This article was originally published on 24/7Mirror
1. "Death Before Dishouner"
It seems like this man is a huge fan of American heavy hardcore band called Death Before Dishonor. But that still doesn’t explain this tattoo.
We have no idea why he or the tattoo artist didn’t look for the correct spelling of the band before inking it. A simple Google search would’ve prevented this tattoo fail.
2. Rainbow Suspenders
This tattoo confirms that this person does everything with utmost dedication and commitment.
Not only he tattooed rainbow suspenders, but he also tattooed his thumbs. That is commendable but overall it is an imprudent decision.
3. A Constant Reminder
We can assume that this guy had a pretty unforgettable history of not shaving his armpits.
That kind of explains why he decided to get this ugly tattoo. Creative but somewhat gross!
4. Double Negative?
We have gathered a team of 100 intellectuals from all over the world to decode this special message.
It is because we can’t understand whether he wants you to give up or if there is some hidden message in it.
5. A Great First Impression Creator
This guy took the proverb “the first impression is the last impression” too seriously.
Watching this guy interact with others would be really fascinating. However, it would be difficult to get a job with this tattoo.
6. Nice to Meet You
This tattoo is super offensive and we are quite sure he creates ever-lasting first impressions with this one.
We can only imagine how it would turn out to be when he meets his future in-laws.
7. Saving Ink?
Okay, we get it…spelling is so overrated and the tattoo artist wanted to save some ink as well.
However, we can assume that this person with the tattoo “REGRET NOHING” will regret his decision forever.
8. A Pirate/Patriot Hybrid
Who knows maybe this guy is a huge fan of Pirates of the Caribbean. Diehard fans, right?
After getting his pirate’s eye patch tattoo first, he realized he needs to show his love for the country as well.
9. He Must’ve Lost a Bet
After seeing other tattoos on his body, we just hope that he lost a bet and had no other option.
After all, the combo of back hair and thong isn’t really attractive.
10. "Cool” Tattoo
This guy loves ice cream and decided to express it with a super-bad tattoo…good for him and we fully support his decision.
We are hoping that he started getting free ice creams after this tattoo.
11. Grammar “Suck’s” Anyways
Yes, it is true that “Nothing last’s forever” but this huge grammar blunder will last for quite a long time.
But we do understand that apostrophes ruin everything…just like this tattoo.
12. I'm Aw-Some
Yeah, we got the idea of how “Aw-Some” you are after looking at your tattoo.
We would really like to give you an award for being the most “Aw-Some” person in the world. You will be the first and last person to get this award.
13. "Wrongfully Convicted”
Apparently, this guy was wrongfully convicted and decided to sacrifice his eyebrows to make a statement.
We are not quite sure how this would help his future employment chances, but let’s just hope for the best.
14. A Belieber Spotted
It is safe to say that this person is a huge fan of fantasy football and Justin Bieber.
We must admit that the tattoo artist absolutely nailed Justin Bieber’s hair.
15. One Letter Changes Everything
We must appreciate this guy for trying to preach an inspirational message.
He believed in himself to preach the right message, tried his best and almost “achived” it…sorry! almost achieved it.
16. Taking Advertisement to Next Level
We understand that people have started to shift from fast food to organic food and that’s why big fast-food companies had to come up with different advertisement solutions.
Legend has it that this guy was offered a good deal of 50 billion Dollars to be their walking fast-food advertiser, but he declined the offer and did it for free. He looks happy!
17. The Right Message
The tattoo artist must be smoking weed while working on this tattoo and that explains why he misspelled smoke.
And if you are not allowed to smoke, just show this picture to anyone who is stopping you. They will let you “somke weed.”
18. No One is Perfect
This guy is a legend. He announced that he is not perfect and then intentionally misspelled “genuine” to prove his point.
We instantly became his fan because he is genuine and has a good sense of humor as well.
19. A Tattoo for Just One Haircut
It won’t be wrong to say that this tattoo limited his haircut options, but we can see he has some sort of humorous nature.
We can only imagine how uncomfortable it would be for anyone who sits behind this man.
20. It's Is My Life - Jon Bovi
We believe that this is what happens when you ask your mates to tattoo your arm. This tattoo isn’t the work of any professional.
On a bright side, no one has a tattoo like this one and he should feel unique about it.
21. A Classic Game of "Where's Lionel?"
This person is a fan of Lionel Brockman Richie Jr. and maybe he wanted to pay tribute to the amazing artist.
He tried to pay a tribute with this tattoo and now we think that a simple thank you post on Facebook could’ve been a better choice.
22. "Stay Classy"
It won’t be wrong to say that this guy immediately started regretting his decision upon the completion of this horrendous tattoo.
To make matters worse, he copied Ron Burgundy's famous line. It was just like putting out the fire by pouring gasoline over it.
23. She Loves Saying Hi
Apparently, this girl is a big fan of Spanish language or maybe she only knew this word. Nevertheless, she loves saying hi to everyone but it kind of looks silly because she says it every time with her tongue out of her mouth.
Thank God she didn’t like the Russian language because hello is translated as ‘Zdravstvuyte’ in it.
24. First Landing on the Nipple
We cannot think of any possible reason as to why this person thought that this would be a good idea.
We will only find the exact reason once our team of 100 intellectuals is done decoding the “Double Negative” message.
25. "Too” Difficult
Well, this tattoo fail shows that it was too demanding for the tattoo artist to correctly spell the word “too.”
Given that “No Dream Is To Big,” we would urge him to keep on trying.
26. Taking It a “Bit” Too Far
Hey, if you are a Nike fan and find its slogan “Just Do It” inspirational, good for you man.
However, taking it too seriously can lead to a tattoo that shows “He Just Overdid It!”
27. A Legend We Do Not Need
If ever any competition is held for people with the worst tattoos, this legend will definitely win it.
Given the fact legends do live on, he is a different type of “Ledgend” who will live on as well.
28. The Classy Stamp
Some people don’t know the spelling of words while some don’t know the actual meaning of terms. What can we say!
This person has a different definition of the term “classy” and that explains the reason behind the location of this tattoo.
29. An Unfortunate Mishap
The only word we are going to use to describe this tattoo fail is unfortunate.
This tattoo shows the importance of one letter. It shows how one letter can completely change everything.
30. A Family Tradition That Needs To End
We are quite sure that not many people are interested in joining this family. This family tradition is way too demanding.
We really hope that sanity prevails and this family tradition ends as soon as possible.
31. Thank You Ruining Disney Movie
You can say that this person isn’t a big fan of Disney movies. And this is a terrible, terrible tattoo.
And what is more concerning here is that there are only six dwarfs.
32. Even Copying Requires Use of Brain
So some guy tried to copy the tattoo artist’s work on the left and partially completed it (right photo).
But the worst part is that he even tattooed the nipple on the arm. Moral of the story: Copying requires the use of the brain as well.
33. Nice Tattoo
Dave wanted to show the world his sense of humor and decided that there is no better option than a tattoo.
We find it cute and ridiculously bad. Full marks to him to making people laugh
34. Embracing His Imperfection
We get it, this person has humor and it really made us laugh. He actually embraced his little imperfection.

