This article was originally published on DailyBee
Never Sculpt Dr. Who Characters Out Of Snow
This woman learned from experience that she would never build a Dalek from Dr. Who out of snow. She realized that her snow Dalek was upsetting to the neighbors once it started to melt.
If you are unfamiliar with the show Dr, Who, a Dalek, is an extraterrestrial race of mutants portrayed in the show. This quickly went from a snow Dalek to snow phallic.
The Printer Exploded
This could be confused for a coal mining mishap, but it is actually ink from a malfunctioning printer. The problem here is that ink stains, and he is going to be scrubbing for days before this entirely wipes away.
Never mess with an angry printer; you will most likely end up with a face full of ink and toner. It's like they say, "you mess with the bull you get the horns."
Mom And Dad Think You're Stupid
This guy was going through some old stuff at his mom's house, and he found this old book. It took him 49 years to find out his parents have thought he was stupid since he was a child. It took him half his life to find the book, so is the title correct?
If you look on the bright side, it seems like it hasn't been read in a while, so his parents must have stopped questioning his level of intelligence. At least his mom cared enough to ask those questions and seek information.
Finding Out Your Secret Hair Dye Allergy
On the bright side, her hair looks fabulous, so she has that going for her. On the downside, her face looks like a pufferfish because she didn't know how allergic she was to hair dye. This must be why people recommend that you do a skin patch test before you use new products.
This is a unique way to get rid of wrinkles at once, but it is probably not safe to do this every few months like botox. "Maybe she's allergic; maybe it's Maybelline."
That Awkward Moment When It's Not An Automated Message
Usually, doctor's offices will send automated text messages to remind patients about upcoming appointments. This guy thought it was one of those texts, so he replied with a childish response, but he was embarrassed to find out that someone read his message.
It looks like this guy is going to be searching for a new psychiatrist. Good thing he is seeing a psychiatrist so that he can recover from that level of embarrassment.
The Not So Cute Side Of Getting A Puppy
Puppies are adorable, aren't they? They are so cuddly and warm, and would never do anything to gross you out, right? The truth is that puppies will have explosive diarrhea all over you, but you still love them because of those adorable faces.
We guess she learned not to hold a new puppy on her lap in the car. At least if it were in a crate, the poop wouldn't be all over the woman. You can wait a few minutes to get home and cuddle your new puppy instead of holding it in a dangerous position.
A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words, This One Just Says, "Ouch"
"And I'm free, free fallin', fallin'." This person was enjoying an exciting day on the slopes, right before they face planted off a hill into the snow like a cartoon character. It looks like Wile E Coyote was chasing after Roadrunner on the slopes.
The weirdest thing is that there are no footprints or ski marks to indicate the person got up or got help. Did they blast out of the other side in a snowball like a cartoon as well?
That's An Unfortunate License Plate
This Grand Rapids, Michigan, reporter got her new license plates in the mail only to find out she has to drive around with "Dicks 24/7" on her car for everyone to see.
This is the result of men making license plates; they become dirty and childish jokes. At least she will never forget her license plate number, and an officer might let her out of a speeding ticket because he is laughing too hard.
The World's Saddest Birthday Party
This little girl is named Elizabeth. Her parents call her Liz or Lizard, and for her birthday they wanted to get a cake with her nickname on it. The woman at the bakery must have heard something else because they did not get the cake they wanted.
The cake says, "Happy Birthday Loser," instead of what they ordered. The little girl looks so sad and defeated about her birthday cake. Luckily, she is young enough to laugh about this when she gets older.
The Pillsbury Dough Boy Rises Again
When the bakers made the wrong dough mix, they threw the batch in the dumpster, but they didn't think that the yeast would continue to make the dough rise once it was thrown away. This looks like a job for the Ghost Busters to clean up.
Can you imagine walking through that alley and stumble upon this scene? You might think an alien creature is growing out of the dumpster. You have to wonder how much dough they threw away for it to rise this much.
When Sausage Rolls Go Terribly Wrong
If you are reading this at work, you might want to keep scrolling past this photo because it is NSFW. Yes, these are only sausage rolls that have gone wrong, but you can't unsee the phallic objects.
