This article was originally published on TheFunPost
1. Who Cares About The Planet Anyway?
It's all fun and games when people have an outdoor event until it's time to clean up. We don't know why trash cans have become such a confusing thing to use, but people seem to forget that they have to throw away everything they brought to the party.

If mother nature could clean up after everyone, she would. However, people are ruining the planet by leaving plastic all over the park, eventually ending up in the ocean. We aren't trying to be all high and mighty, but it's just common courtesy to clean up your garbage.
2. Not Something You Want To Go Viral For, But She Doesn't Care
The thought of licking ice cream and putting it back in the store freezer screams coronavirus today, but people didn't think like that a year ago. A teenager thought it would be funny to lick ice cream, film it, and put it back in the freezer. The video went viral, and to nobody's surprise, it received a lot of negative backlash.

We don't know what happened to the teens of today, but they have absolutely no regard for other people. They will do anything to go viral on the internet, even if it risks making other people sick. Come on, Gen Z, please do better.
3. Sure, Change Your Baby In The Middle Of The Restaurant, No One Was Trying To Eat
If you saw someone put their baby on the table at a restaurant and start changing their diaper, would you get up and leave? There are so many things wrong with this, especially because there are changing tables in the bathroom. In what world is this appropriate?

We understand that having children is not a walk in the park, but no one else should have to see your child's dirty diaper when trying to eat. At the risk of sounding like a "Karen," we hope the restaurant asked her to leave for doing this or gave people free dessert.
4. Ruin The Plants, But Do It For The Clout
If there is a chance to go viral on TikTok, teenagers will go out of their way to get the perfect video. They might harm some innocent plants in the process, but who cares when they might get 800 likes? (We're obviously joking!) The conservatory staff asked the woman to get away from the cacti, but she wasn't done doing the "Renegade."

If you saw a sign that said, "do not cross this line" or "do not walk in the exhibit," would you ignore it or follow the rules? Maybe teens don't know how to read signs or think those rules don't apply to them, but there seems to be a problem.
5. This Little Girl Will Be Traumatized Forever
This young girl will probably be traumatized for the rest of her life because she had to sit through an entire baseball game with this woman's nasty feet inches from her head. Although there is no one sitting in front of her, why did she have to take off her shoes and air out her toes?

She must be the Queen of Sheba to think that she is above the rules of society and can do whatever she wants. This woman is setting a poor example for the child she is with, and she should know better as an adult.
6. Does Anyone Smell Something Fishy?
This woman must be unaware of her surroundings to think it is okay to put the fan under her skirt in a public place. Out of all the rude things on the list, this one is the worst. Not only is that absolutely disgusting, but other people were probably relying on that fan to keep the room cool.

Doesn't this grind your gears? We want to reach through the screen and tell this woman a thing or two about manners. No one wants to see this or smell that. It's people like this that ruin things for everyone else. After this woman, the office probably removed the fan so it wouldn't happen again.
7. Someone Get This Person A Foot Scrubber And An Etiquette Book
Did this person walk through the mud before boarding their flight? Besides the fact that they are in dire need of a pedicure, they should reconsider putting those nasty toes on someone else's armrest. Airplane seats are far from comfortable, but that doesn't mean you can forget about human decency.

We would insist that this person get a pedicure when we land because no one should have to witness feet like this ever again. If anyone does feel the need to put their feet up on a plane, at least wear socks so people don't have to see your toes the entire flight.
8. No One Was Going To Buy Those Vegetables Anyway
At first, we couldn't see the problem with this one, but then we realized this woman decided to take a seat on the vegetables. She got tired, so the best idea she had was to sit on the food. Doesn't sitting on fruits and vegetables make them go soft? Who would want to buy produce that has touched a stranger's butt?

It looks like she chose to sit on the avocados, which are now being marketed as fresh guacamole because they all got smashed. Does the grocery store need to put signs up that say, "Do not sit on the displays?" We didn't know that wasn't common knowledge already.
9. Child On The Loose, Wanted For Licking Salt Shakers
If anyone needed proof that children have no manners today, then here is the photo evidence. This boy loves salt so much that he decided to go around the restaurant, shoving the salt shakers in his mouth. He probably got the flu after this incident.

Where were his parents when this was happening? Did they think this was too cute to correct? We would be mortified if we saw our child doing this because it is not only gross, but now the employees have to wash and restock all the salt shakers.
10. Sir, You Dropped Some Garbage
We don't know what this man is going through to sit in Target and eat an entire party bag of fun-sized candy, but he doesn't have to throw his wrappers on the ground. The employees already have enough work to do, so they don't need him to add to their workload.