But it would’ve been a better choice to use that tattoo money to remove that wart.
35. So, He Loves Turkey Sandwich?
Tattoos in the Chinese language really looks cool, but only if there is no use of random Chinese words.
We believe that this guy went to a tattoo artist and asked for a tattoo in Chinese. The only mystery here is finding out who loves turkey sandwich: this poor fella or the tattoo artist.
36. Is The Tiger Okay?
At first glance, it looks like this tiger is coughing or about to sneeze. But that’s not the case.
It is just a terrible tattoo that can never intimidate others. And look at those cute legs.
37. Turning A Bad Idea Into A Creative One
We are not sure you are supposed to get a tattoo over the nipple. However, this person had this bad idea to get one.

What he did next made this tattoo best of the worst tattoos in our list. We can’t stop laughing…
38. Portable Ruler
Before any of you start judging him, just consider the possibility of him working in the filed in which measuring ruler is used frequently.
However, we do strongly feel that this portable measuring ruler has never ever come in handy.
39. Charlie Sheen Fan
Honestly, we don’t know what to say about this tattoo fail. We are simply out of words for this one.
However, we must confess that we really like Charlie Sheen’s hair. That’s all we are going to say about this tattoo.
40. Deformed Tiger
Is that the eye of the tiger? Nope, that looks like a nose. We are as confused as you are right now.

Did this person go to an amateur tattoo artist? Did he give him any tip after getting this tattoo? There are so many unanswered questions.
41. Is It A Galaxy Tattoo?
We are not sure what this person was thinking before getting this tattoo.
All this person has to do is save some money and get a laser treatment. This tattoo is making us feel sick.
42. What The!
We are speechless. We actually took a 10-years break from the internet after watching this tattoo.
It won’t be wrong to say that the right photo is screaming for help.
43. This Tattoo Was Supposed to Be of Stars
Okay, it would’ve been much better if the stars were a little bit bigger. What are your thoughts on this one?
If you are speechless then we can totally understand. They look more likes fleas than stars.
44. Big Angelina Jolie’s Fan
Unless you are going to a tattoo specialist, it is never a good idea to get a tattoo of a person’s face.
She is such a beautiful actress and seeing this is pure torture.