This article was originally published on TrendExposed
That Awkward Moment When You Swore Your Shirt Said Canada
Ah yes, such a wholesome photo at first. Just a group of friends posing together, wanting to show some pride by repping their home country of Canada on their shirts! Naturally, they had to snap a photo to remember this day. It wasn't until they looked back at the pictures that they realized what went horribly wrong. Well, did you catch it? It looks like the girl in the middle is repping something very different from Canada.
It must've been super awkward when her friends and family saw this photo online; you'd sure hope they didn't think she really wore a shirt that said that!
The Designer Was Surely Fired After This
They're sweatpants, maybe a sweatshirt, no, wait, sweat shorts? These must be some of the most confusing shorts ever known to man. Just in case you thought to yourself, I'd really like extra sleeves hanging by my hips and attached to my shorts, then these are your lucky bottoms. Whoever designed these sure was ambitious. Now the real question is, who is the type of person to purchase and wear these?
No matter how many times you look at these shorts, they're still funny. If you find a way to style these and look cool, you deserve an award.
When You Need to Tie Your Hair Back but Forgot a Scrunchie
You know that awkward moment when you really want to tie your hair back in a ponytail, but you realize you forgot a hairband? Well, what on earth are you to do? This lucky girl had a strange idea. She was wearing a denim jacket that happened to have rips in the back. So she had the brilliant idea to stick her hair through the slits so it would stay out of her way.
Though at first glance, this appears to be a weird jacket with a patch of fur hanging off it intentionally. Thankfully it's just her hair creeping through.
That's a Thoughtfully Placed Flower
This lady was super proud to show off her new floral dress, but something wasn't quite right. The placement of that flower is very odd because it's directly on her bum! This design is just wrong on so many levels. How unfortunate; how can she ever wear this dress without people thinking it's supposed to be something else? At least, it will surely make a few people laugh. Let's hope she has a sense of humor!
Next time you want to buy a floral dress, make sure you really pay attention to the print; that way, you're guaranteed to avoid a situation like this!
When You're so Excited for Movie Night, You Forget to Get Dressed
When desperation hits and that craving for a good movie sets in, one must go to all extremes to make it happen. In this particular case, that means not wasting a single second on getting dressed. This woman simply wrapped a sheet around her and rushed to rent a movie on DVD. The dedication is simply unstoppable. Her fashion choice, though bizarre and slightly concerning, is somewhat understandable. Movies wait for no one.
One can only wish she is wearing actual clothes underneath that sheet. Maybe a tube top and shorts, hopefully?
Any Woman's Worst Nightmare Dress
Having a red flower near the bottom of this woman's white dress wasn't the best idea. It took a minute to realize that it was an intentional flower design. At first glance, it, unfortunately, looks like an accident. Maybe this lady's dress was all white and had a spill; perhaps it was her time of the month? The last thing you want when sporting a new dress is for people to think it's dirty!
It's supposed to be a blooming flower, but where it's really supposed to be is hidden in the back of her closet, so she doesn't wear it again.
Beach by Day, Rodeo by Night
Now, if these aren't the most unique shoes you've ever seen in your life, then what could be? Sometimes cowboys must get sick of wearing just their regular old cowboy boots and want to spice things up every once in a while. Well, here's a great way how. Cowboot sandals! You could wear them to the beach or the lake and be sure your feet won't sweat on a sunny day.
Although these cow boot sandals would be perfect for one more thing. Sitting in your house and never seeing daylight again because they are also slightly terrifying.
When the Dress Code Said Pants but It's Hot Outside
You've heard about ripped jeans, worn-in jeans, mom jeans, and bleached jeans, but have you ever heard of legless jeans? What is the actual point of wearing these? Well, if you really had to dig and find one, they could possibly be perfect for one particular occasion. When it's too hot outside to actually wear pants, but for some reason, you're really in the mood to wear the skeleton of a pair of jeans.
If you buy these jeans, you can't be precisely sure what you're paying for as they look like scraps. Nevertheless, they say less is more, so does that still apply here?
Someone Forgot Her Pants
It appears as if this lady totally forgot to put her pants on that morning. But don't be alarmed; these leggings are just the color of her skin. This should serve as a reminder to never wear flesh-colored leggings! It looks like she is shopping naked from the waist down! How can you explain this fashion choice? There are almost no words for this besides, maybe try black pants next time.
This is truly an outfit so ridiculous you can't look away. Although hopefully, she just forgot to check the mirror before leaving her house, so she will be slightly forgiven.