The staff wouldn't go into his home and throw garbage on the floor, so why is it ok to do it in public? Sometimes you can give children a pass for bad behavior because they don't know any better, but adults have no excuse as they should know right from wrong.
11. Used The Bread To Cushion Her Knees And Left It Behind
While some people can't afford to put food on the table for their families, this woman thought it was acceptable to waste three loaves of bread so she could cushion her knees to look at the other loaves of bread. Can someone please explain the logic to us?

Instead of buying the loaves she used as knee pads, she decided to leave them behind, not even putting them back on the shelf. This man caught her on camera and let the internet shamers do the rest. She really had no regard for anyone else who wanted to buy bread.
12. The Airplane Floor Is Her Personal Trash Bin
This might be a personal opinion, but we think there should be an etiquette portion added to the safety video played at the beginning of every flight. Airlines, feel free to take this idea and run with it because some passengers really don't understand how to act, like this woman.

Instead of collecting her pistachio shells, she thought it would be better to throw them on the floor. Maybe she has never been on a plane or heard of a trash bag, but someone should tell her that this is disgusting. Now the next flight will take longer to board because they had to spend extra time cleaning up.
13. The Neighbors Decided To Shoot An Arrow In Our House
Where do these people live that their neighbors are shooting arrows at other people's homes? Instead of shooting towards the target, these people aim at their neighbor's house. This was the fifth time this happened to these people.

If these were our neighbors, we would send them the bill for all the damages they caused. Would you stick around or start to look for places to move? That isn't always an option for people, but they shouldn't have to live like this.
14. This Is Why They Say, "Don't Block The Walkway"
When there is a walkway attached to a parking lot, there are signs that state, "Do not block the walkway." Most people follow the signs, but there is always that one person who thinks the signs don't matter. Here is a prime example of why these warnings are posted.

The emergency helicopter landed, and the hospital crew couldn't get to the helicopter pad because someone blocked the path. In this situation, someone's life could be in danger just because someone didn't feel like waiting for a parking space. Think about that next time you see someone parked illegally.
15. Oh, The Irony
Since these people are clearly parked over the line, will they have the same mindset if someone dings the side of their car? We hope the person who took the picture left them a note about the irony of their bumper sticker. These people are basically asking for someone to hit them.

If you can't practice what you preach, then why have an aggressive bumper sticker? There are plenty of people who don't know how to park correctly, which should be worthy of a ticket. Is it tough to park within the lines of a space?
16. No One Else Wants To Sit, Don't Worry
Let's be honest; no one likes waiting at the airport, especially if your flight is delayed. It is usually hard during the busy seasons to find a seat near your gate, but it might be because these people thought it would be ok to take over a whole row so they could lie down.

We know traveling is tiring, but that isn't an excuse to throw manners out the window. There are plenty of people who have to stand in the back because these people are taking up about 20 seats. It is highly inconsiderate, but everyone else is probably too polite to wake them up.
17. She Is Trying To Cut The Line, But She Got Caught
This woman tried to pull the trick of standing on the side of the line to cut it, but someone caught onto what she was doing. If everyone has to wait in line, no one gets an excuse to go in front of people who followed the rules. If she had to be somewhere, she should have gotten there earlier.

Maybe she could have asked nicely to go in front if she were running late, but she decided to ignore everyone and sneak around the line. No one else seems to notice what she is doing, so she must be used to cutting lines.
18. Teens Are The Downfall Of Society
We don't know what happened with Gen Z, but they turned out to be so inconsiderate of other people in public. When we were children, our parents would have been furious if we took up all these seats on a crowded train when people are standing.

All these teens care about is if they are comfortable; they are not worried about all the other people who have to stand because there aren't any available seats. Someone get their parents because they need to learn how to act in public.
19. Great Parking, Pal
This person decided to take up two spaces in the parking garage for absolutely no reason. It's not like they have a big car that wouldn't fit in the narrow spot; they just didn't care to fix their park job. If someone scratches their car, they can't be mad because they parked horribly.

If your assigned spot were 111B, you wouldn't be able to park in the garage until this person moved their car. When people take up multiple spaces, it seems like they do it on purpose and not because they don't know how to drive. Everyone should have to take a parking test every ten years.
20. What Kind Of Animals Did This?!
Was there an earthquake, or did the Tazmanian Devil come through this store? We have to chalk the one up to poor parenting. Although it's not right to parent-shame because it is not an easy job, they let their kids destroy an aisle without saying anything.

