This article was originally published on TastyArea
The Perfect Avocado Doesn't Exi--
What is the worst thing about avocados? It is the pit. That thing can ruin the avocado because it can take up too much room and leave only a little edible avocado.
This avocado is pitless so that you can eat the entire thing. You also don't have to struggle to remove the pit while trying not to chop off a finger.
How Many Yolks Do You Think Are Inside The Giant Egg
This person found one giant egg in their henhouse, and it is twice the size of the other eggs. That one egg could make double the amount of scrambled eggs.
Maybe an ostrich disguised itself as a chicken and laid this egg while everyone was asleep and then left.
The Magical Wizard Gummy In A Bag Full Of Bears
This person found a mysterious golden wizard in their bag full of gummy bears. Maybe it was part of a contest, and if you find the golden wizard, you get a prize from Haribo.
It is possible that if you make a wish and then eat this wizard gummy, all your dreams and desires will come true. Who knows, it could work.
A Handy Carrot
When you need an extra hand while making dinner, use the handy dandy carrot hand. With time it could grow into a whole carrot person.
This hand-shaped carrot looks like something you could find in a vegetable horror movie. Just imagine if carrots grew upwards instead of down into the ground, this carrot would be reaching out to grab you from the soil.
I Shall Call You Clemintiny
This clementine must have been pregnant because it came with a little clementine within it. The person who opened this just performed a successful (vitamin) c-section.
We have to know if the small clementine tasted just as good as the regular-sized one. We hope it did.
Nonna And Her Giant Tomatoes
This person's Nonna wanted him to post a picture of her tomatoes on the internet, so "everyone in Italy can see how big they have gotten." She looks like the proudest tomato grower the internet has ever seen.
Italy must be super proud of this woman and her beautiful tomatoes. We know whose house we want to go to for Sunday dinner.
Get The Shuck Out Of Here, It's A Pearl From An Oyster
This person found a pearl while they were eating their oysters, that must be good luck. Maybe they can use it to make one earring or a single pearl necklace.
This person should start a pearl collection so that one day they will have an entire strand of pearls.
The Mutant Carrot Overlord
The mutant carrots are taking over the planet. This is their leader who has come to access if the earth will be a suitable home for its species.
The best way to take care of something like this is to kill it with fire, salt, pepper, and a little garlic for extra flavor.
For Nutritional Purposes, This Counts As One Gummy Bear
We don't know if these melted together or if they didn't get cut apart in the factory, but this person was lucky enough to find a gummy chain!
You have a few options with this chain. You can cut them apart or consider it as one gummy bear and eat the whole thing.
These four bananas grew in one giant peel. They almost look like an old-timey barbershop quartet that would go by the name bananashop quartet.
The real question here is if the person ate all four bananas at once because they came in one peel. What do you do with the other bananas now that they are not in the peel?
Like A Perfect Cheese Blanket For Your Burger
This picture-perfect cheeseburger finally looks like all the advertisements on TV. This is the most satisfying cheese melt we have seen in a while, and it's a shame that it is going to be gone in a few minutes.
They just need to add tomato, onion, and a better bun to make this the perfect burger to exist.
A Boy And His Abnormally Large Squash
This boy is squashing the competition with his fun dance moves. He is someone who knows how to showcase a prize-winning squash.
He also seems to have the longest arms that can display the squash well. He is very proud of this squash find.
Italians Finally Found The Perfect Amount Of Garlic
When a recipe calls for one clove of garlic, this is probably what they are talking about. That is the largest clove of garlic we have ever seen.
This would save a lot of time when it comes to peeling each clove of garlic. Apparently, the larger it is, the less taste the garlic has.
Every Avocado Lovers Dream
This avocado is almost two kilograms, which is massive. This person should have a guacamole party for the amount of avocado they can get from this.
We wonder what size the pit is inside of this avocado. It would be nice if the pit was not bigger than an average-sized avocado, so you could get a lot out of the big one.
Possibly The World's Largest Blackberry
Tiny hand verse giant blackberry. This little girl found an extra-large berry, and we want to know how people are finding these unusually large foods.
Since her hands are so small, we need a better object to compare for scale, like a banana.
Someone Will Be Having Collard Greens For Weeks
Based on the size of this one leaf, imagine how massive the rest of the plant was. You could use that one leaf to make collard greens for a long time.
They look so proud of their giant leaf as if it was one of their children. It's like they are posing with it before it leaves for college.
This Person Grew A Giant Cabbage
We don't know what kind of miracle grow people are using in their soil, but these giant plants are impressive in size. The man looks small in comparison to the cabbage.