When You Have a Party at 10 but Also Got Mauled by a Bear at 9
If the point of a jacket is to keep someone warm when it's chilly outside, wouldn't this defeat the purpose? This jacket would just give her cold shoulders! Denim jackets are supposed to be stylish and all, yet with this chunk of material missing, it just looks off. Almost as if this poor girl got attacked on her way to a party, and her jacket was ripped apart, yet she didn't let it stop her.
This jacket could be perfect for those moments when you aren't sure if you are going to be hot or cold; it's the best of worlds.
Someone Please Call the Fashion Police Now
Please stop what you are doing and take this photo in. Really let it seep into your subconscious because it's an image you'll never want to forget. First off, how does this guy get these pants-shoes or shoes-pants on? How do you go to the bathroom, and what is the belt for? Surely the pants are tight enough from all the laces. This is the most confusing yet sort-of cool clothing item ever.
Now, these wouldn't require a double take but at least a solid hour to stare at and figure out. Clearly, only the most confident and cool kids can wear these.
So That's Where Waldo Is
Just like a game of Where's Waldo? is all about a hidden object you must find, did you notice the hidden thing on this woman's pants? She thought she was purchasing Christmas-inspired leggings when she got a little surprise. Right in between her legs appears to be a little hand reaching out for something! This is definitely an interesting design. What exactly is the purpose of that hand placement? Who knows.

Hopefully, for Christmas, this lady's family buys her a few pairs of new leggings so she can forever keep this pair in storage.
This Guy Might Be a Tad Self-Obsessed
Well, that's definitely a look. First off, this outfit requires confidence and a certain level of self-love like no other. Secondly, it is pretty frightening. The sequins, sunglasses, and of course, shirt that is a picture of himself are hilarious and bold. Though props must be given to this guy for going out of his way to make a shirt with his own face on it, it's definitely an outfit for the books.

If you saw him on the street, you surely wouldn't be able to take your eyes off him. However, the shirt wouldn't take its eyes off you either.
It's Called Fashion, Look It up
Well, would you look at that? Usually, people, especially in cartoons, are scared of slipping on a banana. But this time, you can just wear sandals that look exactly like one! Gab Bois, the talented artist, designed these sandals, especially for summer. She is known for creating unique fashion pieces and illusions out of unconventional materials, and this definitely takes the cake. If you ever got the chance to wear these, you'd better go bananas.
How many of you would actually rock these flip-flops? If you're into people staring at your feet, then you must wear these because it would be inevitable.
Just in Case You Didn't Understand What Was Due in the First Place
Being pregnant is exciting and wanting to show it off to the world is normal. But it's unclear if this shirt was made for the pregnant lady printed on it or someone else. Either way, whether you're pregnant wearing a shirt of yourself pregnant or wearing a shirt of someone else pregnant, it's still weird. Maybe they just wanted to ensure no one would forget they were due in July.
This custom shirt definitely got a bit strange. You are better off sticking to maternity clothes and skipping out on this specially-made piece altogether.
Goodbye Winter, Hello Spring
Now this woman is absolutely iconic. She is wearing what appears to be a jumpsuit or coat and a matching purse, all covered in daisies. She really wanted to embody springtime with this outfit and nailed it. That type of confidence someone can surely only be born with. Though it's a bold choice, it is so unique you couldn't possibly look away. This precious woman really let her fashion style blossom, so to speak.
Hopefully, she will wear this outfit all year long. Unless, of course, she has outfits that correspond to all of the seasons, then that would be very cool.
When You're Craving a Cuddle
Are you ever a little sad and really want a hug? Or maybe it's just been a while since you've had a good cuddle, and you're craving touch? Then this must be the perfect puffer coat for you. It definitely requires a double take to process what's going on. But once you realize it, it's disturbing and cool. This might've been the perfect jacket over the pandemic when people were especially lonely.
Whether this is considered high fashion or just a bizarre clothing piece that no one should ever wear, you can't deny it's entertaining to look at.
Well That Looks Like an Uncomfortable Wedgie
Now when you see this photo, what do you think? At first glance, it may appear like this guy is casually walking around with a deep atomic wedgie. However, it is actually the intended design of his t-shirt. Could you believe that? Maybe he didn't even realize what it looked like from the back. Surely someone must have told him. Perhaps it wouldn't look so bad if he just untucked the shirt from his pants?
It must've been funny to witness how many people thought this man's underwear was accidentally sticking out of his shorts before they realized it was just the design.
