This article was originally published on TheFunPost
They're Gonna Need Special Gloves
This photo really needs no explanation, which is good because whoever posted it didn't offer one. However, it does leave you curious as to how this guy found himself in this predicament. Short of jumping into a bed of cacti, we don't see any other way this could've happened. We can assume it was pretty painful, though, and even the paramedics here look hesitant to start prying these things off.
We wonder how long it took for them to get all of the spikes off, and you just know that these cacti are the only thing keeping him from bleeding.
Imagine Coming Home to Your Entire Apartment Stuffed in Garbage Bags
This particular post is unfortunate for a couple of different reasons. Someone posted this photo after not having anything to eat all day long at work, and when they got home, they found all of their belongings packed up in garbage bags. Apparently, the landlord had given the cleaners the wrong key and told them to clean out the wrong apartment. This would be a bad way to end the day.
However, we feel kind of sorry for whoever was actually getting kicked out. We're sure after one very angry call with the landlord, all of this stuff would be put back in place.
Who Knew There Could Be Fires During a Flood
When mother nature strikes, there's not much we can do. You're usually just left sitting back and hoping your home doesn't blow away. This person had no such hope after a flood struck where they lived in Australia. Not only that, but a fire consumed their home at the same time. The house was probably already going to be a write-off, and the fire was just overkill at this point.
Still, after seeing something like this, the only real options you have are to let out a long sigh and laugh at the irony. We're glad this person managed to find some humor in their situation.
When You Unexpectedly Almost Lose Your Life
This is probably one of the biggest wrenches on this list. Someone posted this photo after their house was shot up in the early hours of the morning. It's hard to say your day could get much worse after something like this happens. Thankfully, nobody was harmed, and the bullets ended up flying harmlessly into a wall. However, we can't imagine the feat this would induce as it was happening.
That's not to mention the after-effects and the complete absence of the feeling of safety. We'd probably have to move somewhere else after something like this happened.
His Air Purifier Ran for a Year Before He Noticed This
Swapping out your home or your apartment's air purifier filter is a pretty simple task. But, for whatever reason, this guy opened up his purifier to find that it was still wrapped in plastic. Not only was it not purifying the air for a year, but it was actively blocking circulation, which could have led to a fire. It's a good thing that they went to replace it when they did.

However, this makes you wonder how someone could've thought that this was okay. The bright side of the whole situation is that at least they have a brand new filter.
When You Have To Step Very Quietly, Or Else
If you've ever had to share a room with someone, then you can probably sympathize with this person. The path to their room was blocked by what they described as "cute but incredibly angry sea lions." And if you've ever watched a nature documentary, then you know that sea lions have a pretty sharp set of teeth. That, and they're much bigger in person than they look in a photo.

We hope this person stepped incredibly quietly on the way back to their room. It might be bad news to get caught up in the middle of this pack of sleepy sea lions.
This Person Who Fell Into a Sinkhole Under Their Porch
The possibility of a sinkhole opening up and swallowing someone whole is usually the stuff of Hollywood movies, but it is still very much possible. This person found that out the hard way, and a hole opened up right under their porch as they were walking over it. They posted this photo and said that they were dangling from their chest down and only just managed to hold on and pull themselves back up.
They also said the sinkhole was around 15ft deep, which would have made the fall extremely unpleasant. Not the best way to end a cold, snowy night, but it could've been a whole lot worse.
Number Nine Decided to Take the Day off
This post isn't to the same degree as some of the other incidents on this list, but it's still kind of funny nonetheless. Someone's watch suddenly stopped working, and they had to look pretty closely to figure out why. The "nine" dial came off or unglued and caught the hands of the watch. This caused the watch to stop working, and the time froze.

The odds of this happening seem pretty slim, but with it moving around on his wrist all day, maybe it's not that unlikely. However, how did the dial just come off in the first place?
