This article was originally published on 24/7Mirror
Another One Bites the Dust
Woah there. What happened to the good-old skiing community? What happened to the natural communion between skiers? This isn't the skiing community we've come to know and love; something has changed. Nobody would dare leave their fellow skier in that sorry state. Okay but seriously now, skiing is a serious sport. A dangerous one, too. People tend to fall quite a lot when they ski for the first few times.
So we definitely don't blame this guy for not taking heed of the condition of his fellow ski person. We do, however, hope that the skiing community will take notice of this and work towards a better skiing future for all of us.
This Piece Is Called: The Miracle of Birth
Art is a weird thing. Sometimes, an artist takes years on a single piece of artwork, painstakingly and meticulously crafting every single detail of their work. Other times, however, somebody just points a camera at a person and randomly clicks on it. That's definitely what happened with this cameraman, who seemed to unintentionally make a work of high art, rich with symbolic meaning and cultural significance Good on him, we guess?
As to what this photo could mean, well that's the beauty of art, right? It's up to the beholder to figure out for themselves. We're just going to say that it has something to do with giving birth.
Oh, man. There are some stunts you just don't try to pull off on the off-chance of you falling headfirst into a pile of snow. Sure, the snow cushioned the fall, but that definitely hurt this unlucky person. There is definitely a lesson to be learned from this person's winter sport misfortunes: stick to the basics. Don't try to show off. Nothing is worth a raging headache and hair-full of snow.
This person learned that lesson the hard way. We are almost positively sure they'll be a bit more cautious on the slopes from now on, even if they are an Olympic athlete.
Somebody's Eyes Might Just Fall Out of Their Sockets
Okay, dude. We get it. She seems like a very nice young lady. Beautiful too, if we do say so ourselves. But there has got to be a minimal level of self-control that people exhibit, and this guy is definitely under that level. He's literally gawking at her right in front of her. Luckily, this is just a joke, and the cameraman managed to catch these two in a less-than-flattering pose.
But, then again - is it just a joke? The photo does speak for itself, after all. We can't just help feeling as though these two were enjoying themselves just a bit too much.
Let's Just Say That Things Got Out of Control
Crashing into the barricades headfirst is never a good thing. Usually, when people do get into a sticky situation such as this, they tend to get out of it as quickly as they possibly can. This is great for them, but it doesn't let allow us to fully appreciate the comedy of the dire situation they got into. Luckily, this cameraman happened to be ready and armed to the teeth with his digital camera,
Now, we can cherish this photo forever, and laugh at the horrible circumstances these athletes found themselves in. It may be a bit mean, but in the end, it's all in good fun.
That Must've Hurt
Oh, damn. This isn't one of those small little accidents that one can easily brush off and forget ever happened. This is one of those big, life-changing things, isn't it? We're willing to bet that the athlete in question will remember this little blunder for the rest of her life. Not only does it look kind of serious, but it also happened in the Winter Olympics, the biggest stage in the world for winter sports.
That means that this crash was available for the entire public to see. We hope she was ok after this seemingly painful ordeal!
At Least She Got A Helping Hand
There's no better feeling than having somebody truly and sincerely want to help you out when you're down and out and in dire circumstances. Now, although these two are obviously world-class professionals doing a routine they've practiced thousands of times, the way this photo was taken does make it seem as though the female athlete is just about to fall, and that she's barely hanging on. But that probably wasn't the case.
Things were probably way less do-or-die in reality. Although this photo does make it seem as though she's about to twist her neck and crash into the ice. Yikes.
A Fatal Three-Way
How does this situation even come into being? What are the preconditions for something like this happening? We get two people crashing, maybe even three, but the pose they made while doing so is just all too hilarious. They're all fumbling around and grabbing onto inappropriate parts of each others' bodies. We can only hope that these three managed to get back on their feet and finish whatever it was they were doing beforehand.
Jokes aside, it's easy to make fun of these people when they blunder, but they are first-rate athletes doing what they can do best and what pretty much the rest of the world could never even dream of doing.
Getting Handsy Much?
We're not sure why, but we're getting a bit of a vibe from these two. They just seem as though they are kind of fond of each other. Really fond of each other. Like, fondling each other in the middle of an ice-skating arena in front of hundreds of thousands of viewers kind of fond of each other. Well, what can we say except that they make a cute couple?
But seriously guys, how about you two just get a room and call it a day? We are all starting to feel a little bit uncomfortable watching you go at it.
This Just In: Humans Can Apparently Lay Eggs Now
Umm... what? We have no idea where we should start with this one. Is he supposed to be impersonating a chicken? The way the female athlete's head just pops out of the male athlete's behind like that gives us the shivers. This is weird on a totally different level. The worst thing is that this would have looked perfectly normal from the front side, but from this point of view - it's weird.