Just When She Thought She Had the Perfect Photo
Everyone wants to be an influencer or Instagram model these days. So when this girl posed for a picture, she thought it would be stunning. She was in place, and the outfit was perfect, or so she thought. Only when she was ready to post on her social media did she realize what she had done. It's best if she has a sense of humor; otherwise, her photos may be a tad ruined.
Her shirt was supposed to say 'Saturday,' and it did until she posed for the camera. Her arms cut off the word and made it look like she was sporting a sweater that said 'turd.'
Bad Fashion or Bad Timing
This young girl was excited to graduate high school and head to her first year of college. She decided to buy a shirt to celebrate the occasion and take a photo. But no one told her that the shirt said something entirely else. Surely she eventually figured out how to spell the word college correctly. But for now, she could just tell people her new favorite hobby is collaging so that way the shirt makes sense.

Everyone makes simple mistakes, and this is just a tiny innocent, and silly one. She was so close, though; only one letter off, and she would’ve had it.
Try a Shirt as a Skirt Instead
There is a reason this clothing piece is a top because it is meant to be worn on top of your body as a shirt! This girl must've just wanted to be different and creative with her clothes, but it's quite a fashion fail. The vision was there, but the execution was just a bit off. What's next? Pants as shirts or underwear as hats? It's best to leave clothing to their intended body part!
Of course, courage and boldness are always admired. But the outfit is best not to be repeated. There are things called skirts, so better try those next time.
When You're Running Out of Outfit Ideas
Times really are changing with this new look. Moschino designer Jeremy Scott debuted an entire runway show inspired by trash. This iconic piece was obviously inspired by the plastic bags they drape over your clothes when you pick something up from the dry cleaning. Only what if this time, you wore that dry cleaning bag and, while you're at it, threw a hanger on your head? And you won't believe how much this costs.
This plastic trash-inspired dress will run you a bill of seven hundred dollars! You might as well just pay for something else to be dry-cleaned and ask for the plastic covering.
Someone Could've Warned Her the Sizes Were Way off
This is a classic example of what you ordered online and expected to receive being entirely different from what you got. It must be super disappointing waiting for your package in the mail all those weeks, and then you get this. These side-by-side images show the same outfit, but no one told this girl; the sizes were entirely off! She thought she was ordering her size, and then this way too small outfit arrived!
If you've learned anything from these hilarious photos, it should be that shopping in-store is probably always the best way to shop for new clothes.
What a Lovely Dress
When shopping for a dress, most women look for a cute design and an excellent fit. However, this dress appears to be flirting with tie-dye print but just nearly missed the mark. It makes her look like she had an accident while walking, and it went right through her dress. It's so unfortunate because otherwise, it wouldn't have been that bad. Hopefully, someone took her dress shopping soon after this.
Thank goodness this is really the design, and it's not a stain. Either way, whoever designed this dress needs to be fired as soon as possible.
Someone Skipped Math Class
When you first see this t-shirt, nothing appears to be wrong. It looks like a simple and cute young boy's shirt, but then it suddenly registers. There is something very off with this; clearly, whoever designed it skipped all of their math classes. The shirt has the number twelve on it, yet the word printed says thirteen. So close, yet so far away. Hopefully, the designer will have better luck next time.
Since thirteen is supposed to be an unlucky number, maybe the designer was just very superstitious and didn't want to write the actual number out.
These Destroyed Sneakers Were Worth Over $1000
Quick, what are they? Trash, shoes, or a dog's chew toy? Drumroll, please; they are, in fact, a pair of luxurious sneakers from Maison Margiela. They are dubbed the 'Future Destroyed high-top sneaker' and are worth over a thousand dollars. How on earth could sneakers that look entirely beat up and trashed be worth so much? Well, apparently, that is haute couture, and looking fashionably distressed doesn't come so cheap.
If you want your clothes and shoes to intentionally look like a puppy played with them and destroyed them, then look no further, you've found the right brand.
The Harsh Realities of Shopping Online
For young high schoolers, going to prom is a big deal. You feel like a young adult for the first time in your life, dress up fancy, and party with friends all night. Everyone looks forward to this time of the year, but there is one crucial part of the process that can't be overlooked. The prom dress must be perfect! So when this young girl received the dress she ordered online, disappointment was an understatement.
The quality of the dress she received versus what she thought she wa getting is horrendous. When it comes to important occasions, shop in person.
The Pattern on Those Shorts Could Use a Change in Location
These two ladies were having a fun shopping day when they snapped this picture. Though it's obvious they are both wearing striking footwear; you can't help but notice the white shorts on the right. It appears as if she has had a rather unfortunate accident. Luckily for her, this woman just suffered a wardrobe malfunction. This cute outfit should be straight back on the hanger because that floral placement is not flattering.