This Thief Caused $400 Worth of Damage to Steal Candy
People break into cars all the time, but this one is kind of heartbreaking. Someone broke into this person's car and stole all of the candy they'd bought to hand out to their class of kids. And that was literally all they stole. They didn't get any money or anything else of value. So, this teacher had his window busted just for someone to take off with a bunch of children's candy.
It doesn't get much lower than that. The teacher even made a little sign in case the person came back. On it, they wanted to make sure the thief knew their actions were pretty ridiculous.
Australian Ant Bites Hit Different
You've probably heard the horror stories about all of the creatures that call Australia home. Well, if you needed any more proof, then here you go. This person said that they'd recently moved to Australia and were worried about snakes and spiders. Unfortunately, nobody warned them that the ants were also a threat, and the swollen hand in this photo is the result of an ant bite. If the ant bites are this bad, then we don't even want to think about the spiders.
Just another reason to stay far, far away from Australia, or at least near the beaches. You just have to watch out for the sharks. Actually, yeah, nowhere is safe out there.
Pro Tip: Don't Park Your Bike Under a Tree
We really hope this person didn't bike to work. It might be kind of hard to make out from this photo, but someone locked their bike up underneath a tree. When they came back, they found it covered in bird poo. That's the last thing you want to see after a hard day of work. Honestly, we would rather get rained on while biking home from work than for this to happen.

There's so much of it that it almost looks like it snowed. Hopefully, this guy was able to find a hose or something nearby and rinse the bike off before riding home.
When You Got a New Car but Also a New Lover
Sometimes people bring their misfortunes upon themselves. We're not saying it's ever okay to damage someone else's property, but as far as some of the other misfortunes on this list, it's kind of hard to be too sympathetic here. Of course, there is always the chance this person wasn't really cheating, and their significant other just thought that they were, which would've been really unfortunate because that's a really nice car.

Luckily everything here is fixable, but that paint job is going to set them back. Come to think of it, does insurance even cover something like this? There's got to be a clause in there somewhere.
When Your Worst Nightmare Comes To Life
There's not much scarier than laying down in bed after a long day and then looking up at the ceiling to see a bunch of tiny spiders crawling around up there. That's exactly what happened to whoever posted this photo online. And when looking at the photo on top, that's a lot of spiders just hanging out on their ceiling. We'd probably opt to sleep on the couch this night.
However, in all seriousness, the spiders don't look poisonous and are probably pretty harmless. The last thing they probably want to do is risk being smashed just to mess with someone sleeping.
The Mystery Water Refills Are Finally Explained
This dog is either not very bright or a genius. This owner posted this photo and said that they'd been wondering how their dog's water bowl kept getting refilled. Come to find out that the dog was using the bowl as a potty. While it's not good for the dog to be drinking out of the same bowl they urinate in, it's kind of cool that they use the toilet all on their own.
All this dog owner really needs to do is get another bowl to use for the actual water, and they'll be set. You'd never have to worry about your dog going on the floor again.
A PS5, a Huge Brick, What's the Difference?
If you aren't into gaming, then you might now know that there is a shortage of PlayStation 5s right now. Someone managed to get their hands on one and order offline. However, imagine their surprise when it showed up, and there was a stone where the system should have been. What's worse is that they probably had to wait months to find one and now they'll have to wait for many more until the delivery service can replace it.
It was implied that they bought from a reputable source, too. They said they suspected that someone who worked for the delivery company had taken the system out and replaced it with this brick.
This Teacher Thought His Students Liked Him... Until Now
This guy is apparently a high school teacher, and he posted this photo after his students egged his house. He also posted some texts saying that he thought his students liked him. However, commenters quickly pointed out that they probably actually do indeed like him. Kids are weird, and they usually egg houses belonging to people they like or, in this case, a teacher they think is kind of cool.
Of course, the opposite could also be true, but we like this explanation better. High schoolers are confusing, and who really knows what these kids were thinking.
