This article was originally published on 24/7Mirror
Instagram Vs. Gravity
Alexis Ren modeled this shirt with perky boobs drawn on it, but realistically, no one's chest naturally looks like that.
While Celeste made her shirt the exaggerated version, that is more realistic than the original Instagram. Let's be real; gravity starts to win as you get older.
Boats, Bikinis, Flexibility, and Humility
Gigi Gorgeous looks like she is floating on air in her photo, but it does not look easy to achieve that pose. Who would want to contort themselves onto some metal bars?
Celeste is how most of us would look if we tried this pose. It seems like she is on the struggle bus, and we can only imagine how uncomfortable that is.
Did Someone Say Flamingo?
When you wish you were on a private yacht with a giant flamingo floaty like Kendall Jenner, but you are stuck at home.
She traded the boat deck for her driveway and added some water wings because cement can be dangerous.
The Basis Of Any Good Relationship: Trust
Would you trust someone not to let go of your t-shirt while you lean face first over a pool? The models in the top picture messed up a few times because she is not dry.
Even if you trust the person, that is not an easy task for someone to hold you only by your shirt.
Boys Lie, Carbs Don't
The truth hurts, doesn't it? Carbs don't lie, and they will stick by your side even when you don't want them.
Both pictures are sharing truth bombs, and both pictures show that they both need to wash their cars.
Taking Advantage Of Morning Sunshine
When you try to recreate those perfect rainbow reflection pictures, but you are blinded by the morning sunlight. The rainbow also looks suspiciously perfect in the left image.
Trying to look directly into the sun right when you wake up is not something the average person could handle.
Breakfast Is Served
When you want to do something special for you your man so you bring him orange juice and pancake (mix) in bed.
Serving people topless is not very sanitary, and people should refrain from this, especially if you want to carry something hot.
"Just Rolled Out Of Bed"
When you are trying to reach something on the floor without getting out of bed. You try to do acrobat moves just to keep some part of your body on the bed.
The hardest part is when you finally reach what you want, and then you have to figure out how to get back on the bed.
When You Successfully Cook Dinner
When you managed to cook dinner for everyone without getting any complaints or burning something, that calls for a celebration.
Her kids look unimpressed with her celebrations like, "Mom, please get off the table!"
Just A Light Scarf
No, this is not a giant scarf photoshopped onto Lenny Kravitz, he actually wore that. It is equally ridiculous to wear an actual blanket in public.
That must have been more annoying to wear around than a normal-sized scarf. Celeste captured the ridiculousness of this picture perfectly.
"I Really Need To Wash The Dishes"
When you want to show your kids how dirty they left the dishes, even though you asked them multiple times to clean up after themselves.
Even though she doesn't have a makeup team, lighting crew, and person doing her wardrobe, Celeste looks just as good as the original photo.
Style and Safety
We always wear heels when we ride our bikes too. Her son is probably asking his mom for his bike back.
Both of them look amazing, but Celeste is demonstrating better safety practices.
Having Children Expectation Vs. Reality
Have children, they said, it will be fun, they said. J.Lo makes motherhood look like a breeze and manages to hold a drink and carry her child at the same time.
Motherhood is far from easy. She shows that holding a child and a drink is not an easy thing to do.
When You Have To Wash Your Own Car
Why Bethenny Frankel felt the neep to do a backbend on top of the car is a mystery. How did she get herself into that position without falling, and how did she get down?
We love the dedication that went into recreating this picture because you know her neighbors saw her and thought, "what is wrong with that woman."
Sia: The Craft Store Version
When you want to dress up like Sia, but you are on a dollar store budget. It looks like she ran through the craft store and grabbed the first items she saw.
Even though it is more craft store than couture, we think Sia would approve of this recreation because she loves odd things.
Backyard Photo Shoot
Even though she looks like she is putting in minimal effort, Beyonce still looks glamorous, standing in front of a sheet in someone's backyard.

Anyone who isn't Beyonce would look weird if they tried to recreate this, like Celeste.
"Buy My Merch"
When you are trying to recreate a Kylie Jenner picture and promote your own merchandise at the same time.
Whose shirt would you rather buy? We really like Celeste's take on Kylie Jenner's shirt.
When It Is Too Hot Outside, So You Sit In The Freezer
During the summer, have you ever been so hot you felt like sitting in a freezer? Don't worry; it's not that weird because celebrities have had the same thought too.
Sometimes you just want to escape the heat and climb into a freezing box, and that is ok. Just remember to take a picture so you can post it to Instagram.
Personal Hygiene is Important
Celebrities are just like ordinary people; they have to shave their armpits too. Although, when they shave their armpits, they document it for social media.
Self-grooming is important. Some people choose to shave, and others go natural. Whatever you decide, no one has to know about it.
Ready To Conquer The Day
Kyle Richards starts her days with a protein shake and a brightly colored Birkin bag. Not all of us are that blessed, so some of us are more like Celeste's recreation.
When you have children, starting the day with a bottle of wine doesn't sound like a bad idea. Although we know she is not promoting people to drink and drive.