Hopefully, this lady returned those shorts immediately! There is so much potential for a cute outfit, yet it's ruined by a designer not thinking this design through; what a shame!
Spice Things Up, Put Your Shirt on First Then Bra
If you're feeling a little bold, you can spice up your fashion style with a unique outfit like this. Essentially, it appears all you have to do is throw a bralette over a t-shirt, and voilà- you're all done! This is a look some people will either love or hate, no in between. Although it does look like she just forgot the order in which she puts on her clothes.
This outfit might be fashionable to some but it's just as confusing. If you want people to think its opposites day, throw this fit on. Might as well put your underwear over your jeans too.
How Do You Wear This Thing
Well, this girl is definitely wearing a shirt. It appeared to be a cool rock-n-roll outfit at first, and then this frilly lavender material was added to make it more feminine or maybe just more confusing. It's as if the designer just took a tutu and draped it across the model's shoulders. Fashion is about taking risks and getting out of your comfort zone, and this shirt manages to do that.
Whether you see this outfit and are impressed by the boldness and creativity or are confused by the extra material hanging, it will indeed manage to catch your eye.
Back to Geography Class for This T-Shirt Designer
At first glance, nothing seems wrong with this t-shirt. It appears to be a perfectly normal loose tee with a graphic design printed on it. But did you catch the mistake? It's okay; take a minute. Whoever designed this shirt completely missed all of his geography lessons. He printed a picture of the continent of Africa and then wrote Asia. You can only hope that people noticed this before they bought it.
You can't help but laugh; it is a hilarious simple mistake. But a little geography refresher would probably be a good idea before designing and producing more graphic tees.
A Custom Made Shirt for Jack Skellington
It must've been a surprise to put this dress shirt on and have the sleeves hang off your arms by inches! It truly looks like a custom-made piece for Jack Skellington, the long-armed skeleton from The Nightmare Before Christmas. It would really suck if this guy had a formal event to go to and no time to buy a new shirt because this one is just simply a design disaster.
This is why dressing rooms are so important and come in handy. Then you can try clothes on before you go through the hassle of buying them like this guy.
Who Doesn't Love Traveling to the East Coast, or Was It the West
Maybe there is some correlation between fashion designers and skipping geography lessons. You have to admit; this t-shirt fail is pretty funny. If you're a bit confused, let's clear it up. New York and California are both states in the United States of America. They happen to be on opposite coasts, very far from one another. This shirt seems to insinuate New York is in California, and they don't even spell California right.
You'd sure hope that the woman wearing this shirt bought it as a joke because she thought it would be funny and ironic to wear!
If You Like Solving Puzzles, Read This Shirt
The person who designed this shirt probably had a great idea in mind and high hopes for the way it would turn out. Whether it was just a production error or a design failure, it simply did not work. If you want someone to spend five minutes trying to figure out what your shirt says, then this is the perfect tee for you! The flow is hard to follow and just confusing.
Of course, Wonder Woman is pretty cool, but she probably wouldn't be wearing a shirt as unhelpful as this one. There must be better ways to get this quote across than the one on this shirt.
Being Humble May Get You Far in Life, but It Wont Get You on This Boat
Fashion is a great way to express yourself and your personality; it really captures your style and lets people see you in a different light. And that must have been precisely what this girl thought when she chose to wear this shirt. Her shirt reads, "Do I make you look fat?" Either she is iconic and hilarious or full of herself and rude. Whichever it is, it takes some confidence to wear this.

Being humble is one of the best qualities a person can have. But she is the one on a boat, so clearly, she's doing something right.
When You Order Yeezy Shoes From AliExpress
Imagine how this guy must have felt when he placed an order for Yeezy sneakers that are supposed to look like the image on the left. But instead, he opened the package only to realize something was very wrong. He received weird shoes like the image on the right! Instead of cool sneakers, they're giant fluffy Yeezy-inspired house slippers. But, hey, at least they look comfortable, and it makes for a hilarious story.
Yeezys were once so popular everyone couldn't wait to get their hands on a pair, just like this guy. But that's the gamble that comes with shopping online!
This Just Hurts to Read
It's pretty common to see a shirt with an inspirational message on it these days. So whoever designed this sweater definitely had the right idea in mind but the execution was not quite there. You can try and read the message printed on this shirt, but there is no guarantee you will ever understand what it was intended to say. "Girls is can therefore change" makes absolutely no sense, but they tried!