We just hope the poor woman's okay. We have no idea what being laid as an egg feels like, but we're willing to bet that it's traumatizing. We'll pray for her mental wellbeing.
That's Got to Hurt
We never knew WWE was part of the Winter Olympics. Man, we wonder how many Olympic gold medals the Undertaker has won. Okay, jokes aside now: we know that this woman didn't actually piledrive her partner into the ice headfirst and that it's just the way the photo was taken that makes it seem that way, but we are kind of struggling to understand what did actually happen between these two.

How do you even fake this kind of maneuver? Actually, we should probably ask the people at WWE who are experts at faking these kinds of moves. We'll definitely do that.
Jeeze, Get A Room
Wow. These two lovebirds really are going at it in the middle of a Winter Olympics ice skating routine in front of hundreds of thousands of viewers who definitely did not expect to see them do whatever it is this photograph makes it seem like they're doing. We're not sure which country signed off on this one. Did they see their routine and think: "Yeah, that's what we want to represent us at the Winter Olympics"?

We're just kidding. We're sure these two are incredible athletes who did their country proud in the Winter Olympics. They might just want to reconsider this specific routine, though. Just saying.
Not the Best Face You Could Make in That Situation
There are just some faces one person should not make while standing behin danother person if one does not want to conjure any R-related thoughts in the mind of whoever's looking at him. That is just the way life goes; there's no stopping us from thinking a lot of despicable things about people who make a funny face. This is one of those cases, for example. Just look at them.
We know they're not doing what we think they're doing, but nevertheless, we'll think about it. It's just impossible to not think about it once you see this expertly-shot photograph.
She Did the Tetris L Block Pose
Oh wow. And they say that people never use the geometry they learn in school. Well, this one goes out to all those who hated on our basic mathematical education; this young athlete's made a perfect right angle with her own body. Yeah, she probably never could have done it without the help of her 3rd-grade math teacher, too. To sum up the scoreboard: Math - 1; Haters - 0.
This photograph is nothing less than perfectly timed. If the cameraman had pulled the trigger just a tad bit later or earlier, he would have missed the graceful angle that this athlete managed to pull off.
The World's Best Fish Impression
Three cheers to the woman who pulled off this incredible pose. Look at her, lying just mere inches above the cold, hard, icy ground. That is quite the feat if we do say so ourselves. We would have never been able to pull off something quite like that. And yet, despite her undeniable accomplishment, we do have to say that there's something funny about this pose. It's as though she were mimicking a fish.
Yeah, you heard us right - a fish. Look at her, with her body slightly arched over the ice. Doesn't that resemble a fish jumping over the surface of the water?
Hope This Guy Knew How to Land
When it comes to the world's greatest jump competition, this guy has got the first half of the maneuver figured out. The form, the pose, the vertical elevation; everything about this part of the jump is perfect. The only thing that remains to be seen is whether this guy pulled off the landing or not. We truly hope he did, given that failing to do so would result in a face full of ice.
This is the beauty of photography - you can capture an isolated moment in time and create suspense around that moment. Going only by the photo, nobody could ever truly know what happened to this guy and whether he pulled off the stunt or not.
Houston, We Have A Problem
Yeah, when two world-class athletes crash into the barricade of the ice rig like that, you definitely know something went wrong. Unless it was all a part of their elaborate ice skating routine, which we do kind of doubt. Like, no matter how bombastic your routine is, we doubt it involves having your prized athletes crash like that. That would be plain wrong, and it wouldn't look particularly graceful either.
Hopefully, these two ice skaters got up and continued their routine. The show must go on, after all. We'll also shout out the cameraman who managed to capture this rare moment of vulnerability.
Behold! The Demon of Many Limbs!
Oh dear lord, that is frightening. This is the kind of creature we see in our many nightmares. Like, there is something undeniably beautiful about this pose, but when seen from this angle, it just looks a bit demonic with all those arms flailing around. And don't get us started on those legs in the background. Yikes. This photo is truly something else. The stars aligned for this one. It gives us goosebumps.
It also bears a striking resemblance to the Hindu god Vishnu. Not sure what anyone is supposed to do with that piece of knowledge, but we just thought we'd put it out there.
We've Never Been That Concentrated In Our Entire Lives
We wish we could channel this level of concentration in our daily lives. We can't go five minutes without our attention averting its target. Seriously, maybe that's what sets regular people such as us apart from these incredible, world-class athletes competing in the Winter Olympics - concentration. Well, that and like a hundred other things, such as our diet, our commitment to a single cause in life, our willingness to put our body on the line and so forth.
We're not quite sure what this person was doing when the cameraman pulled the trigger, but we do know that it makes for a great picture. This athlete's eyes are fixed on the prize.
Maybe Something Got in Her Eye
When you're viewing an ice skating routine from afar, you tend to miss all the small, human details that make each and every one of us imperfect. The only thing you can see is the coordinated movement of the athletes, rehearsed to oblivion and graceful as can be. That's why these photos are really interesting - they let you zoom in on the people behind the ice skating routine, and see what makes them human.
So basically, what we're trying to say is - this woman made a funny face while performing at the highest level of ice skating. This is both totally understandable and kind of funny.
Spooky Scary Skeletons
Shrieking skulls will shock your soul and seal your dook tonight! This absolute legend actually recreated Andrew Gold's hit song and viral banger. Spooky Skeletons. If there's one thing we can all agree on, it's that watching a skeleton get groovy on the dance floor is some of the most fun a single human being can have. This guy definitely gets that, and that's why he chose to don the skeleton costume.