Imagine you worked at this store, and this is what you had to clean up. That would be so infuriating, especially because store employees don't get paid enough for the things they deal with like this. For every toy that was opened or damaged, the parents should pay for it.
21. Gender Reveal Parties Ruining The Earth One Stunt At A Time
There was a time when gender reveal parties didn't exist. But now we live in a world where everything requires a big song and dance. Gender reveal parties are all about the big surprise, but what happened to the simple cake cutting to see pink or blue? Now people are starting wildfires and littering parks with confetti.

Congratulations to these people for having a baby boy; however, they could have picked up the confetti they left behind. Instead, they had their party and left behind garbage for someone else to deal with. Hoepfully they got biodegradable confetti to be eco-friendly.
22. Some People don't Teach Their Children Manners, And It Shows
These children went to the library and left the community area a mess. The library might be open for everyone, but not all people deserve it. The children weren't there alone, so their parents should have told them to clean up the mess.

The parents probably thought someone gets paid to clean up, so they don't have to. Most people who work at libraries are volunteers and don't get paid, so people should remember that next time their kids decide to trash a place.
23. Was There A Fire Drill Or Are People This Rude?
There are only a few reasons for a movie theater to look like this. One, the movie was filled with jump-scares so people threw the popcorn in a moment of terror. Two, there was an emergency, and people ran out of the movie theater quickly. There are no other reasons why it would look like this.

Throughout this list, it becomes more and more evident that people don't care about those who have to clean up the messes they make. We are sure movie theater employees don't get paid enough to clean up messes like this, so try not to make a huge mess.
24. The Trash Can Is Only A Few Feet Away!!!
Unless this person disappeared into thin air before they could throw away their trash, what was the excuse? The trash can is a few feet away from where they were standing. Doesn't this make your blood boil even in the slightest?

We hope that the person taking this photo set it up just to get points on Reddit because this is too ridiculous. If this wasn't a setup, we need to know who this person is to teach them how to throw things away properly.
25. Gotta Love A Good Ole Traffic Jam
There is no doubt that traffic jams are the most infuriating part of driving. However, people can make life easier by doing the opposite of what these cars did. Instead of waiting till they had room to drive through the intersection, they went and blocked the other laned from moving for two green lights.

They were probably pressured by other honking cars behind them, but now they are blocking the road entirely. If an ambulance needed to get through, they would be in trouble. Remember this picture next time you are in a traffic jam; it might make you feel better about being a more conscious driver.
26. Someone Decided To Do Donuts On The Community Soccer Field
This neighborhood had a lovely soccer and baseball field that they all paid for to build and maintain. However, someone thought it would be funny to destroy it by driving around and doing donuts in the middle of the night. Someone walked by and discovered this in the morning.

How do people like this exist? Who raised them to think this was an acceptable thing to do to a community space? If they wanted to do a donut, they should do it on their own property, not somewhere others worked hard to make nice.
27. We Officially Found The Worst Airline Passenger Ever
If you have ever wondered who the worst airline passenger was, look no further because we found them. Out of all the people who have been dragged off planes, no one deserves it more than this man. Unfortunately, it is illegal to throw someone off a plane when it is 30,000 feet in the air.

How did he do this without the flight crew telling him he is not allowed to do that? What kind of person thinks it's acceptable to throw all their trash into the aisle including their food tray? Now the crew and other passengers won't be able to pass. This is the worst kind of human.
28. Someone Threw The Electric Scooters Into The River
We know electric scooters are annoying because everyone has almost been hit by someone on these at least once. However, that is no reason to throw them into the river. Whoever needed to take an electric scooter that day is out of luck because all of the available scooters are destroyed now.

How did someone manage to throw them in there without getting stopped? Maybe it was a disgruntled employee who recently got fired from Lime, so they took revenge on their products. It's a bit harsh, but not that many people were upset about this one.
29. This Isn't A Movie Theater, It's A Restaurant
This child was watching his movie in the middle of the restaurant at full-volume without headphones. What did his parents do, you might ask? They did absolutely nothing; they were the ones who gave him the iPad, so he would stop being fussy.

Instead of teaching their child manners and how to act in public, they gave into him and caused other people to have a poor dining experience. Parenting is by no means easy, but they could have at least given him headphones so that the rest of the restaurant didn't hear it.
30. There Must Have Been A Major Sale
This looks like Old Navy after Black Friday when the entire store is 50 percent off. Like the toy store, a tornado must have gone through this store because things are thrown all over. Do you ever see an employee folding things and feel bad that you need to get a size at the bottom of the pile? No one had that thought here.

