This article was originally published on 24/7Mirror
Only the Truly Loyal Drake Fans Get This Tattoo
We completely understand the admiration that fans have for their celebratory role models. We won't even stop you from getting a tattoo of a memorable lyric or a meaningful symbol from your favorite musical artist, band, TV show, movie, franchise, etc. However, placement is where we are going to draw the line. This beautiful woman is a massive fan of the rapper Drake and felt that the world needed to know by getting his name tattooed on her forehead.

Honestly, if we take a moment to strategize here then this might be the key to getting a lifetime of V.I.P. passes to all of Drake's future concerts.
Got to Be Sure Your Facial Tattoos Are Consistent
Whenever getting a tattoo you want to think long and hard about where and what you will be permanently placing on your body. Perhaps, you are going for a specific theme or something? Either way, thinking these decisions out is even more important when it comes to facial tattoos since everyone will see them. Unfortunately, this man did not get that memo and has some hardcore facial tattoo and then a random cute paw print.

The paw print stands out from the rest of the tattoos, and maybe that was this guy's intention. Either way, we've got to appreciate his commitment to covering his entire face.
A True American Patriot
Patriotism in America has become more of a divisive topic in society, but the fact remains that many people do love their country. This young gentleman wanted to be very clear about his love for the United States and proceeded to get the full red, white, and blue flag tattooed across his entire face. On each cheek are the quotes "Land of the Free" and "God Bless America." Hopefully, he'll never become an expat.

Wouldn't it be awkward to have that facial tattoo and then proceed to move up to Canada or somewhere else? At least our tattooed friend is easy to find in a crowd.
At Least He Spelled "Stupid" Right
We aren't sure why, but it does seem less often that you see words as tattoos when they are located on people's faces. This man went with a very strong and simple tattoo when he decided to get the word "Stupid" tattooed on his forehead. We appreciate him keeping it simple, but we have to wonder who he is calling stupid. Is it himself or those who read his tattoo?

Until we know who this message was intended for, it is difficult to share our feelings about this face tattoo. The confusion can be easily remedied with a "You're" or "I'm" addition.
Voldemort Has Been Growing Out His Beard
We are sure that everyone remembers the iconic moment in the first Harry Potter movie and book where it is revealed Lord Voldemort is living in the back of the professor's head. However, after seeing that plot twist we were not inspired to immediately get a tattoo of someone's face on the back of our skull, unlike this guy. We appreciate the man's dedication to the bit as he even grew out his second face's beard.

Not only has Voldemort grown a beard with a very nice handlebar mustache, but the Dark Lord has also gained a nose. It would seem things are looking up for Lord Voldermort.
Hairline Tattoos Shouldn't Be Permanent
Hairline tattoos are a cosmetic procedure to make it appear that one has hair follicles. It is a common choice for men experiencing male pattern baldness. However, instead of receiving that procedure, this gentleman got confused and decided to just tattoo a permanent hairline. So, rather than having his scalp covered in tattooed hair follicles, we can only see where the man's hairline once was before his male pattern baldness began.

The tattoo wouldn't be as horrid if he didn't grow the hair on the back of his head so long. The end result is a warning to all men to take better care of their precious locks.
This Man Is Leaning Into His Labels
We have all met a racist at some point in our lives. Sometimes their prejudices and biases are apparent and, other times, they cover up their true feelings. This man wanted to world to be very clear that he is a racist so that the world wouldn't mistake his actions for anything else. At least he is giving the warning so that minority people can avoid him at all costs.

We do have to wonder what the man will do if he is ever looking for employment. Even a position that wouldn't mind face tattoos might find an issue with this one.
Hopefully They Will Never Break up
Couples do the cutest thing to remember and enjoy each other's company and time. However, many relationships are going to come to end at some point and getting tattoos of each other is often a dangerous gamble. Obviously, this couple must be truly in love as she got a tattoo of her boyfriend's face on her cheek. However, based on her disbelief that she actually went through with it doesn't bode well for this relationship's longevity.