We adore this guy and his cheap skeleton outfit. Then again, maybe it's just us and our particular weakness to dancing skeletons and whatnot. Either way, this guy's going in our Winter Olympics Hall of Fame.
Eyes on the Prize
The Winter Olympics are definitely chock-full of high octane, death-defying stunts. Need any proof of that statement? Look no further than this photograph right here featuring a man throwing his female partner sky-high up into the air. And while we have a lot to say about what his gaze is fixed upon, we'll just focus on the acrobatic feat itself. After all, not everyone can perform such an incredible stunt.
On second thought, maybe we should redirect our attention to the male athlete's wandering eyes. Dude, you might want to avert your gaze someplace else. It'll make for a better photo.
We Would Be Having A Mid-Air Panic Attack If We Were Her
This is an incredible photo that manages to depict an outstanding stunt as it unfolds in real-time. The photographer managed to capture both the graceful athleticism of the ice skaters and also the human aspect of the perfomance. If you zero in on the female athlete's face, you'll see her focused face, which might just have a bit of caution written on it, as she makes sure her male counterpart's ready to catch her.

We guess it's comforting to know that even the most capable and prepared athletes still exhibit a bit of caution when it comes to the extreme stunts they perform on a daily basis.
The Undisputed World Champion of Limbo
This is one of those photographs that display just how special an athlete's body can be after years of training. It probably took this woman years upon years of intense training just to get to the point where she could bend her body that way, all the while supporting her own weight so that she doesn't crash into the floor. It is, when you think about it, incredible. It's something else.
It's also worth mentioning (since this is something that a photograph cannot show) that she pulled this off while skating on the ice. She wasn't just standing in place or something like that.
"Man, This Ice Smells Great! "
Woah! How did this guy learn to twist and turn like that? This guy bent his body into a full-blown pretzel while gliding on the ice at high speed. Seriously, if that isn't enough to make you feel impressed, we don't know what possibly could. This is peak athleticism right here, and this photograph, taken at the exact right moment, perfectly manages to capture just how difficult of a feat this is.
There is a humorous side to the photograph, too. It does kind of look as though the athlete smacked his head on the ice, or as if he tried smelling the ice.
So Beautiful. So Majestic
Okay, so the thing about ice skating is that it's usually one of the most graceful, beautiful, and aesthetically pleasing winter sports out there. Scratch that, it's often considered to be one of the most aesthetically pleasing sports of all the different sport types, not just the winter ones. And yet, sometimes, you'll get an incredibly gifted ice skater performing incredible stunts while making the goofiest of faces. This is one of those cases.
We'd also like to kindly point your attention to the athlete's hair. We get that he's literally in the air and that's the reason his hair looks like that, but still.
Nobody Said Skiing Would Be Easy
Ouch. That has got to hurt. Skiing has definitely garnered a reputation for being a rich mans' sport. No surprise, really, given just how expensive it is to actually go skiing. The equipment's expensive and the ski sites are always located in the most desolate of locations and charge you a fortune just to stay the night. That being said, just because it's expensive doesn't mean it's safe. Not at all.
Skiing may just be a bit of a rich man's sport, but it's made for rich people with an active death wish, that's for sure. This photo of a person in excruciating pain is proof of that.
Call It A Workplace Accident
This the behind the scenes. What the average viewer sees when they observe world-class athletes at work is a total spectacle, an incredible and impressive display of athletic prowess. What they don't see is all the hard work, the blood, the sweat, and the tears that go into making those perfomances. It's really easy to forget that these people train day-in, day-out to pull off the amazing stunts and routines we love so much.

This picture is just that: It's everything we don't usually see when we watch athletes perform and compete. That is what makes this photo so interesting - its unique perspective.
Why the Long Face?
This guy definitely seems upset about something. We have no clue what that something could be, given that he's living his dream of being a professional Winter Olympics ice skater, but the evidence speaks for itself. And by evidence, we naturally mean this expertly-shot photograph. Just look at that face; you cannot tell us that this man is happy. Even if you do tell us, we will not believe you.
We're going to go out on a limb and assume this guy didn't sport that sour face throughout his entire routine, and that the guy behind the camera just got a perfectly-timed shot in.