Wet T-Shirt Contest
Again Emily Ratajkowski is stunning and sultry with her barely-there wet t-shirt. If you have ever been in a wet white shirt, you might feel like Emily, or you might feel like Celeste.
First of all, Wet shirts are not comfortable; you feel like you are being weighed down by this cold, wet fabric stuck to you. Second, no one looks like Emily, so it would be hard to pull off this wet shirt look.
When It's Too Hot For Clothing
Emily Ratajkowski is known for her lack of clothing, so recreating her pictures takes a lot of courage. No one actually walks their dog in a bra and underwear.
The guy in the background is wondering what she is doing, walking through the streets half-naked with her dog.
Happy Holidays
Kylie Jenner is giving us the holiday fantasy by wearing a giant bow as a hair accessory for her holiday collection promo shoot. Only she could make this look cool and high fashion.

If the average person tried that it would look very strange. We don't know how anyone would look good with a giant gift bow on their head.
Holding Life's Most Precious Gifts
While some people value their children as the most precious gifts in the world, others value wine and bread, which is valid.
It must be hard to recreate the ethereal glow of Beyonce post-birth.
Spilled Wine Means The World Is Ending
Why does Selena Gomez look so unphased by the spilled wine and broken glass? Most people would be sad like Celeste because of the wasted wine.
We know it's for an album cover, but how can she be so calm with broken glass in her hands?
Cooling Off
When you are in the club and you find a fan to help you cool off. Some people would look glam like Miley Cyrus, and the rest of us would look like we got stuck in a wind tunnel like Celeste.
Maybe a leaf blower wouldn't be the best option because of how much wind power it has, but it still cools you off.
Self Love
As Ru Paul likes to say, "If you can't love yourself, how in the hell are you going to love someone else?"
Self-love is important, but we don't know if you have to make out with yourself in a mirror to get that point across.
Working That Spacesuit On The Beach
Brazilian model, Adriana Lima, can make anything work, even this silver lamé one piece.
Who knew that silver catsuit would be so useful to recreate so many celebrity photos.
Giddy Up
She nailed this Miley Cyrus recreation. Her tiny horse is even better than Miley's larger one.
She makes it look much more fun than the celebrity originals. Ride'em cowgirl!
This Looks Comfortable
"Nothing to see here, just casually lounging on the chair like a normal person." This is such a bizarre pose. How did the model contort her body into this uncomfortable position and stay glamorous?
If we tried this, we would look more like Celeste and fall off the chair. Do not try this at home, people.
When you are trying to get dressed, and your friends keep asking you how much longer it will be until you are ready.
"Can you hurry up?" "I'm getting dressed as fast as I can, but it would go much quicker if you didn't continue to ask every few minutes."
I Woke Up Like This
The first picture is what everyone wishes to look like when they wake up. The second is what most people look like when they wake up.
How is it possible to wake up looking perfect with your makeup and hair done? It is not possible, most of these "natural" "just woke up" selfies are posed.
The Rock and Alexandra Daddario co-starred in the reboot movie Baywatch and made lifeguarding look much more glamourous.
Celeste and her husband try to capture that glamour while still being effortlessly beachy, and they rocked it!
How You Think You Look Vs. How You Actually Look
When you walk towards the water and try to walk like Gisele Bundchen, but the uneven sand makes it difficult to look like a model.
We all try our best to look effortless, but walking on the burning hot sand is harder than it seems.
No Pants, No Problem
When Kanye's merch is too expensive, so you can only afford one sweatshirt, or you have to make your own.
The oversized sweatshirt is an interesting trend that people were obsessed with for a while because of the Kardashians. To pull off this trend, your sweatshirt should probably cover your underwear.
Dipped In Silver
Why wouldn't an ordinary person cover their body in silver and lie in a tub? Kim was probably posing for a makeup campaign or magazine shot, but it is a strange scene.
It is hilarious that she used a kiddy pool to replicate this one. She looks like a natural model, even comparing herself to Kim Kardashian.
Working Out Is Tiring
When you take a gym selfie hoping you will look toned and not like a sweaty mess. Working out is not easy, and after a difficult gym session, most people would look like the right photo.
By the end of the workout, people are drenched in sweat, and too tired to actually pose.
Drop It Low
Can we take a minute to talk about cardi b's shoes? Are they sneakers, wedges, or platforms? It looks like the shoes are falling apart in slow-motion.
Celeste had to stack three pairs of shoes to try and replicate this look. How do you walk in shoes like those? Fashion is so interesting, and those weird sneakers probably cost over $1,000.
Just Catching Some Rays
When you have had a rough day, so you come home and collapse onto the floor. The bottom picture looks like she has had enough of these odd celebrity photos.
Bella Hadid makes this pose look relaxed and comfortable. This position seems like it would break your knees and back.
A Couple Of Cows
When you do something that makes you seem adventurous, so you have to document it to prove you did something in nature.
Celeste also looks like she went to a winery and had a few too many glasses.
Nailed It!
If you ever wanted sunglasses that will block the haters, these are the perfect pair. The foil pair and the real pair will surely make the haters invisible.
Nicki Minaj has an interesting sense of style, and this look is bizarre, even for her.
"What Do You Wear Around The House?"
