This article was originally published on 24/7Mirror
1. Old Man Ready To Fly
Butterflies have "complete metamorphosis" in which they grow into an adult by passing through 4 stages: egg, larva, pupa, and adult. This is the case with this old man as well.
He has spent his entire life in the pupa stage and now he is ready to move to the next stage and fly out. This is, without any doubt, a beautiful picture.
2. The Ultimate Love Story
We love this photo as it is quite powerful. Part of the reason why it is quite spot-on is that the ad on the wall is of Fevicol, a synthetic resin adhesive used for bonding different materials. In an alternate universe, it is playing its role in creating bonding between two people.

By the way, it seems like the doggo also wants a relationship. We hope he also finds a partner as well.
3. The Imitation Game Specialist
We're absolutely loving it how the cat is looking just as supreme as the two lions.
And now that the missing piece has been found and set, the puzzle is complete. Who knows it might open a huge secret gate.
4. Spot On
This dog is not taking any chances and checking out every dog on the street, even the ones made of chalk.

It doesn’t matter even if this photo is staged, we find it really cute. And just so you may know, the doggo had to do it instinctively.
5. Do You Think He Did This On Purpose?
Many people loved this photo, but most of them wanted to see someone else's face on this poster (we won't say anything else here).

The doggo isn't ashamed of what he is doing. His look says it quite clearly to the photographer that, "mind your own business boy."
6. Thug Life
All this photo is missing is "Thug life" music and some meme animations that we all know about.
The pigeon, also known as Rebel Pigeon in his community, is telling the world that, "I didn't choose the thug life, the thug life chose me."
7. A Bird In The Continuation
This perfectly timed photo shows us why timing is everything. It seems like the bird "tore" right off of the wall. Wow!
This is spectacular photography because it has everything: pained birds, an imaginary bird, and a real bird.
8. Radioactive Trash
We have to admit that for a second we thought the rainbow was coming out of the trash bag.
It is a beautiful photo despite the fact that there are garbage bags in it.
9. Is That You Cyborg-Peacock?
In this photo, we absolutely loved the contrast. There is a heavy structure with a light peacock head - it is perfect.
It is more of an exquisite photo than a perfectly timed one, but it still deserves a lot of praise.
10. Instagram Worthy Photo
This is what happens by accident when you're like, "let's try this blue filter on Instagram."
And who else loves his shirt? It is a pretty cool photo even if it was set up.
11. Found The Portal
There is nothing out of the ordinary here...a man is searching for his head but he can't see properly (obviously).
By the way, we have to make it quite clear that dumpster diving is not a competitive sport. So, don't try it ever.
12. Minnie Mouse Trick
Here is a suggestion for everyone: try this trick the next time you go to Disneyland.
And we don't want to kill the mood, but the grandma doesn't look like she was having the best time.
13. The Martians Have Landed
Fans of The Martian movie will see this photo and think of it as two Martians have landed on earth and enjoying the city life.
But if you are a fan of Mickey Mouse, you'll see this photo differently. We think that it seems like a beauty salon that got outdoorsy.
14. 'Hmm, Okay'
Well, we cannot say a lot about what people like and dislike. If this is what she's into, who are we to judge, right?
By the way, it seems unintentional and the photographer was there at the right time. It was a win-win situation for everyone.
15. #Soar
We know that the slogan of energy drink Red Bull is "Red Bull Gives you wings." But is it the same case with smoking?
Well, we are not going to promote smoking here as it is hazardous to health. But it does look like that this angel needed a break.
16. One of A Kind Dining Experience
Whoa, this one looks a lot like an X-ray version of a van. Imagine if you had this superpower.
By the way, this photo shows that timing is extremely important in photography and so is the reflection.
17. Grumpy Cat, Is That You?
Most of us are familiar with the Grumpy Cat and its memes. So, here is a grumpy man for you.
In the background it is written "cats are cute" and it is quite true in the case of cats....not so much when it comes to humans.
18. Santa Started Cross Dressing
There are a lot of things that we can say about this photo. For starters, did Bruce Jenner become a Santa?
And more appropriately, this picture should be called "The Santa Wears Prada."
19. That's Long Legs for A Crow
It is amazing how the crow flew right in front of the woman and the photographer took a timely photo.
By the way, this photo reminds us of Crows (also known as Crow Fishers or Sky Fisherman) in the movie Mad Max: Fury Road.
20. P.E.R.F.E.C.T.I.O.N
To take a strong photo such as this one, you'd have to be extremely lucky.
The photographer was in the right place at the right time. It is simply superb and we absolutely loved it.
21. Stealth Mode: Activated!
There is nothing cuter than a doggo in a stealth mode. And just so we make it clear, it is not a cross-breed produced ice cream.
It's just that the doggo realized that there was a lot of demand for Ice Cream made of milk from Guernsey cows, so he just wanted some ice cream for himself.
22. The Battle Was A Draw
We are sure he'd be like, "Would someone please put my head back on?"
He must be asking everyone who passed by him that, "Excuse me? I seem to have misplaced my head ... and my hands! Hello!? Anyone there?! Hello?!! Hello ...”
23. Follow The Arrow
Wow, it took us a moment to realize that it's a cane there. It is like a secret message.
As the arrow is pointing to a man who's behind the old man in the picture. One can see the tip of his shoe. But the real mystery is WHY?
24. Dreaming Big
It seems like he has a dream of achieving big in his life or maybe he wants to ride that big thrilling wheel. Nevertheless, this photo is quite brilliant.
But what we think is that he's wondering "size doesn't matter." Ask yourself the same question, does size really matter?
25. She Isn’t Holding Any Balloons
First of all, it looks like a Dementor shadow (we hope everyone got it) and this photo makes you take a double look.
You may have started to figure out which balloon is real and which one is fake, but the reality is that she isn't holding any balloon.
26. They Did Give A Warning
If you look below Regina Car Park banner, everyone is clearly warned to park at their own risk.
But the problem with most of us is that nobody takes warnings too seriously. Now the owner of this car has to get his car washed.
27. A Perfect Match
One thing can be said with certainty here that this young woman was always prepared with her magic crosswalk scarf.
Or perhaps it was destiny. Let's just hope she got to see it as well.
28. So True Dude
With a message from UNCF that says "A mind is a terrible thing to waste," this candid photographer took a clever and timely photo.
The person whose photo is taken is scratching his head and is like, "Wait, what? I don't understand, dude?"
29. What Kind of Sorcery Is This?
The cute cat must be like, "Peek a boo!! Oh. It’s still me, but changed in color." Honestly, we have no clue what's going on here.

