This article was originally published on Kueez
The Difference Between a Golden Retriever Puppy and Adult in Less Than a Year
Happiness is a warm puppy, as they say. A Golden Retriever puppy, in particular, is next-level cuddles for sure. How long do these little ones stay small, though?
As it turns out, it's a short stage. In less than a year, an energetic pup morphs into a fully grown, loyal BFF. Just look at the transformation in less than 12 months!
Behold, The Modern Tomato And The Breed 150 Years Ago
The tomatoes we have today are nothing like mother nature intended. But we like what we like, and there's no apology for it! Some might be curious what the food looked like before humans interfered, though.
Because someone went digging through the stinky remains of an old outhouse, a seed supply was found. Why not plant them? Someone did exactly that, and this was the result. Not nearly as photogenic, but it's a tomato. Don't judge a book by its cover, they say!
The Moment The World's Tallest and Shortest Man Met IRL
Most of us fall into the normal range of height, even if we are self-conscious about it from time to time. The true outliers are rare. Once upon a time, the tallest and shortest man on earth met in real life. The side by side was astonishing!
He Pingping stands here at 2 feet 5 inches and hails from China. Sultan Kösen is his opposite in the universe, at 8 feet 1 inches. He's a farmer originating from Turkey. All in all, an incredible contrast!
Supermodel Just Runs In Their Blood, Apparently
They say that the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. That observation has never been truer when it comes to model Kaia Gerber and her famous mom in the biz. Supermodel Cindy Crawford has truly created a mini-me on the right here, as anyone can see!
Surely, Kaia has had an incredible mentor to help her learn the ropes. But with such good looks, it's hard to imagine designers could have ignored her for long. Kaia has walked runways for everyone from Tom Ford to Prada to Alexander Wang. If they loved Cindy, they were destined to love her double!
This Freaky Comparison Of T-Rex And Emu Feet Raises Questions
By now, most people have heard the theory that birds evolved from dinosaurs. It sounds farfetched, or even downright bizarre. But looking at this closeup of an emu and a dino foot — is it, really?
Apparently, the sharp-toothed predator Tyrannosaurus lived in North and South Dakota around 66 million years ago. The emu currently struts around Australia. Clearly, a lot has happened in between. But there's no denying that both could use a pedicure!
The Real Chernobyl Players Sure Do Look Like The HBO Actors
The disaster now simply known as Chernobyl made international news, back in the day. It has since inspired a popular HBO miniseries and scared the life out of a whole new generation. Just how realistic was it, though?
As far as the character casting, pretty spot on. Fans have been shocked googling the real historical figures from the show, only to find that the actors are all a spitting image of their historic counterparts. Every last one of them, in fact. Great work, HBO!
This Gal and Her Great Grandma In The Same Spot, But 89 Years Apart
Time flies when you're having fun. And in the case of kids and grandkids, they just seem to grow up so fast. Let's compare granny and her grandchild in the same spot, almost a century apart. How special, right?
Astute observers online noticed that the trees have grown a lot in 89 years. And the monument is still intact, surviving war over the decades. What are the odds, really?
The Shocking Autumn Transformation Of A Maple Tree In Just 11 Days
Maple syrup is most famous for making pancakes great again, and North America is home to a great many maple trees that produce the best sap around. Something else they do? Turn all sorts of colors, once a year.
A tree’s leaves stay green throughout the sunny seasons because of chlorophyll, a special chemical in plants. During the winter, a tree stores it for next year way down in its roots. Abruptly, things get pretty orange out there!
Terrifying Ancient Shark Megalodon Vs. Modern Great White
Move over, Jaws. There's a new shark around called the Megalodon, and it's coming to swallow you whole. And by new, we do mean old. Very, very old.
During dino times, pretty much everything was bigger. The ancient shark's jaws here compared to a modern Great White show just how outrageous that contrast really is. It was three times longer than the biggest Great White ever recorded. And thankfully, it died out two million years before we ever started to hang out at a beach. Not today, Megalodon!
