This article was originally published on Kueez
Goooood Morninggggg!!!
Imagine waking up in the morning only to find this giant mess in the kitchen. You have every right to cry or even go back to sleep.
This is a perfect morning present that you never wanted or needed. And no, this havoc wasn’t caused by a cat – though we all secretly want the main culprit to be a cat.
"Girl, You Are On Fire!”
That's one way to celebrate your birthday. If she was thinking about giving her hair a major change for this new year of life, the candles did her a favor.
It looks like she was too caught up in celebrating her birthday that she didn’t even notice her hair caught fire. How could she miss the unique burning smell of hair? Hmm...
They're Going "Snowhere"
Yep, that’s snow, and these people are going nowhere. They can make the best of it by using it as a fridge and store beers in it.
What state get's that much snow? Is this Michigan?
David, Just Don’t Look Back
"Whatever you do, do not turn around. I repeat do not turn around."
We really don’t want to know what happened next. There is a toilet roll paper near the dustbin and we’re sure this guy needed it after looking at the pack of lionesses.
Well, That’s Me Signing Off
Ever wanted to complete something but you get the feeling the world doesn’t want you to?

Well, this poor fella didn’t just get the feeling, he got a big heavy sign that said: “go home, spend some time with your family and come back tomorrow.”
When Life Doesn’t Want You To Win
Have you ever felt like you are the most unlucky person in the world? Well, save this photo and look it every time you feel that way again.
We feel sad for this person because this is without a doubt bad luck at its finest.
A Woman’s Nightmare
This woman was curling her eyelashes while walking and she tripped. What happened next was a big NOPE!
This photo can give many women sleepless nights. When it comes to eyelashes, you always have to be careful.
Surprise, Surprise!
This person searched for 10 minutes around the house to find where the dog pooped, only to find out that he had been carrying it all along.
He must be thinking, “it smells a lot here, the dog must’ve pooped in this room.”
Priceless Facial Expression
This is what happens when you are going for the rear defrosts but you hit the sunroof.
It is an Alaskan style, and we loved it. He looks shocked and freezing.
Skip Day
Whoever designed this wasn’t thinking about the people who physically cannot take the stairs.
However, now we know why so many health initiatives fail. Be this photo a reminder for everyone who works in health marketing.
My Car Ate My Keys
Imagine giving this excuse to your boss that “I can’t come to office today, unfortunately, my car ate the keys.”

No one would believe you at first, but they will once you send them this picture. That’s exactly what happened to this man.
A Crunchy Flavor Added
Ouch, even looking at this picture hurts our eyes. Such innocent spaghetti didn’t deserve all this.
This person just wanted to eat spaghetti and watch Netflix, but it looks like it won’t happen anytime soon. We can understand this person’s agony because there is nothing more torturous than cooking food and then it gets completely ruined.
Having The Worst Day
It's safe to assume that not only is the child who fell off their scooter having a bad day, but also the person who put down the wet cement.
It is funny to imagine the kid walking back to his home covered in cement.
Still Looks Good Though
We are sure this person tried to sell it in the form of “modern art.” If you look at the first picture and then see the second one, you’ll start to feel bad for the person who made it.
It is a result of a drop and it would be best to name this sculpture as “floor kissed”.
Car Seat Feels Thirsty As Well
There is nothing more refreshing than an ice-cold Coke on a hot day. The car seat, who had been sitting there in the heat for hours, wanted some of the refreshments too.

Sadly, the person who bought it won't get to be as refreshed as his seat.
Roll Up The Windows Next Time
Most of the time, we make a mistake, and the consequences are not that serious. But this was not the case for this person.
One simple mistake of forgetting to roll the windows up before a snowstorm caused this mess.
Thrill Seeking No More
If you have ever thought twice about going on a roller coaster, keep scrolling. Luckily, they were not stuck upside-down.

