This article was originally published on TVBee
"How Much Is Too Much? "
With so much time spent at home over the past year and a half or so, people all over the world were forced into picking up new hobbies that they didn't know they needed in their lives. Chances are most people know one person who saved their sanity by learning how to knit and saved money on gifts by giving their projects to their friends and family.

It's only through trial and error that one will learn exactly how much yarn they need per project, but this chart is definitely a good start.
"It's Not As Sweet As It Sounds"
From a young age, we are taught to have a certain amount of fear when it comes to an encounter with a bee. After all, at any time, the bee might zig when we think it's going to zag, and the next thing we know we've been stung. But who's to say that the bee isn't taught to fear us as well? All they're trying to do is go about their daily tasks, when out of nowhere, "fwap!", a person shows up to ruin their day.
The next time someone wants to complain about their lives just remember that it could be worse. A worker honey bee starts working the day after they're born and doesn't stop until it dies.
"One Is Definitely More Majestic Than The Others"
Although they might seem obvious to some people, the differences between the creatures in the lepidopteran family aren't as easy to spot for someone who hasn't had any education on the matter. It's actually a lot more common than one would think for people to confuse butterflies with moths and moths with skippers. Some people don't even know what a skipper is. Perhaps, this next guide will help clear up a few things.
If comparing their cacoons is not a possibility, then checking the thickness of the scarves that the lepidopterans are wearing should do the trick.
"Where On The Spectrum Are You? "
Customers, as a general rule, don't like to make life easy on cafe employees. They either take too much time trying to decide or order so quickly that the barista can't hear them properly. And every barista has, at least once, had to deal with questions about how much caffeine each beverage has. The chart below will finally answer the questions that caffeine junkies have been asking for years...
It's hard to believe that a green tea latte has almost as much caffeine as an espresso...This chart, or one similar to it, should be placed next to every til in every cafe around the world.
"Getting To The Root Of The Problem"
As a result of the extended periods of time that many people spent at home over the past year, many people started their own home gardens. Without much prior experience exploring the wonders of botany, for the plant's sake, it's important to learn how to feed it properly. Many people believe that the best result is found when watering a plant daily, but this isn't always correct.
Due to the fact that roots chase the water that feeds them, by allowing the plant to get thirsty the roots will dig in deeper, and on its sturdy foundation, the plant will grow to be larger and stronger.
"Be Fast To Save Lives"
A stroke can happen to anyone at any time and it will usually happen with very few warning signs, but unlike other ailments, luckily, there are some. There was a time when all of this information would have been taught during first aid or emergency response classes in school, however, somewhere along the line, other things became more important to teach children about than health and safety.
A basic first aid course will cover all of the need-to-know facts about strokes, and what to do if someone in the vicinity is having one.
"Anything For More Time"
Watching someone go through the stages of dementia is a hard thing for someone to do, but suffering from the disease is so much worse. Imagine waking up every day and not knowing where we are. Or going to the washroom and coming back to a room where not one face is recognizable, even though everyone there is a family member. There's no cure for this, but what if there was a way to make the experience a bit less terrifying for those going through it?
A good way to remember the list above is simply to remember to always join the person on their journey. If they think that they're at a pub, pretend to be at the pub. After all, a little role-playing never hurt anybody.
"Take Your Time"
When adopting a dog it's important to remember that the pooch won't usually adapt to its new environment right away. It takes time for the dog to get comfortable. At first, being in a new place, the dog is probably very scared, but as it gets to know its new people, and it can see that they mean no harm, it should start to become part of the family.
The 3/3/3 rule is a great place to start with any dog, but it's important to remember that, just like people, all dogs adapt to things in their own time.
"Never Give Up, Never Surrender"
At first, learning something new is exciting, however, once most people hit that first snag in the way, they tend to get frustrated enough to give up on their new hobby. For those who decide to stick with it, the learning curve can be quite long and tedious but, once they've started coming back on the upswing and everything starts to make sense again, all the hard work almost seems worth it.
A little bit of knowledge is enough to make one's head swell at first, but one's education can only truly begin when one realizes that the only thing they truly know is that they know nothing at all.
