This article was originally published on WackoJaco
1. Meownt OlymPuss
We wouldn't be surprised one bit if someone tells us this cat rules Mount Olympus (the highest mountain in Greece). It seems like the cat is looking down and telling all other cats on Earth, "You have done well, my children."
The cat is like, "At last, you start to understand my true importance. You may fill my food bowl and wait until I require you to sit down so that I can curl up on your lap." The parent of this cat should feel blessed and buy him tuna.
2. "If Not For Sits, Why Is It Made of Warm?"
Any cat parent can relate to this hilarious photo because they know that cats love to sit on anything warm (even if it is pizza).
So Captain Claws made a perfect citizen arrest (or shall we say a catizen arrest). It seems like the cops are arguing about who is going to move the cat. Maybe they stayed there for hours waiting for the snuggled-up kitty to wake up from her warm and cozy nap.
3. When Cat Owners Met Medusa
It seems like this couple was sitting in the park when their cat decided to join them. Any cat parent can tell you that it becomes impossible to move when a cat sits on you. Even if you want to go to the bathroom, you have to hold it in there (the rules of nature mean nothing in front of a cat).
One theory is that the cat sat on the lap and took a nap for many years and the owners turned to stone over time. Another theory is that they met Medusa, one of the three monstrous Gorgons (anyone who gazes into her eyes turns to stone).
4. A Perfect Copy Paste
The cat is like, "You served me long and now I got a mini-me. Serve her as well."
If this cuteness can't melt you, we know one thing that your heart is made of stone (just like the couple in the previous photo).
5. When Jeans Turn Into Kitty Tunnels
You know the proverb "curiosity killed the cat" right? Any cat out there would explore and do such strange stuff that would baffle you. They will sit down and lick their bums and then start licking themselves (or even you). Why???
But then again, even though cats can be super strange they're also quite cute. These two definitely look like they're up to something. Maybe they saw Shawshank Redemption and thought of these old jeans as the tunnels.
6. When You Don't Get The Treats You Like
Meet Pumpkin, who hates the windy beach. He hates the beach because of one obvious reason: water. Yup, cats hate water as much as most people hated Cersei in Game of Thrones.
Pumpkin looks so pissed that he is planning some serious payback in his mind. By the way, you didn't see the fifth photo in which the owner goes to the emergency room.
7. Cats Rule. Dogs Drool
Yeah, cats are afraid of cucumbers but it doesn't mean they're scared of other animals. Is a cucumber an animal or a vegetable?
The poor doggos are probably thinking: get that black terror away from us! They pretty well know who rules the house. It’s Murder Mittens!
8. Can We Call Him Butthead?
That’s a very distinctive toupee you’ve got there, sir. We absolutely love the hairdo and it isn't expensive at all.