Although it is difficult to not stare at the three rolls in front, we could not help but notice what looks like giant Reese's cups on the lower rack. Sometimes you have to find something more appealing to look at.
She Is Reflecting On The Refraction Of Water
This girl is self-aware enough to know this is the worst photo of her on the internet. She almost looks like a grumpy lawn gnome that got thrown into the pool, but there aren't many people who would look their best in this situation.
Things look different when they are underwater because of the refraction that occurs there. Basically, you will always look morphed when looking into the water from above the surface.
"I'm Not A Regular Priest, I'm A Cool Priest"
Live streaming can be challenging to navigate if you are not well-versed with technology. This priest accidentally did his entire live stream service with the hat and sunglasses filter. It is hard not to laugh at him even though he is in the middle of a religious ceremony.

It would make Mass much more entertaining if more priests used filters like these during their live streams. Since many things have become virtual, like work meetings, people are accidentally using filters more often than they know.
Who Let Bobble Heads Report The News?
Her head must be so large because it is filled with so much news and information. Also, it is a mystery how she can hold up her head with such a small body. She must fall over because of the weight of her head.
Between the color-blocked shirt and the forced perspective, this photo will have you scratching your own head, trying to figure out why she looks so disproportional.
That's One Way To Try Out A Tattoo
Some people have to learn lessons the hard way, and this woman learned that even on a cooler day, the sun can still burn you. Now she is stuck wearing pants until her burn goes away or she can even out her tan, but that will be difficult.

There is always that one summer where you get a horrible burn, in some horrible pattern, and it never fully fades for at least a year. That is usually when people learn their lesson about wearing sunscreen.
Welcome Home New Puppy!
Get a puppy, they said, it will be cute and cuddle, they said. This guy just picked up his new puppy, and he is already wondering why he let her sit on his lap for her first car ride. The first fact about puppies is that they get carsick easily.
His face says it all because you know he is about to say a particular word that starts with "F." Also, puppies should be caged or secured during car rides because they can get hurt sitting in the front seat just like a baby.
That Pretty Much Sums Up Senior Year 2020
Anyone who was in the class of 2020, our sincerest condolences go out to you because your senior year was basically canceled. Senior year is supposed to be the most exciting with so many events to look forward to right before summer, but that was not the case this year.
Everyone had to complete all their work in the confines of their homes, and graduation ceremonies were canceled. Therefore there isn't even a day to commemorate all your hard work. Can we fast forward to 2021 already?
"Where The Heck Is My Drill?!?"
This person was searching for over an hour to find the drill. It blended right into their bedspread, and we can only imagine the level of frustration they experience. We would be at the level of smoke blowing out of our ears in this situation.
The drill must have been switched onto stealth mode, but now we understand the need for bright orange tools. You can never lose those things on a black and white bedspread.
The Cat Brought Back Someone Else's Keys
Outdoor cats spend most of their days outside, and they are allowed to roam. This is an outdoor cat who brought home someone else's keys after a day of roaming.
Now we know where the term "cat burglar" came from. Instead of bringing his owner a dead mouse or bird, he brought the keys to a house. Thoughtful, but someone is probably looking for those.
They Need An Intervention, Not A Convention
This man should not look so disappointed on his wedding day, but we would make that face too if the event hall booked a furry convention for the same day. They ruined his wedding pictures and annoyed him on the most special day of his life.
If the groom is this upset, think about how the bride must feel. She just spent months planning the perfect day, and then the venue makes a huge mistake. Also, we would like to meet someone who attends these furry conventions to see what they are like without the costumes.
Prepare To Be Terminated
Sweet, sweet autocorrect will get you into a world of trouble if you are not careful about proofreading your text messages. It's almost like the phone chose not to send the important messages just to screw this person over and make their mom mad.
We would probably stay out for a little while longer, so our mom had time to cool off. She will probably be too angry to look at his phone which has the evidence that he wasn't saying derogatory things to her
It's As Simple As Having A Dog License
Why would Facebook need a copy of your driver's license if you are locked out of your account? What if you are one of those people who never got their license or you are a dog, so you don't have one to show.
The dog prefers to chase cars rather than drive them, hence no driver's license. Maybe Facebook would accept an ASPCA license. We guess it's her fault for making her dog its own profile in the first place.
