world someday.
20. "Did Someone Say Food?!"
Cats love to play in cardboard boxes. No matter how many toys they have, a cardboard box is always their first choice for a place to sit, play, and sleep. This cat was enjoying some time in the cardboard box, and mysteriously got stuck inside.
It looks like someone didn't realize the cat was in the box and closed it, only for the cat to pop its head out. He looks like he is about to say, "Excuse me I was sitting in here, how dare you trap me inside."
21. "I Thought This Would Be More Comfortable"
This is also how you look after a late night when you wake up the next morning and are wondering what happened, and how you ended up on the couch. This cat looks like she had a rough night, and thought it would be funny to hide in the cushions.
Now that she is stuck between the cushions, she is going to need some water, an Advil, and help to get out from the soft trap she fell into. Although it may appear comfortable, she is being squished in all the wrong places.
22. The Hose Attacked First, And Then It Was An All Out Brawl
You never know when the hose is going to attack, and this cat got caught off guard at the wrong moment. As soon as the water started flowing through it, the cat got entangled, and he was trapped.
When his owner wanted help in the garden, he didn't realize how dangerous the job would be. After he got tangled, the cat spreading, "Ok, I will stop bothering the dog if you help me out of this."
23. "For The Last Time, I Am Not A Baby, I Am A Cat"
Go outside, they said. It will be fun and safe, they said. Well, according to this cat, anyone who suggested going outside was wrong, and it was a horrible idea. She didn't know that going out would give her owner this crazy idea.
If we were that guy, we wouldn't be smiling because the second the swing comes back, the cat will probably jump out and claw him. We would not want to be on the receiving end of that vicious attack.
24. "Help! I'm Drowning In The Cushions"
These people might want to get rid of that sofa because it has a taste for their family pet. We didn't know that sofas could eat things, but then again, we still haven't found the remote that has been missing for the past two years.
This cat must have been precariously walking along the back of the couch, and then it slipped in between the cushions. Where is the depressing Sarah McLachlan music when you need it?
25. The Cat Door Wins Again
This cat wanted to spend some alone time with the feather duster, but that door foiled his plans. He tried and tried to help the duster through, but it was no use; the two of them were stuck inside.
The cat has seen the dog attempt this task many times when it tries to bring in a tree branch, but the cat never learned. How long do you think the owner stood there watching before they took the duster away from the cat?
26. Nothing To See Here, Just An Overflowing Container Of Flour
This person was going to refill the flour container when they realized it was already overflowing with fur. Cats will sit anywhere that their bodies can fit. This one might have fit in the container, but it looks like it could be stuck in there.
It is as if cats assume they are part liquid so that they can take the shape of whatever object they sit in. Although they can squish themselves inside something, it does not mean they can always get out.
27. "I Got Up Here, But I Do Not Know How To Get Down"
It is a mystery how this cat got on top of the door, but once he was up there, he realized he was stuck. It is a good thing that cats have nine lives considering how often they get themselves into odd situations.
The cat was probably regretting climbing up there because the streak of light it was chasing disappeared. Now it has to sit up there meowing until someone helps him down.
28. He's Just Checking The Sturdiness Of Those Blinds
For some reason, cats love to destroy any blinds they can get their paws on. It must be so exciting for them to climb on something that can possibly fall off the window. This cat was enjoying his daily test of the durability of the shades when his human caught him.
Maybe the cat was trying to prepare for beach season, so it was doing some pull-ups. Yes, even cats can be self-conscious of their bikini bodies. Whatever the cat was doing he got caught, and he was trying to think of an excuse.
29. "Toss Me The Ball, I'm Open....Never Mind"
While everyone knows that cats don't like water, many people are unaware that many also dislike snow. This is photo evidence of the hatred cats have for the ice-cold snow. Someone threw a snowball at it, and it was not happy.
The cat willingly walked into the snow, and it was intrigued by the snowballs, but once it got one, that was enough. He walked right back inside and decided not to go back in the snow until the snowball fight was over.
30. When You Hear Your Cat Making Noises In The Bathroom, And Find This
They say, "curiosity killed the cat," and that could not be more true. This cat knows he messed up. Instead of the cone of shame, it is now the tissue box of shame.