Even if there were a major sale, that doesn't mean it is a free-for-all to throw things on the floor and make a giant mess. Store employees work so hard and get the smallest amount of respect possible. But hey, at least people got some great deals, right?
31. Student Left Behind Bottles Of Pee In His Dorm
We have so many questions in regards to this photo. A resident advisor found bottles of pee left behind in the sink of a dorm room after the students moved out. If they had a bathroom in their room, why would they pee into plastic bottles and save them?

College students have a lot going on between homework, classes, clubs, and the overall stress of university, but that is not an excuse to leave urine behind for someone else to handle. They were probably fined for not cleaning up while moving out, which is a fair punishment.
32. "Nope, Don't Need These"
Have you ever gotten to the checkout line only to realize you don't need a few things in your cart? Instead of putting it to the side of the checkout line, it's better to give it to the cashier or take the extra few minutes to put it back in the right spot.

People should follow that rule, especially when it comes to raw meat. Store employees might not see this until it's too late, and then it has been sitting out of the refrigerator too long. This person was probably not that far from the meat section but didn't care to return it.
33. "The World Is My Personal Footrest"
One of our biggest pet peeves is when people treat public transportation like their living room. There are usually signs next to the seat that state, "No feet or shoes on the seat," but this girl didn't care. She even had the audacity to remove her shoes like she was lounging at home.

Not only is she taking up an extra seat, but no one will be able to sit in the seat next to her feet because that is gross. Who would want to sit next to someone's smelly feet? People need to be more aware of the rules in public places.
34. Manspreading At Its Finest
Manspreading: When a man spreads his legs—particularly on a subway or train— to take up as much space as possible, leaving no room for other people. This term came about in the last few years, and this is the perfect example. Why does he have to take up so much space why others are squished?

We understand some people need more room to sit, but this is ridiculous. One woman is smushed against the pole, while the other woman looks so uncomfortable. Sir, please close your legs; you don't need that much room.
35. "Help, No One Let Me Off Before They Got Onto The Train"
We thought the social protocol was to let people off the train, bus, elevator, or whatever it may be before getting on. However, some people obviously are unaware of that rule. These people rushed onto the subway car before anyone could get off at their stop.

Some people will be stuck on the train because people rushed on too quickly, and won't move for passengers to get off. Whether it's the beginning of the day or the evening, no one wants to miss their stop or have to push through large crowds to get off a train.
36. Trash Cans Are For Squares
Considering there isn't a trash can in sight, we are not surprised why there is so much trash on the beach; however, people who come to party should pick up after themselves regardless of where the bin is. All of this paper and plastic is going to blow right into the ocean and hurt sea life.

Not only should the beach put more trash cans out, but people should also learn to pick up their garbage. Littering is a ticket-worthy offense, and the beach patrol is not doing its part. This is disgusting, and you would probably want to avoid whatever beach this is.
37. The Middle Seat Is The Worst Seat
When you get stuck in the middle seat for a flight, it is already awful. Then, the seats beside you usually make it worse because they don't care that you are in the middle; they will take your armrest and any sliver of personal space.

These two women didn't feel bad that this boy was stuck in the middle; they still decided to use him as a headrest. Imagine two complete strangers fall asleep and start drooling on your shoulders for a long flight. That is our worst nightmare.
38. Ruining The Perfect Shot
Unplugged weddings are starting to become a more significant trend now that everyone is glued to their phones. So many people's wedding photos are ruined because their friends and family take it upon themselves to be photographers for the day even though the couple hired a professional.

Before couples even get the chance to walk down the aisle as husband and wife, their photo is already all over Facebook. They should be able to share who sees their wedding photos, and the photographer's shots shouldn't be blocked by a phone.
39. When You Live With A Monster
Just as you are getting ready to grab a few refreshing strawberries as a snack, you find this in the refrigerator. Someone in the house had the nerve to bite each strawberry and then put them back in the container half-eaten. This person has no common decency, and they should be banned from the fridge.

The person must have been looking for the perfect sweet strawberry, but only got sour ones. This looks like the work of a small child, but you can never be too sure it wasn't an adult. It's best to start hiding the strawberries from now on.
40. Putting It Back In Place Is Too Much Effort
Why would this person take the time to put the rod inside the new roll without putting it back on the holder? They were already half-way there, then half-way through, they decided to stop and leave the rest of the job for someone else.

Did they suddenly get called away from this task, or were they too lazy to do the rest? If someone you lived with did this, would you finish the job or leave them a passive-aggressive note to put it back on the holder?