The Snapchat image of her dismay clearly shows that she will soon, if not already, regret the decision to mark their relationship on her face with that permanent tattoo.
Multi-Purpose and Anime Inspired
The inspiration for a tattoo can come from nearly everywhere, including your favorite anime. This woman seems to vibe with several different anime characters who've had face tattoos and has decided to do a permanent cosplay of her favorite character. This collection of facial tattoos is rather unique and quite striking. We also approve of the tattoo's multiple purposes. By tattooing a ruler on her face she will never need to find a ruler again.

Honestly, this is rather inspiring. Not only would we get a ruler tattooed on our body, but we would get another super useful tattoo like the periodic table.
A Spider Facial Tattoo Is a Strong Decision
There are numerous creatures, symbols, letters, and objects that can be tattooed on one's face, but there is one that would seem to be especially unadvisable, spiders. Most people have a deep-seated lack of trust for spiders, but this guy decided that was what he wanted. Now he has a massive spider on his right cheek. We wonder if the reflection scares him when he looks in the mirror.

That would be a great tattoo for getting up in the mornings. Every time you look in the mirror you will have a minor heart attack to get the blood flowing.
A Tattooed Helmet Doesn't Work
Helmets have been used for thousands of years to protect our precious noggins from injury. Even in modern times, we have hard hats and biking helmets to ensure we don't get any head injuries. Unfortunately, helmets are designed to be physically present on our heads and a tattooed version wouldn't serve the intended purpose. Therefore, we have to wonder about the exact reason this man decided on this specific tattoo.

Also, with so much surface area being covered in this tattoo we have to question why he decided only on a mono-color tattoo without adding any interesting designs.
Let's Not Forget That Our Skin Ages
The biggest warning against getting tattoos is the fact that our bodies age and will change as time goes on. So you will have to be 100% sure that you will still want that tattoo as your body morphs and your skin wrinkles. This warning is even more true for facial tattoos, as those will surely change as your face ages. This woman had very little doubt and went with a full-face tattoo.

Sadly we can't tell what the tattoo use to be. As the woman aged her tattoo just became a blurry mess of black lines and she doesn't look happy about it.
A Secret Hello Kitty Fan
Most tattoos are based on something meaningful or beautiful. Perhaps, your tattoos aren't particularly meaningful, but the practice of getting a tattoo is itself a powerful activity to express your artistic freedom. Either way, the tattoos people receive usually have some logical connection to the person. For example, a religious person might get a cross or a biblical verse. With that being said, we are unsure why this gentleman got a Hello Kitty tattoo on his forehead.

The Hello Kitty icon is certainly well done, but it just doesn't seem to be a tattoo that would hold specific meaning to this man. Perhaps he is secretly a massive fan.
Don't Forget That You Only Live Once
The popular acronym YOLO rose in fame and use because of the rapper Drake back in the 2010s, but has stayed relevant to this day. The acronym stands for the phrase "you only live once," and is often used as a motivator to push ourselves out of our comfort zones. YOLO was definitely on this man's mind when he decided to get the acronym permanently tattooed on his forehead.

It is a simpler face tattoo and serves as a constant reminder to live in the moment. Hopefully, the man won't regret his living-in-the-moment decision of a face tattoo.
A Drastic Career Change
One common warning people get before getting a tattoo that will be visible is that you want to ensure your career will not be impacted by your choice of tattoo or where you place it. This is doubly true for face tattoos as those cannot be covered up with a jacket or a long sleeve shirt. However, this man would seem to not let his full, colorful face tattoo stop him from being a professional.

The headshot and the business suit stand out in contrast to the full ink across the man's face. Who knows, this man might just be an extremely successful businessman.
Man Must Really Love Ice Cream
The very nature of face tattoos is that they're bold. After all, not everyone, even lovers of tattoos, would be willing to get a tattoo on their face. The effort to cover them up would be too tedious. Therefore, people who get face tattoos usually know exactly why they are getting them and it makes a large statement to everyone they encounter. For example, this gentleman has a very clear love of ice cream.