"Stuck Going In Circles Again... "
As a result of roundabouts not being present in all of the world's cities, there are many people who go their entire lives without ever being faced with the responsibility of needing to enter and exit a roundabout safely. As confusing as they might seem, navigating these traffic junctions is no different than working one's way through a 4-way stop. Below is a roundabout guide for those who have difficulties.
When in doubt, always yield to the other drivers. And when stuck in a roundabout, just keep driving until an opening appears. The worst thing someone can do is panic.
"So, No Swimming Then? "
It's no secret that Australia is home to many of the world's most terrifying and deadly creatures, yet, somehow, people have managed to coexist with them for thousands of years. Not long ago, a weary traveler risked life and limb to smuggle the Australian secret, on how to avoid saltwater crocodile attacks out of the country. Although it's a complex idea, the secret is something that everyone deserves to know. So, here it is...
That's right. If there are crocodiles in the area just stay out of the water. Definitely don't "chum the waters". And, perhaps, find a different place to camp.
"It's Opossumble To Not Think They're Adorable"
Seeing any creature that we're not used to seeing can be a potentially troubling encounter that could lead to an unwanted reaction, and not just from the person involved. Not all animals have the ability to think things through, as humans do, before reacting, which is why it's important to learn about the local animals, and the best way to not disturb them.
Not all wild creatures are as frightening as they're initially thought to be. Just like most people, opossums just want to go about their days unbothered.
"Owning A Weapon Is Not A Right, It's A Privilege"
Whether or not people are willing to admit it, the statistics show that gun violence has become much more prevalent in recent years than it has been in the past. One of the reasons that this is happening is because of the laid-back attitude that so many people have in regard to weaponry. If only a few simple guidelines had been followed, a large number of injuries, that were caused when weapons had accidentally gone off, could have been avoided.
Handling a weapon of any kind takes a certain amount of maturity that most people who own firearms don't possess. When it comes to lives, safety should always come first.
"Anyone's Pet Need A Mani/Pedi? "
Many people put off trimming their pet's nails because they are unsure of how to do it properly and they are concerned that they might hurt their little friend. Other people think that trimming their pet's nails results in more trouble than the process is worth, well, those people have clearly never had a dog or a cat whose roughhousing has resulted in scratch marks that have left their person's coworkers concerned for their well-being.
At first, when getting used to the trimming process, remember that for the pet's safety, cutting too little is better than cutting too much.
"The Leaches Aren't Even The Worst Of It... "
I know that many people have probably wondered if they would be able to survive after being abandoned "Bear Grylls-style" in the wilderness. The reality of the matter is if one doesn't know anything about the dangers that might be lying in wait for them, their chances of survival decrease drastically. Knowing the type of wetland that one has gotten themselves stuck in might one day be the difference between life and death.
The similarities are plentiful amongst the various wetlands of the world, but by knowing the differences one is able to figure out the important things, like what creature might have just brushed up against their leg.
"A Corundum Is A Conundrum, But Diamonds Are A Girl's Best Friend... "
Any good geologist would have the know-about to go on about the hardness of the minerals, that can be found on Earth, for hours if not days. But what about those of us who didn't grow up with the advantages of a geological upbringing? The only real knowledge that most of us have on mineral hardness is that diamonds are at the top of the chart, everything after that is blank...until now...
To give a little bit of perspective on this one, human fingernails are between numbers 2 & 3, a penny is between 3 & 4, and a steel tool is between 6 & 7.
"Let's Just Say That They're All Part Of Europe"
There are a few areas on the world map that have given people trouble for quite some time. Although most of their members are the same most people are unaware that Great Britain and the United Kingdom are two different entities. This next guide should be very helpful for those who are not from the grouping of islands off the west coast of Europe.
So, just to clear things up a bit, the only difference between the British Islands and the British Isles is that Ireland is one of the Isles but not one of the Islands. Got it?