Maybe the cat cam,e for a "cat wash" and that would only be the logical justification of change in color.
30. That Piercing Look
Imagine that there's a girl in front of reading this novel and then she lowers the book and it really is the girl from the cover.
Depending on how you take this photo, it can either turn cute or creepy for you.
31. Sir, Please Look Up'
"Ah, excuse me, sir. Are you aware that your hat is on fire?" Who knows this man is really angry with the person he's talking too and that explains why his hat is on fire.
We all know about no use of cell phones while driving, but there should be a law about not walking while talking over the phone. What do you think about it?
32. Well, I'll Be Damned
This is what happens when you have too much to drink. You start seeing more than one version of a person and sometimes even more than that.
However, it all makes sense as there can be identical people in the world or maybe there's a glitch in Matrix. Did you notice that everyone in this photo is using phones?
33. Not A Safe Place to Sit
It seems like a perfect place to sit and relax. But we would recommend not looking up.

This picture was taken in Civic Square in Wellington, New Zealand during the Lord of the Rings premiere.
34. When Your Brain Is On Fire
Most of us have to battle with dandruff at some point in our lives (or even throughout it), but it seems like this person has the worst case of dandruff.
Or if you look at it from another perspective, it looks like he's fuming because he missed his bus.
35. The Weeknd Has Places To Go
Who knew that the Canadian singer-songwriter, The Weeknd, is bald? It’ll come as a surprise to many of his fans around the world.
It seems like he has places to go. By the way, it looks like he has added a couple of inches to his height.
36. Guardian Angel
There are good and bad people everywhere, but you got to admit that police officers all over the world can become angels for people in need.
It is a pretty cool picture because it seems like the policeman is watching over the people of his city.
37. Ah, The Fresh Air
Photographer Jonathan Higbee is a huge fan of coincidences and capturing some of the best shots in the New York City, this is what captured and it is so hilarious.
Perhaps, the smell coming from a dumpster is like a breath of fresh air that this woman seems to enjoy, so what can we say.
38. Fly Away, Freedom Is Yours
It seems like she is saying goodbye to her pet birds. One wonders for how long those birds have been in her bag.
The only thing that came to our minds after seeing it was: "who let the birds out..."
39. Not So Invisible
The 2015's Fantastic Four was a huge flop. It wasn't a big surprise why it didn't do any business at the box office and wasn’t critically praised as well.
For instance, this poster of Invisible Woman would've been more realistic if we couldn't see her in the poster. After all, she's an Invisible Woman, right? And then it seems like it is only invisible from the knees up.
40. It's Out Of The Bag
It is not a common occurrence when you open the bag and find something coming out of it, especially if it looks like yellow noodles.
By looking at this photo, we thought that there are so many catchy phrases that would be good here. However, we can't nail just one. Nevertheless, it is a great shot.
41. The Motivation You Need
If you don't like going to work just like this guy, welcome to our group that has almost every working person out there.
Huge respect for this man as he went on and hired a strong man to drag him into work every day, legend!
42. Limitless Shadows
At first glance, it looks a lot like Mary Poppins and Bert. What do you think about it?
You have to admit that shadows can be extremely powerful when it comes to the imagination (and so are the clouds).
43. Watch Your Step
Is it just we or photographs such as this one reminds you of Matrix? Maybe it is because we are such big fans of Matrix that we kind of relate everything to it.
The man who is holding the other person's arm must be like, "wait, don't step on the sky."
44. Unfortunate Photo Bomb
Does it make us bad people if we laugh at this photo? To be honest here, we did laugh at it as we found it super hilarious.
Nevertheless, we cannot deny the fact that it must've hurt pretty bad. That cyclist did go out of his way just to photobomb.
45. Near Perfect Shot
Although it is a quite timely photo, we just feel that it is like 95% complete.
We feel that the photographer miss the perfect shot by just a millisecond. Nevertheless, it deserves praise.
46. Call Me Sire!