If this man would ever meet U.S. President, Joe Biden, they would be quick friends over their shared love of ice cream. Wouldn't it be awkward if he was lactose intolerant?
Checkerboard Face Tattoo
If you have never played chess or checkers then you are missing out. The only real downside about these fun and smart board games is that you often require a board to be able to play properly. Fortunately, there is this one player who is super dedicated to his craft that he decided to make the game board a permanent addition to his face. At least, that is what we assume is happening here.

Honestly, this man probably is not the biggest checkers or chess player out there, but we are confused about what other motivations could have led to this particular tattoo design.
The Fine Line Between Artistic and Terrifying
Tattoos are artwork. Each is unique and can be created with different methods that make widely varying effects. When it comes to getting a tattoo on your face you want to stay consistent and ensure that you'll enjoy the results of the artist's efforts and its effects on those around you. This man's face tattoo depicts half of his face as a skull. While beautiful, this tattoo is guaranteed to make children permanently terrified of you.

Although the longer we think about it, maybe this man hates children and this is intentionally used as a deterrent to avoid any possible interactions with them. Maybe we should get one.
The Tattooed Rag-Doll
Tattoos are a subcategory underneath the larger body modification umbrella. While modifications can consist of anything from stretched earlobes to piercing there are also the widely popular tattoos people can get. Like all body modifications, the practice of altering your body can be taken too far in the eyes of many. This man might be considered to have done exactly that with his tattooed eyeballs, colored patchwork faces tattoo, and nose piercings.

The man's face is very colorful and we can appreciate the dedication he has for turning his body into a piece of art. We also hope that he never regrets it.
Facial Hair Tattoos
Beards and mustaches are popular expressions of male masculinity. While the hipster movement has brought back the popularity of long beards and curvy mustaches, facial hair has consistently been present throughout history. Unfortunately, due to a variety of reasons not all men can grow facial hair or full beards. In these circumstances, tattoos provide a possible solution. This man felt the need to get a proper mustache and decided to get one permanently tattooed onto his lip.

The result is a strong mustache, but the realism was not quite achieved. Sadly, if he isn't capable of growing facial hair he'll have a tough time covering up this tattoo.
It Sure Is a Colorful Tattoo
Have you ever been in that situation where you can't compliment a person so you awkwardly compliment something adjacently related? If your answer was yes, then same. In this case, we got to say that this person's face tattoo is colorful. We aren't quite sure what the tattoo is or what it is showing us. Feels like a modern art installment. However, the man's grin seems to say he is quite content.

We aren't going to criticize the tattoo because we wouldn't want to ruin this guy's smile. However, we need to know which tattoo artist did this so we can avoid them.
Flaming Skull Vs. Robotic Skeleton
Once again, the topic of the theme must be discussed. Tattoos are a permanent addition to our bodies and keeping a central theme going is important for artistic integrity. After all, no one wants to get a cover-up done or go through the painful process of tattoo removal. In this case, the man never seemed to get the message and has two completely different tattoos warring for attention on his face.

One is this awesome flaming skull that looks amazing. The other is an artistic reveal of a robotic skeleton underneath the man's skin. Both are works of art but are off theme.
That Isn't Art That Is Just Scribbles
Anyone here who has sketched a drawing or has used a pen and paper in their day-to-day lives knows that sometimes you make mistakes. If you are not particularly bothered by smudges or some scratch marks then you have probably covered those mistakes by rubbing them out or scribbling over the mistaken line or word. However, this technique of removing errors is not suitable for permanent tattoos, especially those on the face.

It looks like the tattoo artist was attempting to smudge out or scribble over a previous tattoo. Unfortunately, this technique for covering up unwanted tattoos leaves something to be desired.
A Parent's Love for Their Child
If you are a parent then you know the love you have for your children. Even if you don't have children you have first-hand experience of the love that parents have for their children. This love is a vast well that is truly incomprehensible. Even though that love is there forever does not mean that we should be getting portraits of our children tattooed on our faces. This parent disagreed.