Ah, the look on his face. It's as if he's wondering how that kitty is going to get down without scratching his scalp off.
9. "Ahem. My Bowl is Empty."
This is Meggie. Although she is deaf, blind, and super beautiful, she knows how to make her person feed her. Whether you believe it or not, we think cats are aliens.
Just think about it. They befriended us and now humans work as their slaves. Humans feed them, give them baths, clean their poop, and buy them expensive beds and toys.
10. “We Attack At Dawn. Spare No One!”
It seems like this cat is organizing a rebellion. Or maybe she is telling them, "Don't let the silly humans fool you. They don't know anything. We can rule them together."
Imagine the army they will create. Alpacas with their spitting power and cats with murder paws! Oh boy, we need to prepare for the worst.
11. Drunk Dad and Son
It's so adorable and funny that they are in the same position. All that's missing is the beer in the kitty's paw.
Maybe the cat doesn’t like beer. Who knows, maybe he is more into catnip wine. The cat looks like a distant cousin of Garfield.
12. Is That Charlie Catlin?
We don't know about you, but there's a strong possibility that this cat has something to do with Groucho Marx, one of America's greatest comedians.
Why does it look like the cat killed a mouse, buried it somewhere, and now fears he might get caught?
13. That Fluffy Little Guy Descended From This
This ferocious kitty strikes fear into the hearts of all. No silly, we're not talking about the first picture. The first one looks like he finally decided to lose weight.
By the way, the cat in the second photo is Lulu from the YouTube channel Kittisaurus.
14. $50 Kitty Bed Wasted
Most cats are like, "Aww you brought home a bed for me? It looks so comfy and...HORRIBLE." It seems like a cat bed is lava for these furry monsters.
Humans go to the bathroom before going to sleep and find the heartless cat sleeping on their bed. If you also have a dog in the house, then the cat is like, "I don't always sleep in a pet bed. But when I do, I make sure it’s the dog's bed."
15. When The Cat Uses Pawtosynthesis
We know that plants use sunlight to convert light energy into chemical energy in a process called photosynthesis, right? Science hid from us one fact that cats can do it as well.
This looks like a heavenly cat. We know that cats look like little monsters when they're awake and playful, but they quickly turn into angels when sleeping. This one is even showing us her halo.
16. Welcome To The Void Hooman
Either it is Toothless from How to Train Your Dragon or a black hole. We can't really decide on this one.
An unpopular opinion is that this is a cat in a pot waiting to bloom. What did we do to deserve cats?
17. Are You Trying to Hatch It?
Cats are super weird. This one looks like she's trying to hatch a "watermeowlon" (yeah we're so lame, thank you for pointing that out).
Whether you agree with us or not, we will keep on thinking that cats are the weirdest animals of all. On second thought, exclude the Aye-Aye (a long-fingered lemur that is native to Madagascar).
18. It Didn’t Go As Expected
It seems like Tom brought home two young cuties he found at the shelter. But it appears as if his other cat is already regretting this decision.
If this picture could speak, you would be hearing, "Help me. Somebody help me!"
19. Not An Ice Cream Cone For Sure
As every human makes the sound PFFTHLARTHH at least once in their life, and so did this cat. Thankfully it wasn't due to a cactus.
We told you about how curiosity killed the cat. In this case, curiosity inconvenienced the cutie big time.
20. That's How Baby ‘Sitting’ Is Done
This person found it difficult to babysit their baby and the cat was like, "hold my beer." It seems like the cat is pretty surprised by the warmth of the infant.
The cat is like, "What do you mean this isn't a butt warmer? Works for me, so I sits!” Maybe now the baby is going to be the new bed for this cat.
21. "Karen, We Need to Talk"
These cats don't like their slave to go to work. So every morning, they stage an intervention. This is the cutest and most effective intervention we have ever seen.
We think that only a MONSTER could leave for work after seeing this type of intervention.
22. Meowteor Shower
Nobody got time to pay much attention to a meteor shower. But when there's talk about Meowteor Shower, people start losing their minds.

Consider yourself lucky because these are the rare photos of when cats landed on earth. And most of you were foolish enough to think that cats are not aliens.
23. Destroyed The House, Time for a Nap Now
No Karen, don't try to hide the evil behind these cute faces. They look all sweet and cuddly, but we're telling you that this is a trap.
It reminds us of a movie titled Orphan in which a couple adopts a nine-year-old girl who turns out to be a 33-year-old woman with a rare hormonal disorder that stunted her physical growth and caused proportional dwarfism. Watch that movie to understand our point of view when it comes to cats.
24. Sprucing Up The Cat's Bathroom
How many of you like using your phone in the bathroom? While you sit in the bathroom and use your phone, the cat out there wonders, "She’s been in there for many years (time is fast for cats)."
How cruel of you to have a bathroom art for the cat when you could’ve easily given her a mini-smartphone.
25. "Karen, You Said 'Smile' Right?"
Most cat parents can tell you that taking a photo of a cat is not easy. You think they are sitting in a perfect pose and the time is right to take a shot and bam, there go your hopes of taking a viral picture.
This woman thought of taking just a regular photo of her cat. She simply got lucky. Someone can get hit by lightning twice, but we're sure she won't be able to get a photo like this one ever again (we know it’s a dark thought).
26. The Perfect Halloween Kitty
If David Attenborough narrates this kitty, he will be like, "Here we see a wild derp in its natural habitat..."
It looks like the kitty has the eyes of Sauron. Show this photo to anyone who says black cats are bad luck.
27. Am I A Joke To You?
This is the face you make when mom catches you eating from a trash bin. Although this cat's smile is beautiful, we have a strong feeling that he is hiding something.
Maybe he is trying to act cool, hoping mom doesn't find bird bodies. At least he got a mini version of him.
28. When The Cat is Sick of Your Sh*t
Yeah, using face swap apps is all fun and games for you, but is it the same for the cats?
As one of our reporters went to Mr. Puss’ parents in an attempt to look for answers, she found him at a local hospital's emergency room.
29. Butt Zoom
While the Covid-19 pandemic affected businesses of all kinds, Netflix and Zoom benefited from it. This lady was just using Zoom when the cat interrupted in the most perfect way ever: by using her butt.
Now, her new warning on social media: do not Zoom me unless you want cat butt or cat nostrils
30. The Cat Patrol (Sorry, Pawtrol)
This is a photo of Gli, a Turkish European Shorthair cat best known for living in the Hagia Sophia Mosque.
She was born in 2004 and passed away this year at the age of 16. Before you become sad, you should know that she lived a very happy life there.
31. Revenge Will Be Mine
This cat's expression clearly says, "I am gonna pee in your bed and poo in your shoe. Mark my words, slave, the revenge of a cat is slow and painful."
By the way, this cat looks a lot like Mr. Boogie from the 2012 horror film Sinister. Mr. Boogie is an ancient Babylonian pagan deity who consumes the souls of human children. This cat seems like he will consume the soul of his daddy.
32. Anyone Wants a Cup of NesCat?
Cat logic is the best: if it fits, I sits. Cats are like liquid. After all, they can squeeze into and through impossibly small spaces.
This cat is like, "Even after all this time, I still fit." So, is this your cup of coffee or not?
33. When You've Had Enough of Cat Memes
This cat grew up fast, and not because he was fed 20 times a day. He wanted to kick the butt of anyone who makes cat memes. After all, he was kind of a cat meme himself.
It won't be long before he demands the car keys. We're sure no one wants to mess with this bad boy
34. Distant Cousin of Thomas Jasper "Tom"
Have you ever wondered what happened to Tom from The Tom and Jerry Show? Well, he spent some time with his cousin, Timmy. Now, this is how Timmy looks.

