This article was originally published on VisualChase
It's A Real Centaur
So you may be wondering what went wrong here. Well, her coat covers her back so you can't see where her legs start.

It could be an optical illusion, or she might actually be a centaur; guess we'll never know.
Two-Headed Puppy
If you are a Harry Potter fan, you might remember Fluffy the three-headed dog from Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone.

It is believed he had puppies with a two-headed dog, and this is one of their babies. How cute is baby fluffy.
Vroom, Vroom
This one will really blow your mind. Is it a separate car, or it that part of the van's design?

The third and correct option is that it is two separate cars, and the woman is part of the design on the van that lines up perfectly with the convertible.
He Is Rocking Those Daisy Dukes
This man is not afraid to show off his very long legs in those short shorts. He rocks them better than most people.

Unless that is his girlfriend standing behind him with her head hidden on his shoulder, which would make much more sense.
Giant Baboon On The Loose
What would you do if a giant baboon started attacking your car? Would you run away or would you try to drive your car?

It looks like this baboon could pick up the car and play with it like a toy.
Peggy The Peg Leg
This runner has a case of the disappearing leg. We don't know where it went, but she might need it to run the race.

Even the other girl in the picture looks confused. She must be saying, "Girl, where did your leg go? Did you leave it in the locker room?"
Where One Cat Ends, Another Begins
Either this cat is good at splits, or two cats have morphed together. These cats are perfectly sitting to make one long cat.

How do cats morph together? Is there some sort of machine that does it for you?
The Upgraded Flying Carpet
Instead of a flying carpet, we now have a flying stage. You can show the princess the entire world while performing a concert.

This photo really messes with your brain because the shadow of the flag looks like it is the shadow for that stage.
Extra Long Legs
This man must be at least seven feet tall with legs that long. How does he find pants that fit his inseam properly?

It must be difficult to do sit comfortably this bench because his long legs are hanging off.
Big Foot Baby
Wow, this baby has the biggest feet we have ever seen on a person that size. He must have started walking very early on.

With feet those big, he could be a close relative of bigfoot. He is the answer to finally figure out if Bigfoot exists.
Fish Have Started Growing Human Arms
The fish have started to evolve, and they are growing arms to compete with other underwater animals.

He is about to reach out and grab the other fish as prey.
"Man-dog, man-dog, alone in a little world was a man-dog." Instead of Cat-Dog, we present man-dog.

Here we have another dog who has kept his body and opted for a human head.
She has Really Long Arms
Call the Guinness Book of World Record's because this girl has the world's longest arms compared to her body length.

Her arms reach past three children on each side. Now that is impressive. In actuality, the girl in the middle is at the perfect angle to align with the other arms.
Big Man, Little Head
Instead of having the problem with t-rex arms, this person has a small head and a little body.

It must be hard for him to find hats that fit his tiny head, and shirts that are big enough for his body and small enough for his neck.
Dive In
They said Jesus could walk on water, but they never said he could lie down on top of the water.

He is levitating above the water so gracefully. He must have sunk the second after this photo was taken.
She Must Be A Yoga Master
When the yoga instructor tells you to go into an upward facing dog, and there is that one girl in the class who is extra flexible and shows off.

This woman must have an extra long torso to be able to sit like this, or her baby is sitting in front of her.
When Giant Seagull Attack
Regular sized birds can be very frightening, so giant birds would be even scarier. This man could be crushed by the bird in an instant.

It is like the Alfred Hitchcock movie, The Birds has come to life, but all the birds are supersized. Now that would be a nightmare.
Twerk It!
This guy is twerking to some throwback hip-hop songs, and he doesn't care who is watching.

He might want to look the other way because there must be something more interesting considering everyone else is looking over there.
That's An Old Baby
Is that a baby with a grown man's head? This person may have Benjamin Button syndrome, but only his body is reverse aging.

It is also possible that the baby's face lines up with his father's face at this angle to make him look like he has an adult head.
Who Is Being Lifted?
We can't tell if the woman on the right or in the middle is the person being lifted. Their outfits blend into each other, making it hard to distinguish.

We think the woman in the middle is the one being held, while the woman on the right is just standing at a bizarre angle.
Googly Eyes
The perfect photo doesn't exi-- oops, we were wrong. The reflection in his glasses makes it look like he is wearing cartoon eyes.

They definitely took this picture on purpose because there is no way this was accidental.
It is such a coincidence that the gorilla was wearing the same outfit as that boy. Who wore it better?

It is also perfect how the reflection of his clothes lines-up with the gorilla's body.
Dogs got sick of their owners, and they decided to put their heads on human bodies so they can take care of themselves.

This dog decided to take the train to visit friends in different cities because he couldn't do that before he was half-human.
Foot Transplant
The doctors got her hand transplant mixed up and accidentally put a foot where her hand should have been.