The second the cat put his head in the tissue box; he knew it was over for him. He had to succumb to the embarrassment and call out for help until a human came to his rescue.
31. When You Are Trying To Stay Fit And Eat Healthy
Just when you thought your house plants would be safe from the cats, if you hung them up, you were wrong. The cat accepted your challenge and showed you that cats are superior to human brains, but there is one problem for the cat; how will it get down.
While the cat was trying to prove that your house plants will never be safe, it made a huge mistake and got stuck on top of the shower door. The only way for it to survive was to eat the plant for nutrients so it could have the strength to jump down.
32. "The Children Always Ruin My Tanning Sessions"
This is what happens when you leave cats around children with sidewalk chalk. The cat looks so angry like he just wants to say, "take a picture, it will last longer." Well, it's a good thing his owner decided to capture this moment for the internet to see.
This pretty kitty had a yearning to be fabulous and colorful, but once he saw the results, he was not pleased. To be fair, the cat is the one that trusted the children to give him a good dye job, so he shouldn't have expected much.
33. A New Kind Of 8-Ball
This cat thinks it is so clever until he gets hit in the head with a pool ball. Those things feel like rocks, so getting hit in the head is not worth hiding inside the billiards table. How did it get in there in the first place?
We can imagine that the cat was so curious about the colorful balls, so it chased one down the hole and got stuck inside. The next time someone when to play pool, they heard meowing and realized that is where the cat has been for the past few days.
34. Puss In Boots
This cat must have been watching Puss in Boots and wanted to be just like the cat on the TV. Although he shares the same fur color, he is wearing the wrong kind of boot. This one is out of style, and should only be worn for broken feet.

Instead of looking like the fierce, crime-fighting cat that he saw on TV, he is helplessly stuck in an orthopedic boot. Also, is anyone else wondering how it got in there? It almost looks like someone put it in the boot and strapped it in, which would be mean.
35. Do You Want Some Cat With Your Water
Now with every pack of water you buy, you get a free cat! We aren't sure how this cat managed to get itself inside the small space, but cats are magical like that. This one must be practicing its contortion skills in hopes of getting a spot in the circus.
This silly cat is taking the "if I fit, I sit," challenge to the extreme. It is probably going to need some help getting out of this situation.
36. A Sticky Situation
She was trying on the roll of tape to see if it would make a cute hat, one thing led to another, and it was stuck. This cat is in a real sticky situation. Someone help it.
The tape must have been very interesting to this cat, but you can tell it realized the tape wasn't worth it. Now the cat is humiliated and mad at his owner for posting this embarrassing photo to the internet.
37. Trying To Find Something To Wear To The Pet Ball
"What? I was just looking for something to wear tonight. Do these hangers make me look fat? If I try them in black, it will be more slimming." This cat was raiding the closet when it got stuck in the hangers and started crying for help.

Imagine you come home and hear something moving in your closet only to find this. That would scare the pants off anyone, but then you would instantly start laughing at how dumb your cat is.
38. When You Try To Get All The Crumbs
In the middle of the night, this cat's owner woke up to the dog barking in the kitchen only to find this. Cats are notorious for getting their heads stuck in jar-like objects because they are too curious for their own good.
This cat must have gotten hungry in the middle of the night, so it went searching for a snack. Instead of breaking into the full treat jar, it got into the empty one and tried to get the crumbs from the bottom. Unfortunately, it got caught and didn't get the snack it was looking for.
39. Always Making Life Harder Than It Has To Be
You have to wonder what makes people think cats are smart animals when you see things like this. Why walk through the door that's wide open when you could get stuck in the cat door.

This cat must be used to going through the small exit, so he refused to walk through the open door. However, we bet he is regretting this choice considering the position it is stuck in.
40. "Well, Now What Do I Do?"
This cat is in quite the predicament. It managed to climb on top of the railing, but now it is stick on the tiny spot. The cat knows it is in trouble because it will fall no matter which way it tried to climb down.

It is possible that this photo was taken around Halloween time, and the cat saw all the decorations and wanted to imitate them. He looks just like the typical black cat decorations that are festive for the fall.