It almost looks like the cabbage is a costume that he is wearing for a middle school play about eating your vegetables.
An Apple With An Apple Growing Out Of It
"We are siamese if you please." These apples are like siamese twins and we don't know how to feel about it. It's like it has a head growing out of its shoulder and we are uncomfortable thinking about that.
We are not sure how this happened, but it is a strange phenomenon. We shall call them the conjoined twins of the apple world.
Berry Big Berries
These blueberries are gigantic in comparison to an average-sized one. We wonder where this person found them or if they have a unique plant that grows giant blueberries.
Maybe this person's home is close to a nuclear facility, and that is why their berries have grown so much larger than normal ones.
Lemon The Size Of Her Head
This woman found a very large lemon, and we are curious about what she is going to make with it.

She could make many batches of lemon bars or gallons of lemonade. There are so many possibilities with this monstrous lemon.
The Giant Zucchinis Are Taking Over
This man could not be happier with his harvest of giant mutant zucchinis. We wouldn't be smiling, considering that it looks like they are going to take over his home.
The man who grew them says he grows them for show and the largest one was 131 pounds.
Cookies 'N Cream...More Like Cookie And Cream
This person's popsicle came with a full Oreo inside of it. At least she can now be sure that there are genuine Oreos inside instead of other generic cookies.
At least there were other small cookie bits in it instead of only having one oreo and ice cream.
A Bicycle In A World Full Of Penne Pasta
This person found a single piece of bicycle pasta in his penne. It must be a sign of what he should do after he eats all the pasta.
This is like finding an onion ring in your french fries; you know it isn't supposed to be there, but you aren't mad about it.
When Life Gives You Mutant Lemons...Make A Ton Of Lemonade
This person grew a large lemon, and they have the regular-sized lemon next to it for reference. The giant lemon looks like it is going to bully the small one.
Aren't you curious to see if the inside of the lemon has more juice than a regular lemon? We would like to know.
Surprise Triple Banana
These three bananas grew together to create one mega banana. This person seems to have dug into the banana, but are they really going to eat three bananas in one sitting?
It is so interesting how fruits can morph together to form a giant fruit, but that could also be the plot of a scary movie.
Instead Of Corn On The Cob, It's Grapes On The Cob
This cluster of grapes looks like Marge Simpson's hair from The Simpsons. She must have seen this picture and felt inspired by the look.
We have never seen a cluster of grapes how in such a perfect clump, but they look good enough to eat on a hot summer day.
Miracles Can Really Happen!
It is a rare thing to open a yogurt and has no yogurt left on the lid. It is so perfectly clean and smooth. It almost makes you not want to eat it because it is so smooth.
It's like when you see fresh snow, but you don't want to mess it up because it looks clean and untouched.
Not Complaining, But That Is One Giant Chocolate Chip
This person found an extra-large chunk of chocolate in their ice cream, and it looks so delicious. The only reason to be upset about this is if it was the only chocolate chip.
This specific ice cream brand, Graeter's, is known for having huge chocolate chunks because of how they make their ice cream.
Happy Grapeween!
This grape turned into a small pumpkin shape, and it is so adorable. A pumpkin must have cheated on his wife with some grapevines.
We wonder if this was supposed to be many grapes, or the grape just grew misshaped and extra-large.
When You Get An Extra 42 Grams Of Skittles
Getting an extra 42 grams in a skittles bag that is supposed to be 61 grams is like winning the lottery. They usually fill bags like this with mostly air, so you get less than the package says.
It must really suck for the person who ended up with only 19 grams in the bag after this one got to extra. We would not want to be that person.
Sausage Grape
This long grape looks like a suffocating baby carrot. Why is this grape so long? Are there grapes that grow like this naturally?
These are actually called withes finger grapes, and they do sort of resemble a creepy looking finger, so it makes sense.
They Said It Was "Low Calorie"
The Chocolatey Delight cereal by Special K is supposed to be a healthy alternative to eating other sugary breakfast cereals. However, this is not making anyone think that this is a healthy alternative.
That bowl has more chocolate in it than a candy bar, but some people wouldn't be complaining because this cereal is so addicting.
Strawberry That Turned Into A Splatberry
We have seen some pretty impressive shaped strawberries at the grocery store, but nothing like this massive berry.
This looks like a strawberry-shaped coin purse that is holding a ton of change ready to be put into the coin machine.
"One Clove Of Garlic Is the Perfect Amount"
This person found a head of garlic in their garden, and the entire thing morphed into one clove. This might be the only instance when one clove is enough.