"CATaloging One's Emotions"
Cats have been part of people's lives for thousands of years, but, for the most part, even though it is widely believed that our little furry feline companions developed the ability to meow in order to talk to us, most of the time, we still have no idea what they are trying to say. Luckily, their body language speaks volumes about how they're feeling. That is, of course, if someone knows how to read it properly.
If wearing emotions on one's sleeve means that everyone knows how a person is feeling, then I suppose a cat's tail is their sleeve. Another helpful hint is to watch what their ears are doing.
"It's A Match"
The enjoyment that one takes out of their meal is not limited to the food they eat. A meal is an experience, and that experience involves both, food and beverages. In order to ensure the flavor of one's meal is at its peak. Many people focus on matching their food with a specially selected wine that pairs perfectly with what is on their plate. What most people don't realize is that pairing food with beer is almost if not just as important.
The next time one isn't enjoying the beer they are having with their meal, perhaps, it's time to swap out the grub, and not the brew.
"The Ground Is Lava"
Adopting a dog is a big responsibility. It's more similar to having a small child than most people would think, only this child never learns to speak or how to use the bathroom properly, which can be quite the problem when the summer heat rolls around. It's important to know our dog's comfort levels and adjust to their needs, just as we would with a child.
In the long run, investing in a set of dog socks will help make every walk as comfortable as the one before. Puppy paw protection should never be neglected.
"It's Time For Our High Valyrian Lessons"
Deciding on which language to learn used to be much easier than it is nowadays. Dating back just a few decades, English, Spanish, and French were probably the most desired languages to know, but as a result of globalization, times have changed. The dialects that we once thought would be important to know, no longer are, and it might surprise a few people to find out which languages are beginning to boom.
With the way that things are going it might be a good idea to start learning Mandarin. You know, just in case...
"Mr. Clean"
Some people enjoy cold showers in the morning and hot ones at night, while others prefer hot showers all the time. There are even a select few who stick exclusively to cold showers, but clearly, they must not be stable. According to the chart below cold showers are great for a few things, however, just not the things that one would expect.
If one thing can be taken away from the chart above, it's that cold and hot showers both have their benefits. The one that stands out most, however, is that after showering, the person is clean.
"A Trip To Ein Gedi Should Do The Trick"
There are 4 main chemicals that help to give us the feeling of happiness. Serotonin, dopamine, endorphin, and oxytocin. Each one is responsible for making us happy in its own way, and each also has its unique method of being activated. If more people knew how to activate these chemicals, then, who knows, maybe the world just might become a happier place.
So, in other words, laughing out loud after completing a tough nature walk, while holding hands with a loved one should have the effects of a booster shot of happiness. Sounds good!
"Twinkle Twinkle Little Star"
A lot more goes into designing a city than most people realize. It's a long process that involves a lot of research and hard work. Every detail, no matter how big or small they may seem, is just as important as the others. One thing that the planners seem to have left out of many of their designs, however, was minimizing light pollution in order to see the starry night sky.
Just think, if the people who are responsible for selecting which street lights to use would have made a slightly different choice, the sky could be filled with twinkling stars instead of reflective darkness.
"Don't Go Breakin' My Heart"
People think that heart attacks are only something that only the elderly can be afflicted by, but much like a stroke, everyone is vulnerable. The human body is a fickle thing. One day it will be working just fine, but at any moment any one of its many parts can malfunction and stop working without warning. Below is a basic guide to help recognize the signs that someone is having a heart attack.
When some is having a heart attack every second counts. Knowing how to recognize one, and when to call for help, can actually save a life.
"Tally-Ho! "
Considering how many different countries there are in the world and how long some of the countries have been inhabited, it's only natural that the different regions of the world would have their own ways of doing things that are independent of each other. Whether it was in order to keep track of the score in the local sporting event, or the number of days since the last bear sighting, as long as the number is accurate, it doesn't matter how we get there.
Even something as simple as the way in which different people keep track of numbers using tally marks varies greatly from region to region.
"Can You Feel The Love Tonight? "
Waking up to the sounds of birds chirping is a great way to start the day, unless of course, if the chirping starts in the middle of the night. Then, it's a perfect time to grab the bird-watching guide off of the night table, head to the window, and be ready to check one of the few birds, that sing their songs at night, off the list of birds that are still needed to spot.