When All Your "Friends" Ditch Your Farewell BBQ Party
Sometimes the worst days in our lives aren't caused by sheer chance or nature but by the people we know. This person posted photos of the food they'd cooked for their going away party (which looks really good, too), but none of their friends showed up. Cancelations happen, and not everyone can always be expected to make an event, but for not even one to show up is pretty disheartening.
At least the comments were pretty supportive, and this person is moving to another city. Hopefully, they can find some better friends wherever it is they are going. Or at least some that will give a heads up before bailing out on a social event.
At Least They Remembered To Wear Gloves
No, this wasn't the result of some lab accident, and this person doesn't play a certain famous Pixar character. Instead, they posted this photo after they finished painting. As you can see, they remembered to wear gloves, but that didn't stop the paint from getting on the rest of their arm. Luckily, it'll come off pretty easily, but it'll continue looking like some kind of weird tan line until then.
People who commented on the photo also said the guy could keep it and use it as background for a tattoo, but it'd eventually fade out anyway.
When You Get Caught Plagiarizing Yourself
University essays can be a pain, and they usually take hours to write, especially a good one. So, when this student got his essay back and found a great big zero on it, they were obviously upset. Even worse, they were accused of plagiarizing something they themselves posted online. They posted it after they turned the paper in but before it was graded, and their professor found it online, thinking it was posted by someone else.
Also, there is such a thing as self-plagiarization, so if you ever turn in an essay and plan on uploading it online, be extremely careful. This is mainly used in cases where a student uses their own work from a previous assignment and tries to pass it off as new.
Her Dog Approves the Icing Recipe
Unless your dog is incredibly well trained, they'd be hard-pressed to pass up an opportunity like this. Someone left a freshly baked cake sitting out on the stove, and their canine friends must've smelled the cake as soon as it came out of the oven. They said that they left it there to cool off, and when they got back, half the cake was mysteriously missing the icing. We wonder what could've happened.
Luckily, this wasn't chocolate cake, or the dog might have been in for a stomach ache. Either way, we're sure distilled sugar isn't the best thing for a dog.
Tonight's Dinner: A Battery and Broccoli
Going to bed is never fun when you're a child, but it's okay as long as you're not going hungry. Making a child go to bed hungry is much worse if you have the money to prevent it. This person was babysitting their little cousin and was told that dinner was in the freezer. As you can see, there's not much left in that freezer. The babysitter could cook the broccoli, but that's still not a great meal.
Maybe the father thought that the battery would have carbs or something to the meal. We mean, the least they could've done was order some pizza. Isn't that the universal babysitting snack?
This Road Doesn't Want You to Live
Sometimes instead of washing away your home, nature gives you a choice. This person was given the choice to try and drive on this iced-over road or to just stay home. We know which choice we would pick. That road looks more like a river that has frozen over, and there is no way their tires are getting any kind of traction on that. It does make for a pretty appealing photo, though.
They're more likely to go skidding around that curve and into a tree than they are to make it out of this street. Wisely, they didn't take the chance and stayed off the road.
Oh, You're Ready For Bed?
There's nothing better than ending the day by lying down in a nicely made bed, which is why this photo is so disturbing. Apparently, this person was on the way to their bed when they walked into their room and found this mess. The ceiling just collapsed for no reason and littered their bed with insulation. However, they're probably kind of lucky that they weren't already asleep when this happened.
At this point in the night, we might've just grabbed an extra blanket and pillow and slept on the couch because this looks like it took a while to clean up.
The Epitome of Disappointment
This person was in for some disappointment as soon as they opened this container. Apparently, this is pretty common everywhere, as commenters quickly started to share their own stories of disappointment. Moms everywhere, no matter the country, like to store things in ice cream containers. While we get it, couldn't they pick containers that are a bit less tempting than ice cream? Imagine how disappointing this would be if you just wanted a midnight snack.
You could still snack on some peppers, but they wouldn't satisfy the same urge. You'd be better off just grabbing some bread and calling it an end to a disappointing day.
