This article was originally published on WackoJaco
Never Fall Asleep In The Sun With A Bowl Of Cereal On Your Lap
No matter how cloudy it is outside, you have to wear sunscreen in the summer. This girl didn't think about that and fell asleep outside with a bowl of cereal in her lap. That burn looks severely painful, but she at least has a place leftover to hold her bowl and spoon without being in pain.
You can almost feel the heat radiating off of her skin from this photo. She must have gone through dozens of bottles of aloe vera to soothe her legs. If you have ever gotten a bad sunburn like this, you will know how stiff your body can get only because it hurts too much to move.
Wardrobe Malfunction
These women are strutting down the beach like everything is normal, but there is something off about their bikinis. We don't know if it is a design error, or they are wearing them the wrong way, but we can't see how else these should be worn.

Didn't these girls realize that something was wrong with their bikini bottoms? This seems like they would get an abnormal breeze on their backsides, which would be a giveaway that something is not on correctly. They probably felt very silly when their photo was posted all over the internet.
Got A Spray Tan, And Then Cried In The Car
This girl was feeling herself with her fresh spray tan for a healthy summer glow, and then tragedy struck. As soon as she got in her car, she started to think about everything going wrong in her life, and the tears flowed. Then, she looked in the mirror, and her tears ruined her tan.

Now she looked like a streaky mess, which only made her cry more. There was only one way to fix this, and that was to wash off the tan right away. Her day continued to go downhill because she spent all that money, and it went down the drain. Lesson learned: If you feel like you have to cry, don’t get a spray tan.
She Is Not "Happy" Now That It Is Tanned Onto Her Forehead
While participating in the Color Run, this girl forgot to put sunscreen on her face. After rolling her ankle and waiting to get an X-ray at the emergency room, she realized the stickers had left a tan line on her forehead. Unfortunately, the word "happy" wasn't fitting for her current situation.
For the next few weeks, she had to walk around with "happy" written on her forehead until the tan finally faded. People would give her strange looks wherever she went, and makeup didn't fully cover these awkward lines. It was a good reminder to use SPF regularly.
"Don't Just Stand There And Laugh, Help Me!"
This man has a little something stuck on his backside. He accidentally sat in the small chair, but he was too big for it, and his family just watched and laughed as he struggled to get up. This is like a scene out of a movie, and honestly, we didn't think a chair could really get stuck to someone's butt.

Hopefully, they stopped laughing long enough to help him remove the chair. It would be pretty unfortunate if they had to call in reinforcements for help to get him out of it.
"So Our Car Isn't Part Submarine?"
These people tried to see if their car could work underwater, but they quickly realized they didn't pay for that upgraded feature. It seems fun to drive onto an empty beach, but many people forget that the sand cannot hold the weight of a vehicle.

The family should grab their belongings and go to shore for help getting the car out of the water. We aren't sure why they are standing around it, wondering what to do when they should be calling some kind of tow truck.
Impending Disaster In 3...2...1...
This girl couldn't make it to the beach, so she decided to set up a towel in her backyard and tan. However, her dog had a different idea and decided to ruin her relaxing sunny day. She must have been sitting on his usual spot, so he had to mark his territory.

We hope she woke up in time to move before he started to pee on her, but we don't know if she was that lucky. This is not a good boy, and he was put in time-out for using his owner as a bathroom instead of going anywhere else on the grass.
Looking For Her Best Beach Selfie Angle
We are not sure what this woman was trying to accomplish, but it was a bizarre way to take a photo. Was she trying to get a better angle of the water, or was this the best way to get her whole body in the picture? The idea behind it seems a bit odd, but she didn't seem to care who was watching her.

People who saw this were wondering if she forgot that she was in public. It doesn't seem like the most appropriate thing to be doing on a crowded beach, but who are we to judge; that's what the internet is for.
Thank You, Whoever Posted This Horrible Photo Of Me
This girl was enjoying her relaxing pool day, and minding her own business, when someone decided to snap this picture of her. Let's just say it isn't the most flattering image of this girl, and she agrees. She almost looks like a grumpy lawn gnome that got thrown into the pool, but there aren't many people who would look their best in this situation.

Things look different when they are underwater because of the refraction that occurs there. Basically, you will always look morphed when looking into the water from above the surface.
Everything Was Going Great Until She Ruined Her Car With The Ice Coffee
When you get the perfect order at Dunkin Donuts, you know it is going to be a good day. What could possibly go wrong when you have your daily caffeine fix and a sweet treat? Well, this person found that Dunkin could actually ruin your perfect day.