They have a beautiful portrait of their baby child right there on their right cheek. We can't imagine that the child will be too happy about this as they grow up.
Tattoo Cover Ups Are Hard
The thing about tattoos is that they're permanent. This means that they are extremely difficult, and oftentimes impossible, to fully remove. One method of getting rid of an unloved tattoo is to have a professional do a cover-up. This means that they will tattoo over the original, but this really takes an expert who knows what they are doing. It would appear this tattoo artist didn't know what they were doing and just drew a lot of lines.

Our bodies can be a beautiful canvas and, occasionally, we want to paint over our canvas. Some would see this as a unique opportunity to make something gorgeous, but not this tattoo artist.
"Sir, You Have a Fly on Your Nose"
Tattoos are a form of painting, but instead of a canvas, the artist uses your skin to bring their creation to life. People come in with an idea, but the artist has to bring your ideas to life on your skin in a rather permanent way. So when we take a look at this man's collection of face tattoos we are left wondering why he wanted a fly on his nose.

It is a really odd choice and seems to be completely unrelated to the barbed wire eyebrows or the teardrop tattoos. Perhaps, the fly is an inside joke or something?
Is That Tattoo Ink or a Ballpoint Pen?
Everyone has played around with the idea of getting a tattoo. Either you had your friend drew on your skin with a sharpie or a ballpoint pen to create an amateur image of what tattoo you might get when you are finally an adult. It would appear that even adults will do this from time to time. This woman has a face tattoo, but we aren't sure if it's a real tattoo or just some creative usage of a ballpoint pen.

Hopefully, this is the result of a mirror and a ballpoint pen because she might want to go back and rethink this one. We aren't sure what it's even supposed to be.
Why Does He Look so Terrified?
We aren't sure why, but there does appear to be a popular opinion that people with face tattoos are scary. Perhaps people feel this because they question the person's decision-making skills or they just associated face tattoos with people who commit illicit activities. Either way, it is not our job to make assumptions and we shouldn't judge a book by its cover. However, this man is making that rather difficult.

The massive piercing, the gaping hole in his bottom lip, and the full face tattoo are all reasons that you'd question what kind of life led this person to get this look.
Not a Single Blank Spot
Tattoos can come in all shapes and sizes. There are those who create majestic images that span their entire body and others have a tiny bird tattoo on their wrist. Both styles of tattoos have their own merits. This man definitely leaned towards the first option when getting his tattoos as he has covered his entire face with a collection of smaller tattoos. Analyzing his tattoos is like interpreting a busy painting.

Our analysis has left us with a question. Who exactly is "Teddy Boy"? Is that his nickname or someone else's? Does everyone call him Teddy Boy since it's on his forehead?
Is That the Look of Regret?
The warning that most people will give to those who want to get a tattoo is that "you'll regret it." We have all heard this warning, and it usually will not stop someone from getting a tattoo if they want one. However, while the warning might not sway someone from getting a tattoo, it might just be true. This person decided to get his entire face covered and the look in his eyes screams regret.

We are not going to be the ones to say that your mother told you because she probably is already reminding her son of the fact that she was right.
Why Is the Clown so Serious?
Clowns are often depicted as happy entertainers who seek to bring smiles to their audience's faces. The look of most clowns is that of exaggerated facial lines and features which is, usually, applied with makeup, but this person felt truly committed to his craft. He went and got a face tattoo of a clown's extremely large smile and raised eyebrows. Although, we do wonder why he didn't continue with the tattoos to get the complete look.

The problem that we see with this decision is that we feel it locks this man into a clown career forever. After all, those tattoos will make a career shift difficult.
The Skeleton Man
Skeletons are inherently creepy because they remind human beings of our mortality. This sense of our impending doom fascinates some, but it terrifies most people. Those who are fascinated by such thoughts can make choices that seem bizarre to the rest of us, such as this gentleman. He decided to tattoo his entire face with a skull that appears to be on fire. The artwork is amazing, but we are wondering what professional field he is working in.