Her hand is at a strange angle that makes it seem like she has a foot hand, but it's just the way the photo was taken.
Honey, I Made The Kid A Giant
Remember the movie Honey, I Blew Up The Kid? Well, it seems like the dad scientist has made another mistake and made this child a giant.

The perspective of this picture makes it seem like the girl has been turned into a giant and is about to sit on some innocent pool-goers.
Is She Holding A Photograph?
It might take your brain a minute to understand if the girl is holding a photograph or if the rocks make a square.

Once you figure this photo out, you will never be able to unsee it.
He Has A Fantastic Body
The man in the background must be hitting the gym often because his legs are incredible.

The family taking the picture must have blurred that out so they wouldn't have to see it every time they looked back on this photo.
Wow, Three Legs
This girl must be able to get places much faster than the average human because she has three legs. It must have been difficult to get used to that at first.

Oh wait, that third leg is a vase. We would have been more impressed with a third leg.
Mess With A Bull, You Get The Horns
She went to see the cows and the bulls, and she felt so connected to them that she grew a pair of horns.

It is great that the photographer perfectly lined up her head with the bull behind her so she could have horns.
Put Some Clothes On
It is so rude when people go out in public and are not dressed appropriately. This woman should cover up her hairy chest.

She should be more aware that there are people around who don't want to see her hairy chest.
Outfit Swap
This looks like the couple decided to swap outfits for this picture. If that were the case, they both look great in each other's outfits.

These people are getting the perfect angles to achieve these body swap photos.
How Many Legs Does She Have?
It is not lady-like to sit with your legs spread open. You should never try to show your underwear.

The seat blends in perfectly with her skin tone to look like a third leg when, in reality, they are crossed to the side.
His Face Was Erased
Someone was in the middle of making an avatar and didn't like the face so they erased it to start over again.

The hairline gives it away, but if this man were fully bald, it would have looked like a blank face.
Something Is Off With His Arm
This looks like someone edited his arm and accidentally made it too long and too skinny.

If you look closely you can see that the hand and forearm belong to the person lying under the table.
Uh Oh, That's Embarrassing
Do you think their friend knows that she was caught on camera with her butt exposed? She was probably embarrassed to see this picture.

She was probably also confused because she was wearing pants. It turns out her friend's armpit could pass for a butt.
His Arm Changes Colors
In this photo, it looks like his hand is holding her shoulder, but his arm seems the change color at the elbow. It is very confusing to the eyes.

We are going to assume both their hands are out of the picture because the arm with the white sleeve belongs to the girl.
"Is Anyone In There?"
This looks like one of those cartoons when a person takes the head off a robot to look inside of it.

Maybe he is checking to see that all his mechanics are working so he can continue playing.
Is She Naked?
Oh no! Someone should have told her it was a formal even and clothes are required. She must have been so embarrassed.

Ok, so maybe she isn't naked, cause more people would have been staring. The woman standing in front of her has her arm out so it looks like she is naked.
Sir, You Might Want To Cover Up
"Grandpa, I thought we talked about this, you can't expose yourself like that to people. It is very inappropriate."

They must have had a funny reaction after seeing how the photo turned out. Hopefully, there was a retake.
He Must Be A Vampire
The only person who could have no reflection is a vampire. It is a known fact that vampires do not show up in mirrors, much like this man.

Somehow she was able to block him in the mirror entirely so his reflection wouldn't show up.
This horse has a smaller horse inside it that controls it like a robot. That is the only obvious explanation.

If you couldn't see the body of the black horse, this would have been a believable photo of horse-ception.
One Head, Two Bodies
This photo really makes you wonder what happened to the other woman's head. It seems to have completely disappeared.

It seems like the woman in the white has taken over the second body to have one head and two bodies.
Free Piggy Back Rides
The man in the back looks like he joined in on their family photo for a piggyback ride. His legs must be tired from sitting on the boat all day.

Do you think the family knows this man and he posed for the photo like this, or were they just as confused as us?
Who's Carrying Who?
She must be really strong to be able to carry this man unless he is very light. She also is sporting an interesting choice of shoes and pants.

In reality, he is carrying her, but it is still a strange way to carry a person. Who picks a person up like that with one arm?
Her Legs Disappeared
She must be a ghost because her legs magically vanished. Is she wearing Harry Potter's invisibility cloak?

We don't know how she got her hands on the only invisibility cloak in the world, but she could have used it for something more exciting.
How Does Her Body Twist Like That?
Is her head detached from her body? Is she one of Frankenstein's creations that is malfunctioning?

In this lighting, her sweater blends in with the woman's shirt behind her, and it looks like her body is detached.
Like Cat-Dog Without The Cat
Remember Cat-dog? Well, this is cat-dog without the cat, so we guess it would be called dog-dog.

We don't know how this happened, but the owners must have been surprised when they got a two-headed Yorkie.