This Lil' Baby Three Weeks Before Birth, and Three Weeks After Birth
Everyone knows where babies come from. Mommy's tummy, of course! The whole process takes nine months, and this magic produces a tiny human. What's going on inside, three weeks before birth? We now have the technology to show us exactly.
One mom captured a photo of her newborn just three weeks after he arrived. She just found it cute that his chill pose was the same position as in the womb. We do, too!
Life in North and South Korea Couldn't Be More Different Right Now
Most people know there are two Koreas at this point. But what is the history that led to the big split? During the cold war, the West and the Soviets battled to control the country. Even though that conflict is over, the breakup remains. The North and South are like two different planets these days!
In the south, things are pretty relaxed. Citizens love pop music, fashion, and just about everything else in the modern world. In the North? Not exactly the same lifestyle. With no internet and terrible daily conditions, the world just sees occasional posed pictures. A drastic difference, well beyond what the camera tells us here.
The Devastation of The Jersey Shore Boardwalk Before And After Hurricane Sandy
The Jersey Shore has recently become famous thanks to the reality show of the same name. But the real location has always been known and well-loved by east coasters for generations. In 2012, a catastrophe hit the beach, and the results were shocking.
Hurricane Sandy devastated entire neighborhoods, and losses to businesses were estimated at $30 billion. The famed seashore was not spared and got wrecked beyond measure. When mother nature is in a bad mood, it's impossible to ignore.
Vintage Christopher Mccandless Vs. Actor Emil Hirsch In Into The Wild
Into the Wild was a big book in 1996. Author Jon Krakauer told the real-life story of Christopher McCandless, a college grad who hitchhiked into deep wilderness in Alaska. Inspired by tales from Jack London and Henry David Thoreau, he thought it would be manageable. Spoiler alert: It wasn't!
Actor Emile Hirsch actually lost forty pounds to play the youngster who renounced all his possessions and decided to go survivalist. Food was not plentiful and conditions were rough. Did he look like a convincing Christopher in the end? We report, you decide.
A Chilly Image Of The Arctic A Century Ago Compared To Today
The photo was taken at Blomstrandbreen. Where is that you ask? It's a part of Svalbard. Doesn't help? Okay, it's a group of islands off the coast of Norway. Near the north pole, things do get pretty icy.
While some concerned users online were quick to call this the effects of global warming, others disagreed. According to one local, glaciers in his area frequently advance and then retreat. Then, they come back again! This differs from many other glaciers in the world. Who even knew that was a thing?
Just Compare The Window Of A Smoker Vs. Non Smoker
Exposure to secondhand smoke has been a big no-no for decades. People who love to smoke sometimes try to do it quietly in their own homes. Fair enough. But here, a fascinating look at two windows over time is a hint at what goes on inside the human body!
Surprisingly, research has found that the living spaces of smokers are pretty polluted. In what could be called third-hand smoke, harmful chemicals linger for months after quitting altogether. Yikes!
The Vibes In Germany Before And After Reunification
After WWII, Germany has plenty of struggles. The division of the world between the Soviets and the West actually led to half of Germany being walled off. There was East Germany and West Germany, and that was that for decades. When the Berlin Wall fell in 1989, locals had a lot of catching up to do!
In the modern picture, Germans are enjoying the town square. That might seem like a normal activity, but the act of enjoying a sunny day here with balloons was once verboten. That means forbidden in German!
Cousins: A Human Skeleton Compared To Gorilla Skeleton
Allegedly, Gorillas share almost all of our DNA. With the way some people act these days, that does ring true! What's the bare bones reality, though?
For answers, it's time to go directly to the skeletons. Gorillas are actually 20 times stronger than any strong man. Their muscles are pretty impressive. But their bones are also thicker and wider. The biggest advantage is ultimately the bigger brain, though. Look at the small cranium, compared to us!
The Gigantic Differences in An Elephant Foot Vs. Human Foot
Just looking at elephants, it's clear that humans are a very different breed. A closer inspection of the feet of each species proves that is true, once and for all. This X-ray shows that Dumbo actually walked on his tiptoes!
A few readers online disputed that this contrast, though. Many researchers say that shoes have totally ruined the way we are supposed to walk. Maybe we have more in common with elephants, despite our denial!