Even giving these poor riders a lifetime pass isn’t going to work because most of them would never even think of going on a rollercoaster again.
When Your Memory Fails You Big Time
For any student out there, the worst thing that could happen is missing a final exam. The feeling cannot be described in mere words.
This news would’ve felt like an end of the world for this poor fella. We just hope that he learned his lesson and became more careful in the future.
It Must Be Monday
This is a prime example of a classic Monday. And we are certain this has happened to most people out there.
This guy was at work for over 4 hours and finally noticed it. Well, at least they’re the same color.
Sorry, No Passengers Next To The Driver This Time
This is some quality manufacturing. Whether this person was going to work or coming back, we can only imagine his level of frustration.
Given that it was already turning out to be a bad day for this person, we hope it didn’t happen the day after the warranty expired.
At least He Saved The Wiper Blade
Has it ever happened to you that you wanted to do something to improve the situation but the result is worse than what it was before?

Well, this guy didn’t want to risk losing the wiper blade, and it resulted in him losing the door of his car. This is life; it makes you pull your hair and leaves you speechless.
Flight Horror Show
Okay, the passengers on this plane definitely had a worse day than many people. It’s not every day you feel this is your last day on earth.
This happened to the plane mid-flight. Fortunately, the plane landed safely and no one was hurt.
If your luck runs out, this is what happens. A porcupine fell from a tree right on this poor woman’s head.
We just hope that the porcupine is fine. Who knows, it was a bad day for the porcupine as well.
What Doesn't Kill You Makes You Stronger
You must’ve read/listened somewhere that "What Doesn't Kill You Makes You Stronger"? Well, it holds perfectly true in this case of a brave spider.
The spider knows that this insecticide is only for mosquitos and flies. So, it is not scared of it and is happy to stand bravely on top of the killer spray.
Self-peeling Bananas
There is a possibility that the bananas wanted you to eat them all in just one day and that’s why they peeled themselves.
We are sure the menu for that day must be peanut butter banana sandwiches, banana pancakes, and banana muffins…and a lot of smoothies as well.
Main Reason Why Offices Aren't Based Outside
Most of us find ourselves furious over the birds for pooping on the windshield or even the entire car (if it is parked under a tree). But have you wondered why offices are not based outside?
This guy found the answer to this question the hard way. He was working and minding his own business when a bird sitting over him decided to do its “business” as well.
What Can Be Done Now
We wonder how long this lovely lady sat there until she realized the sign below. Or, that her pants just turned red too.
The only good thing we can take out of this picture is that the wet paint will match her outfit.
Time to Wear a Turtleneck Shirt
Oh, now we’ve figured out why people wear turtleneck shirts. So, this guy’s housemates thought it would be a good idea to do this to him while he was asleep. They then left for the day without unlocking it. The look on his face tells how he was feeling because he had an interview in 2 hours.
We hope he still went to the interview and made a good impression because he needs to save money so he can have his own place without roommates.
Well… That Was Unexpected!
Given that this photo is uploaded, we can assume that everything went okay in there.
However, we cannot just ignore it like nothing happened, right? How was the fight and who won?
A Sign From Nature?
So, the ‘F’ fell off this guy’s Ford Fiesta Flame. Now, he proudly drives Ford Fiesta Lame.
If you come to think of it, there is a high possibility that nature wanted to give a sign to this man. Nature knew that he didn’t understand even after his car broke down several times in the past few weeks. Nature had to improvise!
When the Sprinkler Hates Only You
When you are having a tough day out in the field, you tend to believe that it is happening to everyone else as well. You feel some sort of satisfaction in the fact that it’s not only you who is suffering.
However, it all changes when the sprinkler joins the drill Sargent to grill you.
That Looks Cool…Oh Wait!
So the bathroom on the upper floor was leaking and now the water is stuck by the paint on the ceiling. What to do next?
It may be satisfactory to pop this paint pimple that contains water, but the mess will be too much to clean. Plus there are other expenses of fixing the ceiling and bathroom as well.
Irony In A Nutshell
Here is a new tongue twister for you: Firefighters fighting the fire on the fire truck.
So what did the firefighters do after seeing this? Did they call the fire department? Okay, we shouldn’t make fun of it but it is super hilarious.
Stress Relief
Did you know that smashing stuff can help relieve some stress? That explains why the lotion “Stress Relief” comes in a glass bottle and not plastic.
There is also a possibility that the person got more stressed after breaking a bottle that helps relieve stress.
Unlucky Halloween
The person who posted this picture seems quite happy disclosing that it was Halloween of 1989 and his sister was about to have a really bad day.