A Demon Is Officially on the Loose
As if we needed anything more to happen to the world in 2022. Someone posted this photo of a stone in Japan that's called the killing stone. They said that legend has it the stone contained a demonic spirit that's now loose. The world really doesn't need anything else to deal with this year; we're already in the midst of a war and a plague. It is pretty strange how a stone just seemingly explodes like that, though.
But, we mean, things couldn't possibly get any worse right? Right!? Here's to hoping 2022 gets better before it gets any worse, and this demon unleashes whatever it is that these types of things are supposed to release.
Don't Wash Your Hands 40 Times a Day
Most jobs come with at least a little bit of risk. But this guy's job sounds like it's looking to take his hand. He posted this photo and said that he works in a -10C° lab. He also has to wash his hands throughout the day, which leaves them so dry and looking like this. That must not be comfortable, but you would think a little bit of hand moisturizer would solve the problem.
You might need to apply it 20 times a day, but it'd be better than losing your hands. Or at least losing your top layer of skin and getting burns.
Right Place, Wrong Time
The Grand Canyon is one of those sites that is on nearly everyone's bucket list. And for a good reason, the views from the edge of the canyon are supposed to be stunning. This is not one of those views. Well, it kind of is, but not the one you want. This person got there on a bad day, and the entire canyon was covered by fog and what looked like snow.
They said that they'd also been driving all day, so they pretty much wasted the entire trip. But, at least they can say that they've been, we guess.
Bad Dog
Dogs are terrible housemates, but they're also incredibly adorable. So, when they inevitably do something bad like chew up a pillowcase or passport, it's hard to stay mad at them. Especially if they have a face like the puppy in this photo; it's almost like he knows what he's done but isn't in the least bit sorry. And while this is bad, passports are relatively simple to replace, and they don't cost that much.
Technically, this person could probably still use this passport if they absolutely had to. It's all still together in one piece, so there isn't any real reason someone should turn it down.
That's Pretty Direct
This might not be the best way to get qualified candidates. However, in McDonald's defense, they didn't actually put up a sign saying they were looking for "losers." Instead, the wind blew away a "c," and instead of "closers," they were left with what you see in the photo. This makes more sense anyway, considering they probably wouldn't give losers a $500 signing bonus if they were being serious.
It's still pretty funny either way, and this alone probably kept a few applicants from inquiring about the position. Nobody wants to be called a loser before they even start the job.
Congrats, You Win Unpaid Time off!
Companies can be pretty bold. Just look at this "reward" this employee won in what looks like a random raffle or drawing. The employee drew a card that gave them an unpaid day off. That's some reward, but we think we'd prefer a paid day off, thank you very much, especially if this is supposed to be a reward for hard work. Who would want to not get paid for a day?
If they posted this, we're guessing they ended up declining the offer and just worked their shifts instead. We're also willing to bet their motivation slumped a bit after seeing this.
When You Finally Find Your Glasses
Misplacing your glasses is annoying enough, but finding them melted in the oven days after is probably a bit worse. This person posted this photo without much context, but we can assume this might've been the work of a small child. Unfortunately, it looks like there's no repairing these glasses, and they likely had to get an entirely new pair after this little fiasco. We would have kept them as a keepsake after finding them in this state.
We can safely assume that they were a bit more careful about where they left them after this, too. But it's hard to hide anything from small children, so who knows.
What Do You Do When Only the Fire Alarm Is on Fire
Talk about irony. This smoke alarm caught fire in the middle of the night while everyone was sleeping. Luckily, the flame didn't grow and consume the entire house, but this is still pretty scary. Waking up and seeing that the one thing that's meant to protect you from a fire exploded during the night doesn't inspire confidence. There could have been some faulty wiring in the house that led to this, and if so, it's likely to happen again.
Hopefully, they brought in an electrician to check everything out before installing another smoke detector or just leaving that space blank and not replacing the smoke detector at all.