They Say Presidents Age Fast, And They Aren't Lying
Everyone knows that presidents age like nobody's business while in office. At the beginning, they always look fresh and youthful. By the end, it's a pretty grey story!
Here, a picture of President Obama's First State Of The Union speech is compared to his last one in office. It's hard not to notice how much he aged over the course of his duties. Seems like a stressful position, yet everyone still wants it, bad!
This Doggo And His Owner Look Remarkably Similar
It's a persistent claim, and it's not going anywhere. Observers keep commenting that human owners look like their dogs, and noticeably so. Are they actually wrong?
Psychologists have actually tested the idea, in dog parks. Observational studies do seem to show more than a passing correlation. Subconsciously, we may choose animals we relate to because they are going to be part of the family. Aww!
This Burger Looked So Much Juicier In The Ad
Truth in advertising has never been a strong suit of the marketing industry. And when it comes to fast food, most of the dirty details are never in the ads. Today, there seems to be a lot left out of the picture in a visual sense. What is this disappointing lunch, here?
Researchers have compared ads for fast food chains to their real-life products over the years. Some of the biggest names out there seemed to be repeat offenders. But they're not alone. It's an epidemic out there!
Remarkable 3D Scans of Human Brain Vs. Dolphin Brain
Rumor has it that dolphins are the Einsteins of the sea. Science has pretty much proven that to be true, too! Take a look at the real brain of Flipper on the right, side by side with the human version.
All those folds are full of smart connections, that's for sure. Dolphins have a giant brain, just like people. Although they can't talk like us, they do click at each other and communicate. They use a superpower called echolocation to see things through sound, somehow. They're great innovators and problem-solvers, too!
Before And After Cancer Side By Side
A cancer survivor is a title you never really aspires to earn until life gives you no choice. But for those who have beat the odds, there's a lot to celebrate. Cancer is no walk in the park and often involved intrusive treatments. Many also people lose all their hair in the process.
Even kids sometimes get the diagnosis. The good news is, childhood cancers have a high recovery rate. Here, one little boy is shown at two stages. First, chemo. Then, victory!
Normal Lungs Vs. COVID-19 Lungs Are Actually Pretty Shocking
It's been medical mayhem, but science is now starting to get a handle on the virus known as COVID-19. Everyone knows that it has the potential to affect the lungs, in severe cases. But just what does that look like from the inside?
At present, researchers have found that extreme cases of COVID-19 produce crazy scarring on the lungs. They believe it goes away over time, and heals better than cigarette damage. Only time will tell, of course. On the left, a regular set. On the right, corona!
The Real Hugh Glass Vs. Leonardo DiCaprio In The Revenant
The Revenant is an Academy Award-winning film starring Leonardo DiCaprio. For his Oscar, he portrayed Hugh Glass, the famous American frontiersman. This man's legendary encounters with wild animals and wild landscapes were the stuff of movies — literally!
Hugh's adventures obviously happened before there was video around to capture his presence. But the studio seems to have found a reasonable match in Leo here, bearded and all. Side by side, there's something to it!
The Very Same Trail Sign In The Summer And Winter
There are those who love tropical vibes, year-round. But just as many people celebrate the changing of the seasons and all the excitement that brings. Snow is non-negotiable, for some!
Here, one Canadian snowboarder and hiker has found the perfect spot for all his sporty needs. The very same trail serves two purposes, in summer and winter. The sign proves his location is identical. Good work, sir!
The Ships of Christopher Columbus and Chinese Explorer Zheng In The Same Era
In 1492, Columbus bravely took on the seas. History classes usually mention his three ships: The Niña, the Pinta, and the Santa María. He sure gets a lot of credit in the books. But it's not like there weren't other sailors during this time. What about notable Asian seamen, for example?
Well, there was Zheng He. During the same century, he did a bit of his own exploration with a much bigger boat, even though few have heard about it. From Southeast Asia to South Asia to Western Asia, and even East Africa, Zheng transported goods and fought pirates. Very nice!