This is one of those photos that can brighten anyone's day within seconds. The levitating hat of this person shows that you don't need so much magic to make people happy.
We are not sure whether he was planning on pulling out a rabbit out of his hat, but he did make everyone happy and that's what matters the most.
47. Perfect Picture Doesn't Exi...Never Mind
This is just too good and we can't stop laughing at it. We'll just say it here that it is beyond perfect.
After all, how often you get to see a cute doggo with a human body.
48. Beautiful from Every "Angel"
First of all, let's address the Interesting tree in the background. It seems to be on both sides of the fence. Well, it is a decoration tree which is on both sides of the fence.
Now coming to the beautiful part of this photo – it is so cute to see that little girl in the fairy costume.
49. Peek-a-Boo
It is called cotton candy in the US, but do people all over the world also call it cotton candy?
Well, it is called "Old woman's hair" in India, "Candy Floss" in Denmark – we hope we are not wrong about it.
50. A Wake Up Call
Although the message on the poster is "So you can reach higher," it looks like there is another message in this picture.
The message is that if we don't stop polluting our beloved earth, our generations will be walking over garbage very soon.
51. It's Rest Time
We have to say that it was a very clever move by the street artist to set it up like that.
This type of street art makes you wonder how creative these street artists can be. Highly impressive work!
52. Sharing is Caring
This world is full of caring and loving people and this photo shows us the caring side of people.
Photographer Jonathan Higbee knows how to be at the right place at the right moment. It looks quite genuine photography.
53. Hagrid, Is That You?
Photographer Jonathan Higbee couldn't believe his luck when he captured this shot. After all, he most probably took a photo of Hagrid.
Yes, it seems like Hagrid has grown old and shaved off his beard to blend in with others. However, he couldn't reduce his height and weight. Still, we are quite thrilled to see him after so many years.
54. A Determined Walk
It looks like this man is walking unconcerned by the clouds above him, but that doesn't affect him as all he wants to achieve is to reach the office on time.
Photographer believes that this photo represents how most of us live our lives handling problems that seem less important to others.
55. 'Where You Going, Han?'
Photographer Jonathan Higbee walks around New York City in search of clicks such as this one.
He waits at a point and looks out for people that complete the missing thing and then takes the shot. Impressive work!
56. Mickey Got To Travel As Well
It took us at least a minute to understand that it’s a balloon with a man in the background holding a mobile, It is definitely a very finely timed click.
And did you think as well that it was an ear to toe Mickey Mouse balloon? Nevertheless, it looks like Mickey doesn't mind going to work and is the only happy person there.
57. Still Young
We are not sure what to call it. Who knows this person is a big fan of punk rock. Or maybe this person wants to become a Spartan.
There are a lot of theories about it, but there is no concrete evidence that would support those wild guesses.
58. A Third Hand
Sometimes we have so much work to handle that we often wish to have more helping hands.
This man seems to have three hands and it shows how helpful an extra hand can be.
59. Is It A Glitch?
Well, it seems like Wall Street people are actually vampires--we knew it.
By the way, it seems like the photographer caught a glitch in the matrix on camera.
60. Watch Out, Watch Out
You need to have guts like this man who is smoking and has no fear of the black leopard behind him.
It seems like only Usain Bolt can smile and not worry about a black leopard catching him (it can be opposite to that).
61. No Way, It Can't Happen
Well, we didn't know that Vampires could go out in daylight and not worry about getting burned from sun rays.
This person (with wings) looks like he has set his target (which is the photographer) and all he is waiting for is the right moment.
62. 'Hold My Hand'
This is a true love story in the making. What we can see is a woman who doesn’t want to hold her lover's hand.
It seems like the lover isn't interested in it but has to go through with it. That explains why he isn't looking into her eyes.
63. A Helping Hand
It might seem to you like this picture doesn't belong in this collection, but look closely.
It implies how sometimes people help without the intention of revealing their identity.