We cannot imagine that any customer-facing positions will be quick to hire the Ghost Rider for their empty positions. However, we also think most jobs will be too scared to fire him.
Once You Start You Can't Stop
One thing about tattoos that most people don't know unless they have one is that tattoos usually take several sessions to finish. A smaller tattoo might only take a single session, but larger tattoos can take several weeks to complete. Therefore, once you begin the process you are locking yourself into an expensive journey. When we see this man with his facial tattoo we can sense that this is only the beginning.

We have no clue what it will end up being, and we are curious to find out. Hopefully, he won't come to regret the decision to get a face tattoo.
Are Tattoos a Family Tradition?
Getting a tattoo can be an activity that couples, friends, or family will do together. People will do this to create a physical manifestation of their bond on their bodies or because they got really drunk one night. We think that this man might have been the latter as he got the words "Family Tradition" permanently tattooed onto his upper lip. Did his Mom, Dad, and siblings all get in on this?

This tattoo was a strong choice and a great ice breaker. Hopefully, he is able to just grow a really big, bushy mustache to cover up this "family tradition."
A Permanent Superhero Costume
Superhero movies have been all the rage for the last decade or two with the famous Marvel movies' massive success and other franchises cashing in on the popular trend. Therefore, it is no surprise that some tattoos would be inspired by the latex-wearing heroes on the big screen. Such as this man who decided to even get a full-face tattoo that appears to be a superhero disguise or something.

We have to wonder what his secret superhero name is and what his superpowers might be so that we can be sure he gets his own Marvel movie or TV show.
Your Daughter's Future Boyfriend
We aren't sure why, but there is this strange rebellious phase that teenagers go through when they try to date the bad boys and bad girls from school. Do not ask us why, but it is in every TV show set in a high school. Therefore, it must be true. We imagine that this man's choice of entirely covering his face in ink makes him a prime option for your child's rebellious phase.

The real question is how will you respond when this super cool, bad boy hipster shows up at your front door for Thanksgiving dinner? Will there be a murder attempt?
"Dude, You Have a Spider on Your Face"
Spiders are incredibly creepy creatures. We aren't sure if it is their multiple legs, the way they crawl, the bite, or what, but we do know that they give us the heebie-jeebies. So we aren't exactly sure what was going through this man's mind when he tattooed a gigantic one across his face. We must conclude that his friends must not have an issue with the creepy, crawly creature.

Giving it some thought leads us to the conclusion that the man can be scared of spiders, but it wouldn't matter because he can't see it. Only the people around him can.
A Unique Take on a Popular Tattoo
Tattoos are a popular addition to anybody, and some tattoo images or designs are more popular than others. The popularity of the rose tattoo can be attributed to its versatility and how striking of an image the common rose will be on anybody. This girl knew that she wanted a rose tattoo, but she didn't want hers to be one among many and decided to do something unique. Such as getting it right in the middle of her forehead.

We agree that the rose is a great tattoo choice and that her tattoo's placement will draw the attention of others. However, we aren't sure she will love it being there forever.
Country and Familial Pride
The culture of families having unique crests was left behind in the medieval ages, but we can all admire how cool it would be to have one for ourselves. This man would appear to be someone who is truly committed to the idea of bringing back the family crests in modern times. Instead of placing them on a shield or a banner in his home, he has them permanently placed several on his forehead.

While we appreciate the dedication this man has to bringing back family crests, we think that not many people will be willing to get their crests tattooed on their faces.
Going All in on the Body Modifications
We all have that one friend or family member who takes their hobby way too far. Perhaps, they are apocalypse believers and have an underground bunker or they are a Potterhead who only speaks about Snape's morality. This would be an example of a tattoo and body modification hobby taken too far. It seems the man is only partially done with tattooing his face entirely green, but don't worry because he already has the horns installed.

The end result of this will leave our friend looking like an alien and we really want to see how he feels about this transformation in a few decades as Grandpa Martian.