Is it okay if we laugh on this one? We all must feel bad about it, right? And why is the grandma not looking after the infant instead of the older kid?
When Machine Turns Against You
Most of us have watched the Terminator film series. Who knows maybe the machines will turn against us one day.
But this photo shows that they might’ve started to plot against us. This poor person just wanted to drink water but the machine had other plans of dehydrating this person to death.
Hey, Here is Your Phone’
We’ve seen videos of dolphins rescuing dropped phones and bringing them back to their owners. They look so cute, right? Well, this croc wanted to change people’s perception of its species as well.
The croc found the perfect opportunity when a girl dropped her phone. Although the croc mustered enough courage to return the phone, the young girl was too afraid to have it back. We feel so sorry for the poor croc (where’s the tissue box?)
Snake On A Car
If you’ve watched the movie Snakes on a Plane then you can imagine how the driver must’ve felt after watching this snake.
The lady was driving her car and almost crashed it when she saw this snake coming out of vents. There was nothing to worry about because this corn snake is not venomous.
Is That a UFO?
There must be a drunk guy in a pub in England recounting the time he saw a UFO at a music festival.
So it happened to this unlucky guy at Glastonbury in 2017. We hope his girlfriend wasn’t in the tent.
You Better Take An Uber
As we have started to rely too much on technology, nature finds some ways to make us consider what we used to do in the old days. This person must’ve taken an Uber to work/home.
A possible explanation for it is that the queen bee must’ve gotten itself trapped inside the car. It is because worker bees can be really protective of their queen bee.
The person who posted this photo claimed that he had been waiting for this to happen for almost 24 years and finally it did happen. He seemed too happy about it.
We are surprised it took that long because low bridges tend to get hit quite often by drivers who can’t read the sign or act smart enough, and think they can squeeze under them.
This Apple Won’t Keep The Doctor Away
This person just wanted to eat an apple. However, the slicer broke and now it has become a dangerous apple.
This looks like a Pinhead Apple or even a wolverine apple. One thing can be said with certainty that it won’t be able to keep the doctor away – it is a ticking time bomb.
Evil Toner Powder
It looks like a scene from a horror movie in which this printer is a door to the other side. We wish it was true. In reality, it is just something that resulted because one of the teachers was having a bad day.
On the right side, you can even see the footprints of the culprit. It could be expected that no one came forward and accepted their mistake. Perhaps, the school hired a private detective to solve the crime.
"Paint Oneself Into A Corner"
We are not sure if he is not a professional or he didn’t think it through before starting the paint job.
Well, he must be thinking about calling for a helicopter or something because he can’t get off this roof without damaging the painted work.
"Thong Guy"
This is a really hilarious one. So, this guy’s belt broke and out of desperation he came up with the idea of using a shoelace as a belt for work. What could go wrong, right?
Well, now the whole office thinks that he is the “thong guy.” That did not go as planned. At least he didn’t drop his pants in front of everyone.
Someone Must Be Pulling Their Hair Out
Imagine Sheldon Cooper from the Big Bang Theory going insane over not finding the last puzzle piece.
This can turn out to be the last nail in the coffin for people who love/hate puzzles.
A Nightmare About To Come True
Imagine Sir David Attenborough narrating it as "here we can see a wild transport vessel showing off his tail to attract a female vessel."
The possibility of losing so many containers must be like a nightmare for the ship crew.
It’s None Other Than Monday
The first thought that comes to most people’s mind after watching this picture is: “it must be Monday morning.”
You cannot blame the person for placing the cup upside down as he was already getting late and needed coffee badly.
'I Quit'
Whoever was given the task to clean this mess must’ve quit his job right then and there.
The person who posted this photo said it was the worst-case scenario after years in retail.
Yes, It Happens In Real Life As Well
If you ever thought that it only happens in cartoons, you were never so wrong in your life. We feel bad for laughing at someone, but this is just too hilarious. We are sure they had a lot of laughs as well.
The person who shared this photo said that it happened at their aunt’s house. This must be the repair guy.
Not The Right Place
Although there is no right place to have your pants torn like that, we have to feel sorry for this soldier here.
His facial expression shows that there is heavy detention coming his way, aside from the embarrassment of course.
Spray Tan Tears Won't Go Away
This photo was trending on twitter some time ago and it certainly has what it takes to be a viral tweet.
We won’t go into details why she cried after the spray tan (hint: she was with her bf), but we can only say that the streaks on her face do look cool.
Did You Bring The Fishing Rod?'
These cops definitely didn’t pay much attention to how deep it was and decided to take their chance. It was a rather unwise decision that made their day go from average to worse.