Within seconds of picking up their coffee, it spilled all over the seat of their car. Not only did they no longer have something to drink, but they also had a huge sticky mess to clean up that would definitely leave a stain. Everything went downhill from this point on.
The Level Of Itchiness On His Back Is Unreal
Just looking at this photo makes you want to start itching your entire body. We don't know where this person went, but it looks like they rolled around in a nest of mosquitos. We can't imagine how much pain he is in, but it is not something anyone should have to experience.

They said they forgot to apply bug spray, but we don't know if that would have helped either way. It seems they were near too many mosquitos for the spray to help. Hopefully, they have some anti-itch cream to help soothe these bites.
"This Is My Life Now, I Am A Seagull's Toilet"
We don’t know what bet this man lost, but he is probably regretting it at this moment. His friends buried him and then put chips around the sand to attract seagulls. At least his friends let him keep his sunglasses on so the birds couldn’t peck out his eyes.

Unfortunately, the chips made the birds think they could use the man’s face as a toilet. He must be thinking that his life couldn’t possibly get worse than it is right now. Your life could only improve after being pooped on and attacked by birds.
From Now On, She Will Be Known As The Sand Eater
Whatever this girl was trying to do, it went horribly wrong, and she ended up with a faceful of sand. She must have been trying to do a flip or a cartwheel, and it did not go as she had planned. Thankfully, someone was there to capture her fall for the internet to see.

It is always funny to see people trying to show off their gymnastics skills at the beach, just before they come crashing to the ground. While the sand may feel soft under your feet, it is not comfortable to land face-first on the ground.
"I'll Take Some Of This, Don't Mind If I Do"
Birds are notorious for stealing food at the beach, and they are ruthless. While this person was snapping a pic of their perfectly scooped ice cream by the water, the bird swooped in and took the top scoop. He knew it was wrong, but he didn’t care because he is a cool bird who doesn’t follow the rules.

The bird thought, "He gets enough ice cream, why shouldn't he have to share with a helpless bird." The person was left stunned as their ice cream flew away in the seagull's mouth. After they got new ice cream, the person made sure to guard it against predators in the sky.
The Worst Kind Of Photobomb
This girl was just trying to get a cute picture of herself at the beach when two dogs decided to do the deed in the background of her image. The photographer probably saw this happening as they snapped away and chose not to warn her because it was funnier this way.

These dogs need to get a room instead of doing it in a public space. Where are their owners to stop them? The girl was probably grossed out when she looked at the pictures her friend took and asked for a new set of photos once the dogs were gone.
When You Decide To Get A Job As A Beekeeper
This boy started his first job as a beekeeper, and within the first week, one of them stung his upper lip. While most people would pay hundreds of dollars to get lip injections like this, the guy got his for free. He might be rethinking his career choice at this moment.

Although the swelling is supposed to go down in a few days, this picture will haunt him forever because he posted it on the internet. People made up different names for him, including "Duck lips" and "Fat lip Joe," but he didn't let it bother him.
"No! Not My Phone!"
This guy was enjoying his stroll along the beach one day when a big wave crashed, and the water quickly flooded the shore. He tried to outrun the wave so he wouldn’t get wet, but he didn’t secure everything in his pockets first. Just as he was about to get away from the water, his phone fell out, and it was swept away to sea.

He looked down and said, “No! Not my phone. WHY?!?” This was a sad moment for this man because he learned a hard lesson on this day. Hopefully, he had some rice on hand so that he could try to rescue his phone. Word to the wise, never run by the water with a phone in your pocket. Take it from this guy; it won’t end well.
Matching Tan Lines With The Dog
This man loves his dog so much that he wanted his feet to look like his dog's. Instead of tanning his whole leg, he left his shoes on so it would look like the color contract on his dog's paws. Who do you think wears this look better? We like the dog's version a bit better.
The lengths people go to match their dogs is absurd sometimes. He could have put on tan tights instead, but he had to make this a more permanent change. For the rest of the summer, he had to walk around like this at the beach, and it wasn't the best look when he had his shoes off.
Do Not Park On The Beach
There must be something so confusing to people about why they shouldn't park on the beach. These people thought it would be a good idea to bring their expensive Mercedes SUV to the beach because no one was around and wanted to park close by.

Like every other car that drove on the beach, it started to sink because the sand couldn't hold the weight of the vehicle. Luckily, people built these things called parking lots that are meant to hold the weight of a car. People should stick to parking lots instead of beaches.
Taken Seconds Before Disaster
This picture was taken just as a disaster was about to strike. The boy was showing off on the high-dive, and as his feet left the board, he realized things were going to end poorly. His friend below watched as he came crashing down on his stomach and slapped against the water.