The biggest question we have about these food oddities is why the vegetables are mutation and morphing together?
This Man Stole A Fairy's Home From The Forest
A man found this mushroom in the forest by his home, and the egg is for reference to show how big it is. If this were in a Mario game, he would grow four times bigger.
This man should feel really bad for taking this mushroom because he left an innocent fairy homeless, and now they have to find another suitable mushroom.
Is That Where Cabbage Patch Kids Come From?
This giant cabbage must be the home to a cabbage patch kid. This cabbage could make enough sauerkraut and kimchi to feed a whole village.
Where did this person find cabbage that large, and why did they leave it in the back of a truck? Shouldn't it be refrigerated?
When You Find The Bonus Fry At The Bottom Of The Bag
This boy could not be more proud of the fact that he got an extra-long fry from his school cafeteria. Also, why is he holding it like that?
How do they make fries that long? What kind of potatoes are they using because this looks more like a golden noodle?
How Will They Cut This Massive Sweet Potato?
This person was digging in their garden, and they found this giant sweet potato growing on the side of their house. They are going to need a machete to cut through this thing.
How do you not know potatoes are growing in your garden? Luckily, he found this before it started rotting.
When They Forget To Cut A Roll Of Cheerios
This person found an extra long cheerio in her cereal, and now we think that she could use it as a straw if it has a hole on the other end.
Cheerios should start marketing cheerio straws like this so people can drink the milk leftover in their cereal bowls and then eat the straw.
This Squash Is Taller Than Most Children
This squash is four feet long. It is called a tromboncino squash, and it is taller than a child. That is enough squash to feed a family for two weeks.
Besides the long squash, we can't help but wonder why they need so many different coffee pots.
Finally! A Drink That Is Not Partially Air
Usually, in beverages, there is a bit of air left in the bottle before it is sealed. This person found a bottle without any air in it, but there is a problem with this.
When he tries to open the bottle, the drink is going to spill everywhere, and he will probably lose the same amount that is usually air.
How Big Was The Lobster That Was Attached To That Claw?
This person found a five-pound lobster claw, and it makes you wonder how big the rest of the lobster was. Can you imaging what kind of monster was attached to this claw?
It would be funny if the lobster was regular size but had a giant claw that it had to carry around.
A Banana's Impression Of A Mango
This bunch of bananas formed one giant banana that looks like a mango in a weird way. Maybe it's trying to be a different fruit so it won't be picked.
It is so interesting to see all these odd-shaped fruits and vegetables that grew naturally.
They Will Have Carrot Juice For An Entire Day
This shop got a giant carrot with its vegetable delivery, and it was the size of his forearm. How much juice do you think they can get from just the carrot?
This guy looks pretty happy to have received an unusually sized carrot. It probably didn't fit in the juicer.
A Bun Inside A Bun
This person found a perfectly formed hamburger bun inside his hamburger bun. Once he removed it, he left a recent moon shape.
How does that even happen? Was it just a large air bubble that happened to look like a bun?
This Apple Could Make An Entire Apple Pie
Someone bought this large apple that weighed 1.2 pounds. That is enough to feed multiple people. You would need a whole jar of peanut butter to accompany this.
If someone ever wanted to shoot an apple off your head, this is the apple you should use because no one can miss it.
When You Get Two Fruit By The Foot In One Package
This person hit the jackpot because they got two Fruit by the Foots in one package, which is basically like winning the lottery.
Now they have two feet of artificial goodness. That guy should have played the real lottery because he seemed to be having good luck that day.
Four Packs Of Chips For The Price Of Two
This is what happens when the packages don't get cut off from each other in the factory. This person got double chip bags for the price of two regular chips.
It would be so much better if these were fully packed with chips instead of 80 percent air.
That's Enough Hot Cheetos Dust To Cause An Ulcer
Someone found this large clump of hot Cheetos powder at the bottom of their bag, and if they tried to eat that they would have heartburn for days.
Hopefully the person saved it to sprinkle on other foods like pizza or nachos. That's the only appropriate use.
The Corn Flake Turned Into A Corn Chip
This person found an over-sized corn flake in their cereal and it looks more like a corn chip than a flake.
They could have used it to scoop up the smaller pieces of cereal instead of a spoon. How does that even happen?
A Chunk Of Baked Cheetos
This person found a clump of baked Cheetos in their bag, and it looks like you could use it as a weapon to throw at someone.
How would someone go about eating that? Do you bite into it like an apple or try to break it apart?