Who wouldn't want to be Haily Bieber? She is married to every teenage girl's dream man, Justin Bieber. Hailey is also so stunning, even in these full coverage underwear.
The recreation is just as amazing and looks more like a body positivity advertisement.
Looking For The Remote
When you can't find the remote so you have to dig through the cracks in all the couch cushions.
"Look! I finally found that bracelet I lost three years ago, and the TV remote!"
Falling Down The Stairs But Make It Fashion
Nicki Minaj has some strange fashions choices and poses. She looks like a spider monkey hanging on for dear life, so she doesn't fall down the stairs.
How did she manage to keep a straight face while recreating this ridiculous pose? Even she looks like she knows how strange this is.
When You Think You Look Cute After Going In The Ocean
It is never glamorous when you go into the ocean and get pummeled by waves. There is salt in your nose, sand in places you didn't know sand could go, and your hair is matted to your face.
In our heads, we think we look like a character straight out of Baywatch, but it is never that glamorous.
Making Pregnancy Look Cute
Celebrities tend to make pregnancy look easy. They put on their matching Calvin Klein underwear and bra and depict it as a glamorous nine months.
In reality, most people don't have the energy to find the matching underwear to their bra, especially if they are pregnant.
"Can You Take A Picture Of Me In The Men's Bathroom?"
When you think of a good place to take a photo, is your first thought the men's bathroom? We are going to guess that you said no because who would go into the men's bathroom to take a picture besides Kim Kardashian.
Also, did the photographer think it was a good setting to capture her gorgeous gown? It ruins the beauty of her entire look.
When It's Really Cold Outside
Did Kylie steal Cookie Monster's fur to get this photo? She is someone who likes to show off her famous curves, so it is strange that she chose to cover her entire body and only show her face.
We love how she took a giant blanket to wrap around herself for this one. If only it were blue, it would be amazing.
Money Talks
When you have so much money that you start to think all those presidents are speaking to you. Also, have you ever noticed that some celebrities feel the need to flaunt their wealth by posing with stacks of money? We know you are rich, there is no need to rub in in our faces.
On the other hand, does anyone else keep a jar of change that they don't know what to do with? Like Celeste, the jar of coins is more realistic that stacks of $100.
Trying To Do Yoga For The First Time
"Hurry up and take the photo, all the blood is rushing to my head!" The top photo is trying to sell the lingerie, but we don't understand why they made her do a pose like that.
She looks like she is doing a mix of downward dog and something else that is uncomfortable.
"What Are You Doing In My Closet?"
"Ma'am, please put your clothes back on. This is a public place, and you are making the other customers feel uncomfortable."
Chrissy Teigen has shared that she loves to be nude, but why does someone else have to be there to stare at her?
Fresh Out Of The Shower
When you get out of the shower and wrap yourself in a warm towel, it is a refreshing feeling. While not everyone looks as glamorous as Alessandra Ambrosio, we can all pretend.
Celeste is feeling her post-shower look, and we don't blame her. It is like playing dress-up with a towel as your wig.
What Else Would You Wear To Do Laundry?
It's hard to believe that Paris Hilton might actually do her own laundry, but if she did, she would wear that silver suit.
Doing laundry is tedious, and when it starts to pile up, it is not fun to do. It is even worse when you have to do laundry for your children or husband, and not just yourself.
When You Spend All Your Money On One Article Of Clothing
When you had to have that designer skirt, but it was so far out of your budget. Instead of saving up for it, you bought it and decided to sacrifice buying groceries for a few weeks.
Then once you have it, you realize you have nothing that pairs with it, and it is too fancy for any event you have coming up.
Going On An Adventure
Take your family on vacation, they said. It will be fun, they said. When you take your children on vacation and have to bring so many extra things with you to accommodate young kids.
Karlie Kloss has all that luggage just for herself. How many outfit changes does she have planned with all that luggage?
When You Need To Be On The Phone All The Time
"Hey, what are you up to?" "Oh, nothing just sitting in the bathroom." "You're calling me from the bathroom?" "Obviously, why else would I have a phone in here."
Have you ever noticed that hotels have phones in the bathroom? Who is that for, and why are they calling while sitting on the toilet?
"Where Did This Chair Come From?"
When you buy a new swimsuit and want to take pictures in it right away even though you are not at the beach or pool. Kylie found a solution to that problem; bring a chair and have a photoshoot in the backyard.
Why is the folding chair necessary? What did it add to this photoshoot?
Sexy Selfie Expectation Vs. Outcome
When you buy a new bra and underwear and want to take a sexy picture in it with the expectation of looking like Emily Ratajkowski, but then you see the selfie and realize no one looks like her.
Even if you aren't a model, all bodies are beautiful in their own way and you should be proud of yours.
"I Do Not Bend Like That"
When your yoga instructor and photoshop guy are on vacation so you can't make yourself look like Miranda Kerr.
How did she manage to bend like that in the left photo? It looks like her torse is not connected to her legs.
"Have You Seen My House Plant?"
When you get a new house plant and want to subtly show it off to all your friends on the internet.
To get the perfect shot, you wear an outfit that matches the plant and casually holds one of the branches.