If anyone can manage to decode this impossible-to-read message, you should win a prize! Clearly, Google Translate was used when making this shirt.
Dinosroar... Not Quite There Buddy
You can tell the idea was solid, and the shirt's graphics are not that bad. But they just messed up one little thing that makes the whole shirt look slightly dumb. It's so grammatically incorrect it kind of hurts to read. You can't really put the "roar" in dinosaur, or it would just misspell the word. But if you don't mind all that proper English stuff, then sure, it's a cool dinosaur shirt!
If you want a shirt requiring people to stop for a few moments to read and process what it says, then this is for you!
It Looks Like the Baby, Baby, Baby, Oh Needs a Diaper Change
The famous singer Justin Bieber was seen out and about sporting this crazy outfit. His pants were so baggy that people thought the pop star had an accident in his pants and was wearing a diaper! Clearly, he wanted to channel his popular song when he got dressed that morning. However, this might be an outfit that would be best not repeated. Is it too late now to say sorry?
Celebrities have so much money and can afford fashion stylists, yet they still wear outfits like this. It will definitely be one of his more interesting fashion choices.
What You Thought You Were Getting Vs What You Actually Got
The one clothing item you especially wouldn't want anything to go wrong with is a wedding dress. So for this lady, her day must have indeed been ruined. If you were expecting a gorgeous wedding dress like the one on the left and then tried it on, only for it to look like the dress on the right, it would be a sad day. This dress, unfortunately, was utterly botched.

You'd hope this lady immediately left the shop and went somewhere else to find a new dress. Hopefully, that's not a bad omen for the wedding itself.
Celine Dion, Known for Her Hardcore Metal Music
Celine Dion is remembered for her influential and iconic metal music. Wait, no, something is very wrong here. Whoever designed this shirt either got very mixed up or made an intentionally wrong yet hilarious t-shirt. Celine Dion is very much known for classical pop music, yet this shirt looks like something for a hardcore metal band. And honestly, it's incredible. What better way to represent a pop artist than with a devil t-shirt?
This is either the best and most unique shirt or the worst fashion design ever. So anyway, where can these shirts be ordered? Just asking for a friend.
A Geometry Nerd's Dream Hat
When you first see this hat, you may think nothing is wrong. It just appears to be a denim bedazzled hat that is very reminiscent of the 2000s Britney and Justin Timberlake era. But when you actually read this hat, you'll realize instead of saying angel; it says angle. So for any geometry nerd, you know in your life, this is the perfect gift for them. They'll be stylish as ever in math class.

What more could you possibly ask for on a stylish hat like this? It has everything from denim, jewels the size of a hand, and misspelled words.
If You Look Closely, You'll See Double
When this person bought a pair of pajamas from the official merch store of the hit show The Simpsons, they were excited to show them off. But when they arrived, they noticed something was weirdly off with Marge's mouth. This print passed through fashion designers and production teams without anyone catching that Marge had two mouths! It was a mistake, but apparently, there are no quality checks before they ship these things out.

Better yet, the merch store should just play it off and say it was intentional! Clearly, there was so much radioactive material around Marge grew another mouth.
Someone Should Really Burn All Copies of This Design
Well, if this isn't the most disturbing sentence you've ever seen printed on a t-shirt, then what could possibly be? Surely whoever designed this shirt didn't realize how menacing it would sound. It's definitely meant to imply the kid is a messy eater and spilled milk all over, and of course, because grandpa has his grandkid's back, he won't tell on him! But maybe a slightly different slogan would be more fitting.
This saying is usually used when talking about a crazy night in Vegas, but if grandpa's house is just as fun, then to grandpa's house, it is!
Why, Just Why
Have you ever thought to yourself, rather than playing in the mud and getting my jeans all dirty, I should just buy a pair of new jeans that look muddy? Well, that's kind of crazy. Clearly, rich people have too much money to blow because that's exactly what's happening here. These jeans are made to look intentionally dirty even though they are brand new, and the price will shock you.
This pair of straight-leg Barracuda jeans will rack up a bill of four hundred and twenty-five dollars. Now, if that's not insane, then what is?
Demogorgon, but Make It Fashion
This little number looks like something out of Stranger Things. Is it a mouth? Is it an eye? Is it itchy? It looks itchy. We can't imagine why anyone in their right mind would spend money on what seems to be a cut-out jacket with a gaping mouth right there in the middle of its back, and we really can't imagine why anyone would design and produce such a thing, but here we are.

All we know is, if we walked behind someone wearing this on the street, we would feel uneasy. It's staring at us!