An Honest Yet Hilarious Mistake
Why is it that people who happen to have speech impediments always happened to have names they can't pronounce. Poor Reid can't say his own name, so his counselor was calling him "Weed" for a few days.
The best part about this is that she didn't double-check his name; she just thought that "Weed" was a regular name. Who knows though, maybe in thirty years, that will probably be a trendy name for children.
Cover It With Icing And The Problem Is Solved
When baking, you should expect the end result to look much different from the batter that you put in the oven. Although the top looks like the backend of a unicorn, this is something that can easily be fixed with icing.
You can see in the cracks on top that there is still hope for this cake. It is still bright and colorful inside, so once the cake is covered in icing and cut, people will be able to see the beauty.
Pigeons Are The Absolute Worst
Birds are rude, and pigeons are objectively the rats of the sky, so they are the worst of the worst. Don't believe us? This person came back to their apartment after being away for a few weeks and found this scene in the bathroom.
The funny thing is that the birds learned to use the bathroom, but they didn't aim for the toilet. We would not want to be this person who has to clean all that up.
When Your Parents Have Security Cameras At Home
Have you ever craved a snack in the middle of the night, so you sneak down to your kitchen to grab something quietly as not to wake anyone up? This girl was just trying to get some cereal and ended up falling in her tired state.
Now she knows her parents have security cameras; that's one way to find out your parents are always watching. Also, how did she fall down the stairs without injuring herself? It looks quite painful.
After You Lost The Rights To Your Stock Photos
This guy posed for some stock photos in between some small acting jobs, and he didn't know what the images were going to be used for since anyone can buy the rights to stock photos. His friend then sent him a picture of his face on the side of the bus.
His face is being used for a sex offender ad, and there is nothing he can do because they bought his stock image. Hopefully, no one recognizes him for this as he walks down the street. Otherwise that could get awkward for him.
Just A Little Ice, No Big Deal
While we are sure they are grateful that no one was in the car when the ice fell, they are probably pretty upset about their wrecked vehicle. With a bit of buff and a fresh coat of paint, it could look like a prettier piece of trash.
Where does this person live that there are giant blocks of ice falling from roofs? That seems like it was an issue with the roof itself because ice shouldn't build up that much.
When You Throw Away The Wrong Bag
This person brought two bags out of the house, one with used cat litter to throw away, and the other had his lunch. He accidentally threw away his lunch and drove around with used cat litter, not realizing the situation until he had already gotten to his office.
At least no one at work will be stealing his lunch today. Can you imagine his co-worker's reaction if he didn't realize and put the cat litter into the office fridge. Someone would walk in and say, "who brought cat poop for lunch?"
I'm Lovin' It?
This is what happens when you order from Doordash and accidentally de-select meat and bun from your cheeseburger order. That is exactly what happened to this person, so they ended up paying $6 for two slices of American cheese.
Why would McDonald's think that someone actually ordered two slices of cheese and nothing else? Wouldn't they think to just include the bun and patty just in case?
They Might Need A New Tooth Brush
When his toothbrush didn't make a sound after it fell, he was confused and then instantly disgusted. We are praying that this person replaced their toothbrush instead of just rinsing it off.
To be fair, this person should also check out the cleaning supply aisle when they go to pick up a new toothbrush. We don't mean to criticise but it looks like they haven't dusted in quite some time.
Ox Marks The Spot
After hiking for two hours and setting up a lovely picnic spot, these people walked away for a minute and returned to an ox on their blanket. The ox was grateful that the people set up a meal for her, so she wanted to thank them.
In the ox's defense, they shouldn't have walked away right after setting up the picnic. She just felt the need to teach them a lesson about leaving your stuff unsupervised.
Try Finding Your File In This Room
This must be an ancient company for its filing system to not be digitized. Let's bring them into the 21st century. This guy is going to have a hard time finding the exact file he needs in this mess of paper.
He might be in there for a while, so he should make it his personal office. Those files must date back to the early 1900s based on the sheer amount that is visible in the picture.
Not The Chili!!
If you are a fan of The Office, you will remember the episode where Kevin brings in his homemade chili that takes him days to make, and then he spills the entire pot. This image is reminiscent of that moment in the show.