Everyone at the pool gasped as the boy hit the water. Although he was physically okay, his ego was pretty bruised. After that, he left the pool and refused to go back for the rest of the summer because he was too embarrassed about the high-dive. Sometimes, you should stick to the things you know how to do.
The Seagull Stole His Lunch: A Photo Series
This boy was enjoying his sandwich when a seagull swooped down and grabbed it right out of his hands. You can see the pure disappointment on his face as his food is ripped from his hands and taken into the sky to be devoured by some birds.

The only thing that could possibly turn this little boy's day around is some refreshing ice cream. However, another bird will probably come along and steal that too. Nothing is safe at the beach, and you always have to be careful when the birds are circling.
Even Celebrities Have Bad Days
Every day people aren't the only ones who have bad days in the summer; celebrities have a hard time too. Just as Jonah Hill was rushing off to his morning meeting, his fresh iced coffee went tumbling to the ground right out of his hand.

He was already running late, so he didn't have time to go back and get a new cup. It was a disappointing morning for Jonah, and he was cranky because he didn't have his caffeine fix. The rest of his day only got worse after this incident.
White Pants + Grass = A Horrible Combination
White jeans have been a summer wardrobe staple for a long time, but they don't always align with traditional summer activities. People have picnics and sit on the beach throughout the warm months, and their white pants are prone to stains in these places.

This woman was rocking her clean white jeans, and she fell in the grass and ruined her pants. It is going to take a lot of bleach to remove those colorful stains. This is probably the last time these pants will see the light of day because they are going in the trash.
Instagram Vs. Reality
Back in 2010, these hair-flipping-out-of-the-water pictures were all over social media. Everyone tried to recreate the flawless photos, but they usually turned out looking like you almost drowned. Take this girl, for example; she is the prime example of what people thought they looked like versus how they actually looked.

As you come out of the water, you're so focused on getting your hair to flip that you forget to make a relaxed face. We still aren't sure how the model managed to look so relaxed while taking this picture, but no one else could make it look so lovely.
When Half Your Face Swells Up From A Bee Sting
This amateur beekeeper's day got a little bit worse when one of her bees stung her right under the eye. The sting caused half of her face to swell up, and it took two days for the swelling to subside. You could say that this was not one of her better days.
She posted the picture on Reddit, and people were freaked out by the amount of swelling she had. If you ever needed a visual representation of a two-faced person, here it is. We guess she will be a little more careful around the bees from now on.
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle When You Are Ballin' On A Budget
There are many uses for Coca Cola, but using the empty bottles as a lifejacket doesn't seem like the best idea. His idea was eco-friendly and creative, but we doubt this would help him if he were in real danger. They don't look like they are going to stay attached to him for long.

It doesn't look like a comfortable way to swim, but he must have been too nervous about swimming without it. As long as the waves aren't too strong, it should work, in theory, but it is not a sturdy life vest. At least his friend has an actual life jacket.
When You Get Burned The Second The Sun Touches Your Skin
When your skin gets burned, the second you set foot in the sun, these are the type of precautions you need to take at the beach. We can imagine that she also took a paint roller in sunscreen and slathered it all over her body for the best protection.

This girl was determined not to get a sunburn for once in her life. The rest of her friends really wanted to go to the beach, so she had to wear all these towels to cover herself from the UV rays. She typically avoids the beach at all costs because of her pale skin.
It Was A Fun Lake Day Till The Dog Tried To Drown Her
While her family was spending the day on their boat, this girl jumped into the water for a swim. Her dog jumped in after her, but he got nervous in the water and clung on to his human for safety. Luckily, they were both wearing life jackets because the dog could have drowned her.
Instead of grabbing the dog, her family took pictures of them struggling in the water. It was scary for her at that moment, but at least she had these lovely pictures to laugh about in the future.
Don't Lose Your Head
If you stumbled upon this at the beach, you would be in for quite the fright. These two went to great lengths just to pull off this prank, but the joke is really on the person who is buried up to their neck because they have sand if every small crevice of their body.

This probably took up most of their time at the beach, but these boys were determined to get this bizarre photo. We wonder how long it took them just to dig the hole for the guy to lie down in, and then bury him.
Soon Their Whole Bodies Will Sink Into The Sand
These two men brought their drinks to the shore, and as they stood feeling the water on their feet, they started to sink into the sand. Instead of moving, the men decided to see how far they could sink into the ground. Maybe it's the alcohol, but the man on the right is cracking up from this situation.