The Neighbor's Food Delivery Is Yummier Than His Food
We're not sure if this dog is a stray or not, but apparently, it was pretty hungry and devoured the neighbor's delivery. They must've paid by card for the delivery guy to just leave it sitting outside like that, but they probably also weren't thinking that a dog might come by and chow down. The dog is just sitting there looking at the guy taking his photo, too, like nothing is going on.
We don't see a collar, so this might be a stray. If so, at least he got himself a meal. The dog probably needed it more than the person anyway.
Discovering A Contact Lens Where It Shouldn't Be
This is a pretty hilarious fail. This guy bought an ear cleaner with a camera, and while he was using it, he found a contact lens wedged inside his ear. He hypothesized that he must've thrown his contact lenses on the nightstand one night and one of them stuck to his earplugs. We're just surprised that he couldn't tell anything was different about his hearing or was uncomfortable in any way.
You would think you'd at least feel a slight difference if something was plugging your ear hole. However, he said he didn't even know how long it'd been there, which means it could've been weeks or even months.
They Really Shouldn't Cheap Out On This Part
Okay, so it's one thing to cheap out on the interior of the car, but why is this car company cheating out on the pedals? This person said the plastic broke while they were going 50mph down the road. That's pretty scary, but at least it was the accelerator that broke and not the brake pedal, or they might've been in some serious trouble. We're not even sure we could trust this car after this happened.
We're also surprised that this didn't turn into some kind of giant lawsuit, as a pedal breaking seems like grounds for a safety recall. But, at least nobody was hurt, according to the original post.
Well, Someone Won't Be Getting Their Luggage
This poor luggage. It was spotted just laying out on the tarmac after its plane and owner had already taken off. It looks lonely out there all by itself, but we're sure the owner is probably going to be pretty mad when they realize the airline lost their luggage. We feel for the passenger as it's extremely annoying to get to your destination and find that you have nothing you brought with you.
Unfortunately, the original post does not mention what airline this might've been; we're sure someone working on the tarmac eventually spotted the bags and was able to find out which flight they were supposed to be on.
That Hurts To Look At
We aren't sure exactly what this thing wrapped around this person's finger actually is, but we are sure that they said they were washing it when it got stuck. This is painful to look at, and we're sure it's extremely uncomfortable for the person this happened to. The claws on the pipe don't look like they'd be easy to get off. Luckily, that metal is pretty thin, so if they have to, they can go and get it cut off.
It actually looks like it came to that because we really don't see any other way this thing would come off, barring some more pain and discomfort. But that ship has probably already sailed.
A "Teaspoon" of Chili Flake
Pre-organized and delivered meals can be a great way of discovering new dishes and getting a fresh meal. However, this guy was left scratching his head after HelloFresh delivered him a single chili flake. The packaging apparently said that there was going to be one teaspoon of chili flakes with the meal. Of course, this is a pretty common ingredient, so we're sure that he had some lying around the kitchen but still.
Also, can we just say how insanely wasteful it is to deliver a single chili flake in some plastic packaging? It would've been better to leave the ingredient out entirely, even if it is recycled material.
Oh, The Irony
Don't worry, you see, the owner of the car in this photo wasn't actually driving when it crashed. Instead, they'd left it to defrost, and someone passing by thought that they'd give it a test drive. The thief eventually lost control and wrecked the car. We hope everyone involved turned out okay, but you still have to appreciate the irony of stealing and wrecking a car, especially in front of a sign like this.
We're sure the original owner's insurance covered the cost of the damage, which looks extensive. We hope this thief learned their lesson and won't be stealing any more cars anytime soon.
Can You Spot the Car?
Another post about a car, but this one wasn't wrecked. Instead, someone decided to go outside after a recent blizzard and check to make sure their car was okay. From looking at this photo, it looks fairly fine; at least it looks better than the car in the last post. It might not be driving for a couple of days, but that's more due to the weather than to the car.
On the bright side, this person also has a viable reason to call into work the next day. Their car is literally stuck under six feet of snow, and it's not going anywhere.