This article was originally published on 24/7Mirror
The Smile That Matters The Most
The horse had a dream; he wanted to photobomb an average looking photo. He tried to make someone’s photo 1000 times awesome.
He waited for the right moment and did an excellent job. And is it just us, or are his teeth pretty white for a horse?
Perfect Photobomb Doesn't Exi...Never Mind
When the Australian field hockey player Jayde Taylor decided to take a selfie with The Queen in the background, it was destined to become hit.
We still consider it a photobomb. And who said the Queen never smiles.
Is It Behind Me? Please Say NO!
If you have a cat in your home and a pet fish, chances are they didn't get along so well at the start.
Cats are super curious animals, and this fish's expression tells you that he knows his time is up. Thankfully, cats hate water, and there is a glass in between them.
The Struggle Is Real
We do feel bad for the guy in the background, but we can't stop laughing at it. We're sorry, whoever you are in a red lifejacket.

The real irony here is that the kid is struggling with the "life" jacket. Oh, this is just pure gold.
Nom, Nom, Nom!
Aww, this is so cute. One wonders what the girl’s reaction was when she turned around.
This beluga whale sees the cute little girl as a pink marshmallow and wants to take a bite of it.
For God's Sake Please Look Behind
This old lady seems like a big fan of Slash, but she isn't aware of the fact that Slash is standing behind her.
It is like you have a TV remote in your hand and you spend an hour searching for it all over the house.
Not The Right Place
We have to admit that this is undoubtedly one of the best accidental photobombs ever. The expression on that man's face is priceless.
And someone really needs to tell that kid that this is not how you hi-five someone.
The Most Impressive Photobomb Ever
This is photobomb by nature, and it couldn't get any better. The whale is like, "stop taking silly selfies and check my moves, ladies."
By the way, the woman doesn't realize that a mini-whale is leaping out of her hoodie.
This is Beautiful
So a person found these two fathers with their daughters and took a photo that shows the younger father and daughter what they would look like in ten years.
Where are the tissues? No one is crying here; we just spilled some coffee.
Some Was Having A Rough Night
After looking at this photo, we are thinking, what the heck did that person do to deserve the "double bird?"
He must have done something really terrible. She looks super pissed and we wish somehow we could know the reason behind it.
Someone Feels Betrayed
This person found Woody in Times Square and took a photo with him, but that didn't sit well with someone.
Poor Elmo must be like, "Hello darkness my old friend." We feel sorry for you Elmo as you have every right to feel gutted.
Fiona Is That You?
This guy proposed to the love of his life, but none of them knew that there was a spectator as well.
Fiona is hopelessly romantic and this sight made her emotional. By the way, the girl said "yes."
Fighting Crime Together
This person took a photo with his friends, and it was only when they looked at it they noticed the cops in the background.
After the photo, the cops must be like, "Guys, we're gonna need to see your cosplaying licenses."
He Looks So Beautiful in His New Dress
If you don't believe in magic, here is a photo that will convince you that magical people do exist in this world.
This man with a dress made of water can walk on water with ease. This is some really mind-blowing stuff.
"Hey Dude, Come Out of The Cage. I Have Something Important To Tell You."
We have to admit that we were so wrong about sharks, thanks to movies, making them look evil. Sharks are so damn cute.
This one is adorable, and though this shark looks a bit terrifying, we cannot get enough of it.
"I Love Myself"
There are two schools of thought behind this picture: 1) the kid loves himself a lot and can't get enough of his pretty face.
2) Or maybe he's getting in some early practice and preparing himself for the later years.
Cheerleading Practice Gone Wrong
We now know why she always used to say, "I am a very down to earth type girl!"
We have to acknowledge that she is very dedicated as she didn't even move her hands to try and save her head. She is going places, like the hospital.
Mmm, Tender
This accidental photobomb of Tim Duncan is high-quality stuff that you can't find on the internet nowadays.
And we didn't know that George R. R. Martin is a Lakers fan. It is astounding that there is so much that we don't know.
The Cutest Thing On The Internet
No, we are not referring to the couple as "cutest thing" because there is something far more beautiful than their relationship: an excited doggo.