Soon they will be tipped entirely over into the water, but they don't seem to mind. It is as if they are just waiting to fall face-first into the waves, and let the motion of the ocean take you away.
Up, Up, And Into The Water You Go
This man was messing around with his girlfriend in the water, and instead of throwing her nicely, she got a faceful of ocean water before she could react. She was launched out of his arms and flew over his head in the most painful looking manner.

As soon as she comes out of the water, this girl is going to get revenge on her boyfriend for tossing her like a rag doll. While it probably wasn't painful in real life, we still wouldn't want to go headfirst into the ocean and get saltwater in our eyes.
"On The Count Of Three Swing The Babies, But Don't Let Go!"
This family was having a photoshoot with their children, and they decided to swing their older child while the baby was on his mom's shoulders. As they swung one child, the other one when crashing towards the sand. You can see the fear in his mother's eyes as he goes head-first to the ground.

We really hope she was quick with her hands so that she could catch him before he hit the sand. They should stick to swinging one child at a time so that everyone stays safe. The kids should keep their feet on the ground for the next few shots.
A Friendly Reminder To Wear Sunscreen
People like to get a golden glow during the summer, but many people burn much easier than they tan. While most of us remember to reapply the sunscreen, some forget and turn out looking as red as that sign. This sign is a helpful reminder to not turn this color before using SPF.

There is a huge difference between a healthy sun-kissed glow, and looking like you have been baking in a tanning bed for years. The sun can do a lot of damage to your skin, so it is crucial to remember sunscreen when you go outside during the summer months.
Avatar: The Last Sunburn Bender
Sunscreen is an essential part of your summer routine. This guy had to learn that lesson the hard way when he was dressed as Aang from Avatar: The Last Airbender. He was standing in line for Comic-Con, and the sun was shining bright in the sky, but no one thought it would be an issue.

When he got home, he realized the painted arrow left a tan line because his head got burned. For the rest of the summer, people gave him strange looks because he always had the arrow on his head. Unless they knew about the cartoon, people didn’t understand the reference.
Signs Are Clearly Just There For Decoration
Although the rest of the ocean has plenty of room for swimming, these children decided to play on the pipe. Signs have no purpose these days because no one follows the rules. There is a good reason why the sign is posted; however, people don’t understand the words “Do not climb, play on, and around pipe.”

Where are these people’s parents when they are needed? Do they not care that their children are in potential danger by playing on this mysterious pipe? If you look close enough, there are some adults down the line, so maybe they just can’t read.
Macho, Macho Men
These two macho men were dared by their wives to wear bikini tops to the beach, and they accepted the challenge. While everyone was giving them strange looks, the men didn’t care because they made their wives laugh, which was worth the silent mocking from other beachgoers.

Not only did they accept the dare, but they also showed that you can wear whatever you want, as long as it makes you happy and confident. They aren’t afraid to wear strange things in public because they are secure enough in their masculinity to go out in public in bikini tops.
Ingenious Idea, But Weird View For Everyone Else
Although this man had an ingenious idea, one wrong slip, and that umbrella is going one place he doesn’t want it. In the summer heat, the shade can save you from overheating, so this guy wanted to make sure he was covered no matter where he went.

This invention was useful, but everyone around him had a bad day because they had to see this man going around with an umbrella sticking out of his pants. If there were a big gust of wind, he would have gotten whisked away into the sky by the seat of his pants.
"You Don't Mind If I Borrow Your Hat, Right?"
This man was minding his own business as he walked down the beach, and suddenly his head got cold. He realized the seagull took the hat right off his head, and he didn't know how to get it back. The bird must have been a massive fan of the team that was on the hat.

The bird was proving his dominance to the rest of the flock by stealing more than food from a human. Now they will never mess with him again because he is brave enough to take things from whoever he wants.
At Least The Burn Is Symmetrical
This is the last time this girl ever wore a strappy bikini top. While she was spending the day in the sun, she forgot to reapply sunscreen to her chest, but at least her sunburn came out symmetrical, so she can pretend she did it on purpose.
For the next few weeks, she had to wear high cut shirts so that no one would see her embarrassing tan lines. Unless she was hoping to have this design on her chest, she probably was looking for a way to soothe the sunburn and ease the pain.
Twinning With The Popsicle Stick
Farmer's tans are the worst because once it's noticeable, you have to figure out how to even it out with the rest of your body. This girl had noticeable lines from her t-shirt and shorts, so she was too embarrassed to wear a bikini for a few weeks.
Her friends made fun of her because she was twinning with the popsicle stick. She had to live in shorts and t-shirts for the rest of the summer to hide the embarrassing farmer's tan. Next time, she will wear a tank top instead.