To make the best of it, they should’ve come prepared; with a couple of beers and a fishing rod. Did you know that there is a "stupid-motorist law" in the U.S. state of Arizona that states that the driver needs to pay the cost of the rescue plus a fine? Although they are police, they must’ve ticketed themselves.
One Small Mistake
Here is an example of a small mistake and bigger consequences. This is a result of forgetting to put the drain plugs in. It was a simple task and both of them forgot to do it.
It seems like one of them is trying to pin it all on the other person. Well, it's too late now.
Never Leave The Car Open... You Never Know Who'll Get In
This has to be the funniest one on our list. It is super hilarious, and we wish we could see this person’s reaction. He knows that he has nowhere to go. He knows that the car is going to be thoroughly washed, and only then he can drive the car without having any disgusting thoughts in his mind.

We know for sure that he must’ve rushed to the nearby store to wash his hands. The hand-written note wasn’t spared either.
Ah, The Irony
We can say that the “eye-rony” here is too big to neglect. Is that a secret passage to Hogwarts?
Fortunately, no one was hurt in this accident and this just proved that the driver seriously needed his/her eyesight checked.
Lucky Escape
Okay, this inclusion in our list is really terrifying. This person stopped because he thought his tire popped. However, this photo shows that maybe someone was trying to assassinate him.
Fortunately, no one was hurt and we cannot really understand why this person took this picture instead of going straight to the police station.
That's Not Milk
So, this person’s mother bought milk from the store and it tasted funny. They later found out that it was not milk.
We are pretty sure that this packaging is quite misleading and the lady simply bought it after seeing a cow with a broad smile on its face. Hey, at least it is safe and non-toxic.
Invest In Some Toys and Not A Phone
Here is a photo of a dad with his son who is perfectly okay after ordering 94 dollars worth of pizza off an app called Slice.
The app doesn’t require payment info verification when placing an order, so the baby had no problem in ordering whatsoever.
Jealous Scissor
Although we think that appliances have no life in them, they actually love us and get hurt when we replace them.
This scissor knew that other more beautiful and stylish scissors had come to replace it, so it had to do whatever it takes to avoid the inevitable.
Closed Donut Shop Made Police Officer Sad
This police officer is not sad because he is working on Thanksgiving, he is sad because his favorite donut shop is closed.
This is without a doubt any cop’s worst nightmare. We just hope we could do something about it or even give him a hug.
When You Just Can’t Stop Loving Your Job
This is what happens when you cannot get enough of your job. This garbage operator gives zero chills over anything and all he wants to do is just head back home and get some rest.

People were worried who threw the garbage all over the place and they were shocked to find that the person behind it is the one who is supposed to collect the garbage.