This doggo knows how to photobomb like a pro, and we have become a big fan of him.
A New Friendship is Blossoming
We are pretty sure they didn't know each other, but they must have gotten to know each other after this photo went viral.
This is a photo dedicated to teamwork. And is it just us or is the guy in the front is picking his nose. Eww!
Teamwork Makes The Dream Work
This is hilarious; as his wife is taking the picture, thinking that her husband is just holding up the tower. The good thing is that she can't see from our perspective.
By the way, it is quite the balancing act by the woman. People are amazing!
Rainbow Poop
Who knew that dogs could poop rainbows. Although it is a cute photo, we are a bit concerned here.
It looks like the doggo is having a hard time pooping rainbow.
Wait What?
This guy was on vacation in California with his best friend and took a photo. But we doubt the timing of this photo was on purpose.
Who knows this is one of their cheeky ways to come out. We're just shooting in the dark; we don't know anything.
Too Much Information
Okay, first of all, we looked at this photo, and we got so pumped up. This entire photo matches the shirt of this man.
Another crazy thing is we noticed the Joker in the mirror behind Batman. Tell us we’re not seeing things that aren’t there.
When Horse Goes Burp
Who cut this guy's fringe? He wants his money back as the horse behind keeps laughing at him.
One thing that we can say with certainty that the horse behind knows how to steal attention.
Free As A Bird
With not a single care in the world, the kid is flying along the beach as free as bird.
You've got to love kids with their lack of impulse control; it is refreshing. It is so funny to see that the mom is running after him, and he looks fast.
Family Photobombing
Is this the largest photobomb ever? We really want the back story of this hilarious photobomb.
One thing can be said with surety that the family in the background was more eager to be in the picture than these four lovely ladies.
Someone Had A Really Bad Day
This person who uploaded this photo wrote that it was a photo of Halloween 1989, and the girl who was about to fall is her sister.
We like this photo because in 1989 there were no cellphones and pictures like this were really a lucky shot.
Indeed It Is
Do you have any idea who these "Super Quiet Neighbors" are? Here's a hint for you: That's a cemetery in the background.
And these super quiet neighbors better stay quiet or else it'll become a big worry for everyone.
What Is He Thinking About?
This young lady caught the bouquet, and her boyfriend had the best reaction.
No one really knows what he thought when this photo was taken, but you can assume he was not ready to think about marriage.
Chewbacca Spotted
For a moment, we honestly thought that it was some guy in a Chewbacca costume.
Amazingly, that is a lady's hairdo in the background, and isn't it stunning.
Look At My Body Everyone
Ladies, please have a look at this one-pack guy. He is definitely preparing for the future.
The kid must be like, "can you handle my one-pack? Of course, you can't. Nobody can!"
Nothing To See Here, Move Along
This may seem like an average photo at first, but if you look closely, you will notice that there are people in the background stuffing a baby in a cannon.
Do you think it is right or wrong? If you laughed at it like us, then we all have the same sick sense of humor.
"That's Trouble Coming For You"
The person who uploaded this photo wrote that she found the cute picture of her and her sister, and the kid behind them is her psycho brother.
The kid is going through the "I hate girls" stage, and most boys out there can relate to it. The same goes for girls as well.
Is That The Monopoly Man?
This average looking photo becomes super awesome when you notice that there is a Monopoly man in the background during the Equifax Senate hearing.
Monopoly guy must be like, "So when will my money come in?" And just so you may know, we also noticed that shiny head.
Cute Photobomb
This baby photobomb is going to melt many hearts. The best part of it is that it gets funnier the more you look at it.

By the way, it looks like the kid in front must be a celebrity in the land of toddlers.
Excited Much
This groom's sister passed out at the exact moment the minister said, "You may kiss the bride."
Interestingly, the groom's sister fell right out of her shoe. It looks like the other bridesmaid is about to faint as well.
When Food Is Everything
That's what you get for inviting your ex to your wedding, Harry. We're just joking here. That woman was hungry and wanted a quick bite.
Or who knows, maybe she is a wedding crasher. Nevertheless, we love this photo and it deserves a lot of love from everyone.
It's Sniff Time
Calm your horses, everyone, they're all saying hello! Dogs say hello like this so there is no need to feel awkward about it.
We blame the photographer here because he should've cropped it before uploading the photo.
Glitch in Matrix!
This woman decided to take a photo of her son when she noticed that the dog in the background and her son's t-shirt match perfectly.
He looks like he got caught stealing some snacks that weren't his.
Flaming Duck
This cute duck with a burning background looks like it is the lead role in a horror film about ducks taking over the world. The title of the film is "What The Duck, Man."
Is it just us, or does the flaming Mohawk on this duck make it look like the "Ghost Duck Rider"?
Congrats! You Found Waldo
This person's brother posted a picture on his birthday, and everyone started laughing after seeing who he captured in the background.
But we have to say that the weird clown head in the middle stole our attention. Nevertheless, Waldo is a big deal in this picture.
Run For Your Life
The woman in the back is afraid of a butterfly. Imagine what she does when she sees a bee or a cute little ladybug.
Nevertheless, we are going to ignore her facial expression on this one because she is pretty adorable. What are you afraid of? Please don’t tell us you’re scared of baby goats.
The Perfect Selfie
Unfortunately, the girls fell off of the horse; we don't have any idea why we laughed so hard at it. Do we need to have ourselves checked?
Maybe we laughed because of this man's perfect timing or how calm he is as two girls are falling behind him.
The Power of Zoom
This is one of the best photos ever. Here, we can see Hodor and Bran. There is nothing special about it, right? Well, we invite you to look closely.
What we see is a man who spent over $1000 on a seat to try and watch the game, but his bad luck is that he is sitting behind Hodor, who makes it almost impossible for others to see the game.
There's Nothing Going On Back There
By any chance, does the person who took this photo remember a headline at the time: "Mickey eats children at Disneyland"?
By the way, this photo uncovered Disney's secret cannibalism scandal. What are your valuable thoughts on this one? We are so eager to know them.
Cool Body Man
It took us a minute to figure out what exactly is going on in this picture. The man you see has a unique body, and what we see is something we cannot discuss here.
Overall, it is a photo that can mess with your mind a little bit and may even tempt you to say something about that man's bottom. We controlled the urge to say something, but you can express freely.
"Dad, Really?"
We end our list with a bang. The boy looks great in his tuxedo; we're talking about the dad who took the photo. To make matters worse, this boy sent the photo to his girlfriend.
So, the lesson for everyone is to always check the mirrors and photos before sending or uploading them.