1. "Do You Wanna Build A Snowman?"
Olaf came knocking at the door, and he wants to know if you want to help him build a snowman to be his friend. He is very insistent that you try to come outside and play.
Make sure the heat isn't on too high, or else he will melt, and your new friend will be gone till the next snowstorm.
2. "So I Guess We Are Staying Inside Today"
These people opened their door because the doorbell rang, but it was just the snow hitting their door very hard. The snow was cold and wanted to come inside.
*Ding dong* "Excuse me, do you have some time to talk about our Lord and Savior Snow Miser?"
3. An Intricate Igloo
This house became covered in ice and snow, creating what looks like either a ghost house or a fortress of solitude.
How are you supposed to get out of your house when its frozen shut.
4. The Next Ice Age
"Hello there! Do you have any snacks? I haven't had anything to eat in millions of years." This dinosaur is really invasive, but he is probably cold because they are not used to snow.
He looks like the guy from The Shining when he says, "here's Johnny!"
5. "Whose Turn Is It To Shovel The Driveway?"
Can you imagine having to figure out how to shovel this driveway! There must have been some heavy machinery involved
It would be very interesting to see a timelapse of this driveway being shoveled and to see how they were able to achieve these walls.
6. "Where's My Car?"
When your boss calls and says, "You are still coming to work, right?" "I might be late. I can't seem to find my car."

Did you ever think you would see someone who hasn't found their car but it is right under their nose?
7. Should I Invite Myself Over Or Not
he never thought he would get to see the other side of the fence until the blizzard created the perfect platform for him to spy on the neighbors.
He is wondering if he should finally introduce himself or if he should just stand and stare at them until they say something first.
8. Canadian Romantic Settings
When you live in Canada and there is a snowstorm, that does not stop you from finding ways to enjoy some time outside. These people set up a romantic scene with candles right next to the snow wall that built up in their backyard.
All they need is a hot drink and lots of layers of clothing for this to be a comfortable spot.
9. "I Found A Car!"
After about an hour of digging, this person finally found a buried car, but was it even their car? Can you imagine how much longer it would take to dig out the rest of the car?
Where are they planning to go once the car is dug out considering what the rest of the roads must look like?
10. When You Leave The Sunroof Open
It was his first week of having his license, and he forgot to close the sunroof before one of the worst snowstorms on record. Some lessons are learned the hard way.
At least it is cold enough so that the snow won't melt into the seats, but it is going to take a while for them to shovel it out of there.
11. When You Finally Dig Out Your Car
This person managed to dig their whole car out of the snow pile, they just have a tiny bit of snow left on their windshield to clean off.
That snow on the front of their car looks like the iceberg that sunk the Titanic. It is coming back for an act of vengeance.
12. Horror Movie Or Blizzard
Don't go into the light! The snow monsters are waiting for you to wander out into the open before they snatch you and pull you into the freezing abyss.
If you are a fan or have seen Stranger Things, then this might look like the entrance to the upside-down, which is equally or scarier than a place with snow monsters.
13. Just A Little Snow
Good thing the stop sign and the name of the street are still showing. The snow was considerate of the street signs so that the brave people who go for a drive can know where they are going.
Now this woman can say she was once taller than a street sign, that is an accomplishment.
14. Where Did The Houses Go?
Now that is a scary sight. Are these people trapped in their houses or can they get out the front? Hopefully, no one inside is claustrophobic.

Can you imagine waking up from a nap and having all this snow piled up on one side of the house? You would be really confused and scared.
15. He Is Trying To Dig His Way Out
He created his own doggy snow house. It is equipped with air-conditioning and yellow snow flooring. Although his new snow house is built just for him, he prefers the warmth of his human's home.
The dog is probably wondering what happened to the yard. She is looking at her humans as if she is lost and is trying to find a way out.
16. It's Over 7 ft Tall
People who are seeing these pictures of the snow in Canada will probably never complain about 8 inches of snow again. This man is 6 feet tall and the snow is much taller than him.
Where is he trying to go because it might take a few days? It doesn't seem like anyone will be able to get out of their houses on that street.
17. Time To Hibernate
Is this an inside look at the houses that were buried in the snow earlier in the list? These people are living in darkness now that their house is covered by the snow.
They must have had to stock up on every type of food because it doesn't look like they will be able to get to the store anytime soon.
18. Redecorating The Front Yard
This looks like these people are trying to create a castle for the likes of Elsa and Anna from Frozen. This must have taken a while to build and lots of dedication.
When the mailman comes, he will feel like he is entering an extraordinary world through this snow tunnel.
19. When The Fridge Is Full
It is a total win when mother nature provides a free cooler for your soda. If the fridge is full, this is one way to improvise and get some extra cooling space.
Why anyone would want to drink a freezing cold drink is interesting but to each their own.
20. What Happens When The Plow Comes?
Ok, so these people managed to dig their cars out, but now what happens to that wall in the middle. Do you still have to go to work when the road is like this?
What happens when the plow comes by and throws the wall of snow back on the cars? That is a waste of hours worth of shoveling.
21. Build A Wall
After building this snow wall, they still haven't reached the road. The road may be far away, but they have an excellent foundation for a giant igloo.
It is tough labor, but an incredible workout for this little guy. He definitely had some help.
22. That's Not Supposed To Be There
When there is a huge snowstorm with a strong snowdrift, you have to remember to check under your hood for snow.
If you have trouble starting your car, this might be the problem, unless there hasn't been a snowstorm where you live.
23. What Do You Do Now?
Did you know that snow is a great insulator despite people associating it with being cold? Now their basement has full insulation even though they can't escape.
Let's hope their boss doesn't need them to come to work today.
24. The Cars Are Sinking
They aren't going anywhere soon. This is what the cars look like before they are fully covered in snow.
People in Georgia were having a state of emergency for an inch of snow, imagine what they would do if this amount of snow hit the south.
25. Pathways To Get To The Car
This drone shot shows the amazing pathways people have dug out. Although, they still haven't managed to reach their cars.
If they keep shoveling, they can make an intricate design for an even cooler drone photo.