Timmy is like, "So what? Now, I'm stereotypically supposed to eat them?" Even if it is photoshopped, someone did a fairly good job.
35. You May Have a Cat or Plant...Not Both
Cats have a pretty old rivalry going on with poor plants. And cats always win.
Whenever you buy a new plant, the cat is like, "it’s a lovely new plant. Be a pity if anything were to happen to it."
36. Darth Kitty
Oh boy, this kitty looks like the light version of Spaceballs' Dark Helmet. "May the Schwartz be with you!"

The kitty is like, "Go away, hooman. I must go and take over the world!!!" She looks like the game's final boss after you beat everyone else.
37. Meowtal Kombat
The first rule of catfight club is: you do not talk about the catfight club. This is just trash fighting (please excuse the pun).
In the future, one of these cats will be like, "Done that, 'Bin' there (again, excuse the pun).
38. I Died for Your Sins...Nine Times!
This cat is like, "I am the salvation, now feed me hooman!" We don't know about you, but we think the cat is the savior.

The look on her face says, "Although Jesus loves you, everyone else thinks that you're full of crap."
39. "Karen, I've Not Seen Your Freakin' Lipstick"
As always, the primary culprit was curiosity. After all, how on earth can you blame such cute eyes? If innocence should be expressed with the help of one photo, this is the one!!

Now that the cat is caught red-handed, we think the owners learned a good lesson (of course, the cat will never learn one).
40. "To Catch A Rabbit, First One Has To Think Like A Rabbit
Who knew Bugs Bunny ended up marrying a cat. Oh, maybe we took things a bit too far? Well, if you had no problem with a talking rabbit, then we're sure you won't mind our speculation as well.
We don’t want to get sued by Bugs Bunny, so the truth is that this magnificent cat simply used her fish dinner as false teeth.
41. My Precious!
Who knew you could find fictional characters in real life. Meet real-life Gollum's cat version and just look at that snaggletooth!

He is like, "Food? Did you say food? Now I gotta wait until it's cooked?" Unlike Gollum (aka Sméagol), we're pretty sure this cat will eat his 'Precious.'
42. Wrath Of The Claw
You look at a cat's paw and there's no way to resist the temptation of doing one thing: pressing the beans. But beware, as you press the beans, you get the means.
Even Wolverine doesn't stand a chance against this ruthless fur ball. By the way, this is one of the most well-known pictures ever taken before a disaster.
43. The Prestige: Meowgician Version
The Prestige is a 2006 mystery thriller film that follows two rival stage magicians: Alfred Borden (Christian Bale) and Robert Angier (Hugh Jackman). We recommend watching that movie to fully understand the reason behind the title "The Prestige: Meowgician Version." Please watch it and you can thank us later.