This guy stepped on his cat, and his bowl of chili went flying down the stairs and all over the wall. That is not going to be fun to clean out of the carpet. The cat, meanwhile, is proudly staring at the chaos she created.
When You Lose The Last Piece Of A 2,000 Piece Puzzle
After spending plenty of hours working on finishing this 2,000 piece puzzle, this person made it to the last piece and realized it was nowhere to be found. There is nothing more frustrating than one missing puzzle piece because you feel like it is never completed.
If they have a cat, that should be the first place they look for the piece. Cats are notorious for stealing things and making your life ten times more complicated than it has to be.
The Gobble Stone Streets Will Get You
The streets were hungry, so they decided to eat someone's car. We thought the potholes were bad where we lived, but this is much worse than we ever could have imagined.
Were they trying to get to the underground parking faster? Wouldn't you be terrified if your car started falling through the middle of the street as if a portal to another world opened beneath you?
There Goes $300 Headphones
This dog knows she did something wrong, so how can you be upset with that face? She was probably annoyed that her owner would always ignore her while wearing the noise-canceling headphones, so she took revenge.
This person not only has to replace the $300 headphones, but he also has to pay to take his dog to the vet to make sure she didn't swallow any of the pieces. That was expensive revenge on the dog's part.
We All Know Who The Favorite Child Is
When you send your mom flowers for her birthday with a card that says, "from your favorite child," and she automatically assumes they are from your sibling. Now this person knows who the favorite child really is after all these years.
It must really hurt to find out you are not the favorite. This will make for an exciting discussion at the next family gathering. Get ready for the real family feud all because you tried to do something nice for your mom.
After Freshly Seeding The Lawn
This person put fresh grass seed on his lawn, and a week later, this was the progress. We didn't know you could grow snow from lawn seed. That would have been good to know when we wanted snow days in high school.
Hopefully, the moisture helps the lawn grow in nicely. If there isn't a deep freeze, this snow could be very beneficial to the new grass. It is also better than sprinklers because snow doesn't break disturb the bare ground.
Ever Wondered What Happens After You Wash Leather?
Instead of having gloves that fit his adult-sized hands, he now has leather gloves for a child or an adult with child-sized hands. OJ Simpson would have called this guy an amateur. "If it doesn't fit, you must acquit."
There is probably a Google entry on how to stretch leather gloves back to their original size, but we don't know if that could save this misshapen set and make them wearable again.
This Is An Eggstra Bad Situation
Whoever's job it was to strap in the egg trolley on the truck is getting fired. They are going to have some very angry chickens on their hands because they did all that hard work to lay eggs, and it went to waste because of a minor mistake.
The person who is stuck cleaning this up is having the worst day out of anyone. They have to get rid of all the shells and insides. That's like cleaning up a giant pool of snot.
Indoor Pool Or Flooded Basement?
It was a lovely Valentine's evening when this man and his girlfriend sat down for dinner. He went down to the basement to check why the heater wasn't working and discovered he had an indoor swimming pool in his basement.
He probably shouldn't put his feet in the water, considering he could be electrocuted but to each their own. That is one way to ruin the mood during a romantic night in with your significant other.
When You Are Allergic To Almost Everything
This boy found out he was allergic to almost everything on the skin scratch test. The doctor couldn't distinguish between each mark because they were swollen together. Maybe the boy is allergic to the doctor, that would make much more sense.
Having scratch tests done on your back must be the most infuriating thing because you can't reach most of the spots when things start to itch. That is a cruel and unusual form of torture.
Concrete Explosion
Who is going to be the one to tell the boss about this mess before he walks in on it? They should get to shoveling as soon as possible before all of it hardens, and it becomes an unfixable situation.
They are too busy taking pictures of the situation to do anything useful. Now the stairs have become a ramp, but it might be an improvement because no one likes taking the stairs.
This Is Why Wireless Headphones Are Popular
Just when you thought your headphones couldn't get any more tangled, this person proved you wrong. Their headphones got caught in the Roomba, and we don't think there is any way to fix them.
Can you imagine trying to untangle this mess of wires? You might as well invest in a pair of wireless headphones anyways because wires were so last season.