The song of a bird is used to communicate with others of their kind, usually, for mating purposes, so, let them sing and, perhaps, give them some privacy by closing the window.
"A Real People Person"
When there is a high staff turnover rate in a business, the easy for those in charge to do is to blame the quality of the departing staff. That might be okay to do if it's just one or two employees, but when three weeks pass by and all of the staff are new hires, it might be time for management to start looking in the mirror.
A great way to keep staff around is to treat them as though they're people. Few people want to be at work, and treating people poorly gives them no incentive to stay.
"What If They Don't Except Checks? "
Selecting the pattern for one's drapes or table cloths is just as important as which wallpaper to use or which cover to get for the sofa. All are integral in completing the interior of one's home, but they all come with such complex decisions to make. Anyone who thought that picking between a stripe or a check pattern would be as simple as deciding between just two choices has another thing coming for them.
The difference between each check pattern is so much more than just the colour of the fabric. It has to do with the angle of the lines, the size of spaces between the lines, and even the thickness of the lines themselves.
"If There Are Sleeves, Chances Are There's Something Up Them"
When most people pick out which shirt to wear for the day, the sleeves that are on the shirt are, probably not, one of the deciding factors as to whether or not the top should be worn. However, there are people who cannot leave home without matching their "drop shoulder" sleeves with their favorite stilettos or their "marie" sleeves with that cute new hat they got last weekend.
No, those aren't even all the types of sleeves that exist, they are just the most common ones. And just think, there are hundreds of millions of people in the world that only know about one type of sleeve.
"Why Didn't They Ever Teach Us The Tricks? "
It takes some people much longer than others to find the shortcuts in life that will help them to simplify the complex problems with which they are dealing, however, once they understand the method that was taken in order to achieve the solution, the whole process tends to make a lot more sense. It's important to remember that there is always a simpler way of getting to one's destination.
With this method, learning percentages has never been so easy. This is just one of the math's diamonds in the rough that many people wish they would have known but only a select few actually did.
"Sorry, But No"
For some reason, employers think that it's appropriate to ask people to do work "on the house" or as a gesture of good faith. Of the many things that we have been taught throughout our lives, one of the things that most people seem to forget about is how to tell someone that "time is money", and that we don't work free.
Always be careful as to how responses are worded and try not to burn any bridges. Although this client doesn't have the ability to pay anything now, in the future they might.
"It's You, Not Me"
Going to see a therapist used to carry quite the stigma along with it, however, in recent years, that stigma has begun to fade. There are many different reasons why someone might visit with a therapist, and as long as they are going for a reason that's right for them, that's all that matters. Seeing how much personal information they learn about their patients, it's only natural to want to find a therapist that one feels comfortable with.
One red flag is ok, it's normal to have one red flag. When one thing after another starts to feel off about the experience, however, it's time to re-evaluate things.
"Food For Thought"
Learning how to play a musical instrument is a rather difficult task for someone to undertake and a rather long one at that. One of the first steps that one must take is learning how to read the music sheets. Some people like to come up with little games to help them remember the names of notes, but in order to learn how to read rhythm, much like a quality wine tasting, all one needs is a few good food pairings...
Coconut Shrimp. Coconut Shrimp. Milk And Cereal, Avocado Toast. Avocado toast. Avocado Toast. Chocolate Strawberry, Apple Pie. Apple Pie. Chocolate Strawberry, Apple Pie.
"Now, I'll Just Need Your S. I. N. Number And Alarm Code... Thanks"
We live in a world in which people live every day in fear because they believe that the wrong person will gain information about them. Unknowingly, these very same people who live in fear are handing over their information to anyone who will collect it. Bumper stickers to vanity plates, and everything in-between, car owners everywhere get a certain amount of pleasure by personalizing the exterior of their vehicles, with tidbits of information about themselves, for everyone else to see.
Although it's great to have an active schedule and a busy lifestyle, these are not things that complete strangers need to know. Anyone who learns about us from our car decals isn't a true friend.