We knew that cats like to stretch their bodies, but this cat took the stretching game a bit too far. By the way, the cat is like, "darn, I lost my head again."
44. Are These MeerCats?
Yeah, we never let any opportunity go and we're not even sorry for the pun. Meerkats are small mongoose found in southern Africa and these cats do look a lot like them.
Cat parents know that their babies love to sunbathe (not because they want the tan) as they like to feel warm and secure before they fall to sleep. These two beauties are not even basking in the sun the right way.
45. Copycat
This is what happens when the doctor prescribes a CT scan and you get a cat scanned.
Those perfect beans show how everything about a cat can melt your heart. And let us make it clear that loving cat paws is totally normal and not something to feel weird about.
46. Plot Twist
This is exactly what happens when you think the villain is dead at the end of the movie and he wakes up. And if it is a horror movie, the villain kills you.

As much as we know about cats, they can be pretty cunning and deception is one of their traits. Just like this kitten who knows how to play dead. Bravo!
47. "You Need a High Five In The Face With A Hammer"
This is how all of us are in quarantine. When you don't let your furry companion outside, it is best to go back home after saying goodbye to everyone you love. After all, your cat may try to kill you as soon as you enter the home.
Take a look at the cat that is clearly pissed at his mommy. And the owner of the house doesn’t need the security cameras at all. They just have to put up pictures of the cat with that expression.
48. "I Regreff Noffing"
When the cat has to eat dry food and you cook delicious meals for yourself, you're actually pushing your cat into the dark world of stealing. The cat didn't choose the life of a thief; you pushed him into becoming one.

The cat is like, "You seriously weren't going to eat all those eggs, were you? And haven’t you heard that sharing is caring?"
This cat woke in the middle of night like always and was shocked to see her hooman's skeleton. She was like, "You expect me to starve? Are you listening?"

It looks like the cat already had dinner, and breakfast, and lunch, and dinner again.
50. For a Second We Thought...Oh Well, Never Mind
Before you start making assumptions, it's just a cat. There's nothing out of the ordinary going on and everything looks completely normal.
We got to admit that this person had us in the first half. We were like, "Why would someone post a pair of panties on a cat post?"
51. He Protects, He Attacks, But Most Importantly, He Doesn't Give Rat's...
The maintenance guys visited the house and left because the black cat was simply protecting his territory.
Do we blame the cat for protecting his house? Do we say "Who is a good boy?" The cat doesn't give a crap about anything. You might as well call it the worst cat in the world and he will be licking his butt.
52. The Purrfect Crime
You can call it affection or an attempt to kill someone, one thing we know for sure that these cats have been fooling us for too long. In the name of love, they hurt us really bad and even try to kill us.
If death by smothering isn't possible, they try to stick their bum in your face. We're telling you that these cats are the most ruthless assassins.
53. "You're Not The Boss of Me!"
When mommy yelled at him for being on the counter, he had the perfect response. He actually found the best way to make mommy angry.

Like we said, cats are here to kill all humans. Maybe this one wants to see mommy go crazy.
54. Day 2: Diet Going Great
This cat's favorite exercise is a cross between a lunge and a crunch: it is called lunch. But now that his mommy is strict on the food intake, he has become grumpy.
This cat was like, "Dear diary, to hell with the diet. She can't stop online shopping and has the nerve to ask me to control my food intake."
55. I Make The Rules, Not You
This cat clearly thinks that there are no rules for her. She's like, "I'm above reading, you peasant."
But the plot twist is that she can actually read, but she just doesn’t care enough. Mad respect for this rebel!
56. When You Don't Believe in Easter Bunny
The cat simply threw the bunny out of its house by saying, "Leave or there will be no Easter Bunny this year."

The poor bunny with its little arms crossed got evicted and the "cat-vader (why use invader)" is just acting like a jerk.
57. "Not The Key To My Heart, Peasant"
The cat has a smirk on her face that clearly shows how stonehearted these fur babies can be.
She has someone else's keys in her mouth. It seems like cat burglars are using more creative ways of entering houses these days.
58. If Self-Satisfaction Had a Face
This cat is like "Hey, I killed the snake for you. At least say thanks or rub my belly so that I can kill you."
After seeing this photo, almost every cat owner out there will be like, "Yup, been there." You hate it when the furry companion does it, but you can’t do much about it.
59. A True Purrfectionist!
The way this cat "fixes" different things is quite impressive. He is always telling his person, "The road to enlightenment is never straight hooman.”
This little interior designer certainly knows how to get the angle. By the way, he charges 10 scratches or more if you dislike his work.
60. An Expensive Poo
Ladies and gentlemen, meet Atticus. He was in the ICU for two days and it turned out that he was just constipated. His crap cost the hooman only $2,536.
So, you can say that his crap was more expensive than a small Louis Vuitton purse. He is gorgeous!