How Birds Really See Objects Compared To How We See Them
Birds have the superpower of flight, and no one can take that away from them. But what is their vision like, high in the sky? Science now has a pretty good answer for that, as it turns out.
Vision is the most highly developed sense for our feathery friends, apparently. It's how they choose snacks and mates, after all. And to do all of this, nature has gifted them the ability to see things in even more colors than humans. They can see colors unfamiliar to us, and we will never know them!
Stars On A Normal City Night Vs. Electricity Blackout
The ancients seemed to know a whole lot about stars, and we've forgotten most of their secrets. What is even going on up there? Urban lights complicate the matter since they outshine stars and galaxies far, far away.
According to current surveys, more than 90% of the population in America and Europe is deprived of a real starscape right now. Here, a blackout is shown. Even though it stinks to temporarily lose electricity, there was a great surprise for those who looked up. Orion says hi!
Check Out This Corona Test For Wearing A Mask Vs. Not Wearing One
There has been a great deal of controversy surrounding the use of face masks during the pandemic. Does paper really do anything to help stop the spread of disease and disaster? One scientist set out to prove that it does something in photos.
The research involved talking, sneezing, coughing, and singing over a petri dish with and without a mask. A day later, the bacteria grew only on one side. Were all viruses blocked, too? Tough to say from the photo. But it is interesting visually!
Hiker Cheryl Strayed Vs. Reese Witherspoon In Wild
From Legally Blonde to Sweet Home Alabama, Reese Witherspoon has certainly played memorable characters. But they were always so manicured. Maybe Reese wanted to try something a little more raw, for once. In Wild, she pursues rugged adventure as character Cheryl Strayed.
Devastated by her mother's death from lung cancer plus a divorce, the real Cheryl went on a three-month, 1,000+ mile journey all by herself on the Pacific Crest Trail. Without money or real training, she survived. And Reese told the tale as her glamourous lookalike, as seen here. Great casting, indeed!
The Iconic Eiffel Tower in Photos, Then And Now
The Eiffel Tower has got to be the most famous landmark in France today. Many may not know it was intended to be temporary, as a part of the World's Fair of 1889. Folks back then had the sense to leave a good thing alone — for the most part.
Side by side, it appears the tower has stayed the same for more than a century. But au contraire! There is a secret about this tower, and it's time to talk. As it turns out, there is a full paint job every decade. From brown to yellow, the look doesn't stay the same for long. Who knew, from afar?
Grand Theft Auto in 1997 Vs. 2013 Is An Impressive Evolution
Grand Theft Auto has been a controversial game for as long as it's been around. Parents just weren't keen on all the violence, and still don't seem to love that part. All that has changed is the quality of the graphics. Now, street crime is in HD!
The first versions of this game were played on Microsoft Windows, PlayStation, and Game Boy Color in the late 90s. Now, the race 'n' chase game almost looks like real life, available on Xbox and PS5. More technology? Yes, please.
The Real Yossi Ghinsberg Vs. Actor Daniel Radcliffe In Jungle
Sure, he's always going to be known as Mr. Harry Potter. But that hasn't stopped Daniel Radcliffe from at least trying to pursue more artsy aims. He's been spotted nude on stage in live theater productions. And now, he is trying to survive in the Amazon, as Yossi Ghinsberg in Jungle. Did fans find it believable?
Actually, they totally did. The costume team definitely for the flannel outfit right, looking at old, authentic pictures. And Daniel himself does resemble the real Yossi. Side by side, there can be no question about it.
A Satellite Image Before and After An Earthquake in Japan Tells All
Every year, there are actually around 5,000 earthquakes in Japan. Almost of all of them are itty-bitty ones, luckily. But occasionally, a big ole' whopper gets through and wreaks absolute havoc, as seen here.
Because of its geology, Japan can't do much to stop the earth from trembling. They are right by the Pacific Ring of Fire, which means they have to deal with not one, but three tectonic plates shifting around whenever they want. Sometimes, they get pretty active!
This Kitty's Eyes During The Day vs. The Night Are Wild
Sure, dogs get to be man's best friend. But there is still an upside to being a cat. At night, you have superpower vision! That comes in handy on the hunt, theoretically.
When their pupils dilate, their eyes kick into high gear. Mice, beware: There's no escaping a determined kitty on the prowl. It is intriguing to look at those eye changes side by side!
Real-Life Tami Oldham Vs. Actress Shailene Woodley In Adrift
Tami Oldham is the real-life lady who inspired the movie Adrift. Fans of the film can't quite believe what she survived out on the open sea. After a hurricane, not many boats are still floating upright!
Tami Oldham lived to tell the tale of her epic journey floating in the Pacific. For the movie, actress Shailene Woodley visually fit the part. Seems like a good choice, seeing them side by side now. Fans, what say you?
Female Basketball Players Seriously Tower Over Their Cheerleaders
Kids all around the world have dreams of joining the NBA, or the WNBA someday. But life has its limits, and most people don't make the final cut. Height is just a major factor, and there's no way around it!
But when it comes to cheer, that's not really the main requirement. Spirit fingers come at all statures, don't they? Here, the ultimate team of female basketball players and their encouragement pose together. Quite the contrast!
Piano Man Don Shirley Vs. Actor Mahershala Ali In Green Book
The world has known about Mozart forever, but he isn't the only master of those black and white keys. Moviegoers loved learning about the real-life of piano prodigy Donald Shirley in the film Green Book. Did actor Mahershala Ali play him convincingly?
Evidently, he did. Mahershala Ali won the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor for the role, and fans cheered. Side by side, there's also a pretty keen resemblance!
Dog Delight At The Beach Vs. Cleaning His Little Feet Afterwards
Romping in the sand and sea spray isn't only a blast for people. Dogs love the atmosphere just as much, and the joy is evident on their faces. In their own doggy way, they smile.
But what about when the party's over? Well, that involves a good clean-up. Whether they like it or not, a whole lot of sand gets stuck in canine paws. Don't worry, doggy. Showers don't actually last forever.
Same Person, Different Limbs
The person photographed here suffers from a condition called Raynaud's disease, which takes effect in cold temperatures or stress. Parts of the person's body, like their fingers and in this case, toes, start to feel numb and cold to the touch - and look halfway frozen if you ask us. Get this man a pair of warm socks, his big toe looks like it's about to freeze off. Yikes!
We're hoping not permanent damage is left after getting exposed to cold weather. It surely looks unpleasant enough as it is!
Pre and Post Corrective Surgery
This little girl went through something called guided growth surgery to fix had knees, which were quite visibly deformed. On the left, we see her before the operation. On the right, we see her post-op, with guided growth plates that were inserted into her knees to allow them to grow properly. One day, when she's older, those plates will be removed, and the only evidence of the operation will be some minor scarring.
It's simply amazing what modern medicine can do.
What Happened to Salmon?
Here's a picture of farmed salmon, on the right, and wild salmon, on the left. Looking at this, it's plain to see that the human raced managed to turn salmon into a totally different animal.

These two pieces of fish could not look more different - from the color to the texture, it's simply mind-boggling.
A Grandmother And Her Granddaughter
If you look at your family photos, you will notice that some of the obvious features are passed down generations. Some family members have a stronger resemblance than others of course, but you do get some relatives like this grandmother and granddaughter who are so similar in appearance that you almost can't tell where one's face ends and the other begins. Obviously one telltale sign would be the difference in hair color.
This 61-year-old grandmother and her 12-year-old granddaughter could almost be twins from a different time period. It would be interesting to see how much the other family members resemble each other-- maybe this family just has extremely strong genes.
Ken 1985 Vs. Ken 2018
Is it just us or does the Ken of 1985 kind of look like Robert Redford? There are some noticeable differences between these two Ken dolls: The hairstyles definitely represent the time periods that they are from, Ken from the 1980s is more tan and also has blue eyes. We're not sure why the eye color needed updating, but maybe it would have been too much contrast against the blonder hair.
After all, Kenneth Sean "Ken" Carson was introduced in 1961 and surely has come a long way since then. Something you may not have noticed is that 1985 Ken could swivel his head around whereas 2018 Ken cannot. Is that representative of the times we live in? Only Mattel could say for sure.